Can you believe in God and Evolution Sup Forums?
Not necessarily the Judeo-Christian God or any God(s) specifically but can you believe in a Consious Creator(s), inturn believing in an eternal soul and still believe in evolution.
Can you believe in God and Evolution Sup Forums?
Not necessarily the Judeo-Christian God or any God(s) specifically but can you believe in a Consious Creator(s), inturn believing in an eternal soul and still believe in evolution.
these two things are not necessarily mutually exclusive
I think you can believe in God existing as soon as Human consciousness existed
but there is a mass of texts on what "consciousness" is
I'm reading Warhammer 40,000 novels non-stop for the last 2 years.
I sponged in so much of it that i actually believe Warp (immaterium, sea of souls, whatever you wanna call it) exists, and so does Chaos.
The recently released CIA papers on secret science projects basicaly admitted 100% that telepathy exists and is proven, but they have zero fucking idea, not a clue, how it works.
Food for thought.
Why would this not be possible? Why should one preclude the other?
Yes. Evolution was the physical mechanism God used to create life, but the genesis of the soul was a divine act.
Learn to basic theology /Reddit.
Across all religions. God is sun. Even Jesus is the sun.
The god is sun and the existence of evolution on earth wouldn't exist without the sun. God enables evolution.
Explain Israel killing sun worshippers from command of God then. Why would the sun god not like a certain type of worship? Maybe because it's explained in Genesis that the sun is not for anything but to mark times and signs and seasons.
OP, theistic evolution has been around since evolution had been thoroughly observed by Darwin. Not a Christian myself, but here are some resources:
>Asa Gray, a renown Botanist and Darwin's close friend who said there were no problems with evolution and Christianity.
>He wrote a book Called Darwinia which argued FOR theistic Evolution:
>Christian website made by professors talking about theistic evolution
>Book written by a Human Bio geneticist and Physicist who argues for theistic evolution
Evolution is also the strongest argument for race realism