Was there a current event or incident that made you right wing?
Was there a current event or incident that made you right wing?
future prospects
The left's social-justice hypocrisy. They completely ignored the Clintons.
Fucking this, why wouldn't a bong not vote far right after that incident
Refugee crisis in europe
I'm not right wing, I'm centrist. Just everything is so far Left that my views seem right wing.
michael brown
Black lives matter riots in Baltimore.
I was there.
Paris attacks combined with Shaun King and Khaled Bey saying we deserved them because White people.
I got black pilled about Belgium after the terrorist attack last year. In fact it was the political and societal reaction on the attack that black pilled me. I knew it was going to happen but my god how cucked the public reacted after 2 dirty bombs in our capital...
growing up in a shitty rural town.
it showed me the true nature of people and how they tend to need a strong society, culture and moral code to keep them in line.
the primary desire of the human being is to transcend so society must be formed around this main core ideal.
this is what i think at least
NEET life
George Zimmerman trials, the whole thing was blown completely up because HE DINDU NUFFIN!
Did they really say that? Wow, what dicks
The best part about zimzam is the fucking media called him white
I wasn't even a Trump supporter during the election now I love him because how butthurt the media and celebrities are
This. For me it wasn't one event but a slow disgust at the radical left on my campus,
My university student union all do jazz hands instead of applauding when someone finishes a speech at a meeting, so not to trigger people's clap anxiety.
Also they have to introduce themselves and their pronouns.
I demand the basic right of people assuming my gender without me having to announce that whilst I look like a man I am actually a man.
San Bernardino Terrorist attacks
Turned me full National Socialist, especially beaners at my local university were praising the white guys who got killed.
Nah, I was born this way.
I once tried to actually do something in real life politics, which brought me in contact with those people behind the curtains. The leftists I met that were publicly talking about being nice to everyone were the fucking worst humans I've ever met.
>My university student union all do jazz hands instead of applauding when someone finishes a speech at a meeting, so not to trigger people's clap anxiety.
haha pls tell me this is a joke
The LA riots
The Sandy Hook hoax. Doesn't matter if it really happened or not. Days after the incident, Obama introduced legislation that would close the gun show loophole and limit magazine capacity, neither one of those things would have prevented the massacre to begin with. It would have however expanded the governments database of gun owners and of course limited citizens capacity to defend themselves. I had spent a great deal of time convincing my right wing friends that the government and Obama was not trying to take their guns. After that it was a matter of honor for me to admit I was wrong and become right wing. After that I could not fall for the (((Media))) emotional manipulation ever again. Pic related
Because modern Brits are castrati. They've been tricked into thinking that white people are the most evil ever, Britain the evil empire ever, and anything that destroys that is good.
They think they're being righteous by defending muslims no matter what.
I can't wait for the cull.
When the SJW mindset really started getting out there the last few years was when I started being more "right wing." I never even cared that much about gays and trannies and bright hair dye dyke sheboons, I just wanted them to get the fuck out of my face and not talk to me because they were irrelevant shitstains just like every other person Now I really enjoy seeing them get upset because they think they're special but they're just attention seeking trash. Oh, and fuck Muslims and their taqiyyah.
>praising the shooters
I sincerely hope this didn't happen
Being an isolated fat loser.
But as I started to lose fat and read more I became a evul godless librul.
When Hershey the wondadog got sprayed by that Marxist skunk
I shit you not mane
Idk about you I think I'd be more triggered by a room of men in dresses aggressively waving their hands at me when I spoke
The attitudes of leftists in the most recent election.
I fucking hate the left now.
I wanted to get laid. Realized my liberal values made me a pussified beta cuck. I'm still a virgin.
Yep, I just want to see those cucks suffer now.
> be average lefty, not having any strong opinions
> started watching thunderfoots videos on atheism years ago
> heh, stupid conservatives
> started making his videos debunking feminism and anita sarkeesian
> lel, leftists are this stupid too
> started watching other anti-feminist and MRA channels
> took my first bites of the redpill
> got in contact with more conservative and libertarian opinions
> discovered Sup Forums
> world view gradually shifted
> eventually became socially conservative right-wing libertarian
I was always rightwing but this shifted me far right.
I kept seeing the left completely ignore common sense as to not hurt people's feelings and to appeal to social justice, no matter how fucking stupid it was.
The left and their ideals lack common sense and are extremely unintelligent if you really think.
Zimmerman trial on forward. Took a good bit for me to accept it. Still not comfortable with it all. Some of this seems like utter bullshit but the collusion between mass and democrats is undeniable.
Back when Gamergate kicked off i saw what the media was doing and the effects of liberalism.
Then the islamic terror attacks started becoming more common, or where just reported more.
I read news articles about shit happening in Europe. I don't understand why Euros are so passive and just let the government and police deal with the issues.
You pussies need to start killing them. Make them fear living down there and they will leave, and stop coming. When you just cry to your politicians nothing happens.
I kid you not, they would unironically post the shit on social media, along with their laraza bullshit. I'm telling you southern california is a shithole please nuke this place, there's no hope for any white people here.
Growing up with blacks and muslims and seeing the birth statistics. seeing too many foreigners everywhere. I feel sad man.
The overthrow of Gaddafi.
Post-USSR period.
the islamic invasion of europe
Studying history in uni.
The left made me right and the right made me center and the center made me a political atheist. Right/Left doesn't matter, the system fundamentally doesn't work. This is why I like Trump, he's different, a wild card, but still a slave to the system, unless he changes it.
Pretty much anything they did to the Swedish video game scene the past 5 years.
Tipping point was the debate of how context doesn't matter.
> pic related
I think it happened to a lot of French people as well, France is starting to be extremely redpilled
> explosion of hunting permits
> oversaturation of military and police appliances
I was never really left-wing 2bh, even as a kid and teen I was used to hearing jokes about other races from my family daily, my granddad especially. Some kids end up rebelling against this, but for me it was incredibly natural to hear this shit and I never thought any other way about it. It helped that friends and I used to make these jokes, too, even had several Asian friends that used to make them as well (I mean after all, why would a Nepalese kid give a shit about blacks or Muslims?)
Though I was still sort of rootless and agnostic up until more recent years. I was kinda pro-gay for no real reason and didn't really have any proper respect for nationalism or the white people as a PEOPLE until I really became more historically minded. Looking into the past, oftentimes quite far, helped me shape my view of the modern world and how open my eyes should always remain.
Thinking this way has ultimately been more beneficial for my mental state and I actually feel genuinely passionate for something, now, which was something these vague, "sort of" liberal opinions I had never gave me.
>I once tried to actually do something in real life politics, which brought me in contact with those people behind the curtains. The leftists I met that were publicly talking about being nice to everyone were the fucking worst humans I've ever met.
basically this except my parents instead of me and my childhood
labour unions are a breeding ground for big egos on unimpressive people
DICE games alone are a pretty good way to redpill somebody, 2bh
bad vidya game localizations
t. Sup Forums
there's no doubt that bataclan was a mass redpilling event
So my country needs terrorist attacks to become redpilled? Also did those Paris riots stop yet?
Ivan how do you see Russias future? your country has alot of opportunity yet so many live poor also in your big cities alot of muslims and ofc the Chechenian menace.
mass non-white immigration
The left's autistic screeching for everything. They always find something to be offended about.
We have to embrace the free market or die here.
Same here, the migrant crisis really pushed me to the right.
>. I was kinda pro-gay for no real reason and didn't really have any proper respect for nationalism or the white people as a PEOPLE until I really became more historically minded. Looking into the past, oftentimes quite far, helped me shape my view of the modern world and how open my eyes should always remain.
Same i used to be quite bitter about my country, Especially when my Finnish friends would be all nationalistic whilst no one here is. People only wave our flag during soccer. I had no problems with gays and all that nonsense. I always hate muslims though because they would start fights. That was always a thing weve never liked those. Some can be nice but in the big picture no. Then i got more into history and i shaped my own view more. Its tough to see how much this country has gone down the drain though.. Its also such a kick in the shins to see that the NSB (Our nationalist ww2 party) was 3000% more nationalistic than any current day dutch man.
I realized the Left is retarded and unreasonable.
The right can be annoying sometimes but at least they're not insane.
Bernie Sanders getting shut down by the ENTIRE dem party.....fucking shills.....still salty but voted for TRUMP b/c of that
Gamergate, around the same time my ex left me (she was literally full tumblr mode) which opened up my eyes, I was young and stupid
Now I am unironically, full 14/88 mode, strange how things turn out in the end
GamerGate. The blatant media collusion, the lying, it was all too fucking much. These vultures were using well-intentioned, previously respectable ventures such as "equality" as grounds for pushing their ideology onto everybody. The fact that GG is still brought up within MSM articles to this day as being some sort of concerted, deliberate hate-campaign against women only reaffirms every negative perception I'd held at the time. I was pushed right because the left makes no fucking sense anymore. Flagrant intellectual dishonesty coupled with their dishonest brand of moral authoritarianism tipped me over the edge, and there I will stay. These people would rather appeal to emotion and minorities to scapegoat the blame for their actions, and that is fucking disgusting.
>that kitten
I hope you develop more, You got so much clay. I wish Russia wouldnt be seen as a meme/war country. All people see in you is drunk slavs who wanna blow up the world! and ofc gommunism. I hope you somehow manage to modernise more and renovate alot of cities and that your people become smarter on the average.
9/11 is what made me begin leaning right because it made 12 year old me a realist.
I started browsing Sup Forums daily, because I wanted poz free news. This place is a powerful conversion device.
I'm surprised this didn't red pill more people.
Thank you.
look at my flag
Gaddafi was the initial thing for me, I was only 11 when 9/11 happened but I was already really sceptical and the combination of those two led me to who I am today.
I'm not that far right though.
Clinton Foundation
2005 riots
I love animals and i love random animal pictures.
So here have another :)
I hope i can one day own a self sufficient farm with my gf, With maybe chickens a dog and a cat, Maybe a cow or two.
Gamergate, SJW nonsense all around me because Melbourne, I found out that Marxism is absolute bullshit and that I'm a right-wing capitalist/libertarian.
As a wee babby though I always had that kicking feeling watching my older brother get piss drunk and all the cousins and their mates going out with slags to the club to get fucked up.
This sort of behaviour opened me to the thought of authoritarian control, the gang violence did too and a cop parent. But then I thought that this is the plight of a shit government, and the ignorance of rural Australia that they're reduced to the same boring shit for entertainment and cultural experience.
My redpill journey started with the Hebdo case. I thought the lefties would see the problem with islam. No they didn't, they made ridiculous arguments to defend it.
Completely done with Muslims and Muslim apologists.
You're welcome man, Also this might be a bit opinion based but. Do you think Crimea and Donbass should go to Russia? Ukraine is a weird country not even on map before ww2. I dont like the Eu demonizing Russia so much. And i dont like the EU in general.
The left completely abandoning the concept of individual responsibility (unless the person in question is white, of course). I still believe in a social safety net, but I don't believe the government should provide for every aspect of a persons life.
Reality made me right-wing.
i was in college studying for a compsci degree at the time
I had zero interest in going to a career filled with literally gay hipsters with no principles
Same here on cities near Barcelona. I feel you toothpaste bro.
Mostly it was just growing up and living my life. Combining my personal experiences with what I can learn outside of them. The refugee crisis and how it was ineptly handled and denied as a problem, was the last straw. No one ever voted for open borders globalism, for felon/illegal voting rights, but you can bet certain people feel very entitled to make it so.
Serious question. Does the ancap meme truely normalize pedophilia? since laws are property based no?
Honestly yeah, it was even more the case with the Nice attack last July. It was the turning point for quite a few people, even extreme-leftists like I was.
Nah, there are always riots going on in Paris, last week lots of cars and stuff were burned/broken by "diversity" people, complaining against police violence. Paris and its suburbs are a hellhole and should be nuked.
tell us some stories faggot
Nope. I was always right-wing
Jesus man i cant imagine what its like living next to Marroco. How bad is the situation? I bet sandnogs and true niggers come in all the time.
No, Pedophilia is clearly immoral for a multitude of reasons. The difference between ancap and a state as a centralized agency of violence is total social / economoic ostracism (formerly known as banishment) vs "putting people in cages"
>Was there a current event or incident that made you right wing?
Remember comet landing? With that fatty Gordon Freeman in a silly shirt?
I took it as a message "it doesnt matter, it matters what i do"
And then theres feminist hatemob virtually lyncged him with absolute disregard to his achievents.
That moment I woke and leftist got themselves an enemy.
There are no fucking words how mad it made me, thinking about it again I'm still fucking mad.
A series of events called reality.
The shoot down of Russian plane by turkey. Risking ww3 = too far.
You still haven't taken the next step, realising libertarianism is a selfish, decadent ideology and that trad-con protectionism actually worked
Damn.. I hate the thoughts of innocents dying but it might be unavoidable. Also wow.. fucking Paris is a black hole man. Ive been there years ago when i was very young. Kinda hated it because there were so much Africans and white hobos laying passed out on the sidewalks. Feels bad to step over another human beeing like that. I hope the elections go to your countries liking so you guys can cleanse yourself a bit. Whens the voting result?
Gentle giant Michael Brown. "Hans up don't shoot"