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Polls sure are reliable.

oktoberfest sure is going to be fun.


what else is new?

This doesn;t even makes sence
I can find a reason why AfD and Mercel voters would both switch to Shultz.

>Polls sure are reliable.

Fucking retard. All the actual polls leading up to the election put Clinton ahead by 3-4 points.

We are talking 40 points here.

msm is shilling hard for him.

>This doesn;t even makes sence
>I can find a reason why AfD and Mercel voters would both switch to Shultz.

AfD likely has more than 10% support but people are scared to say they are voting for them to a pollster. But it's still only like 12-14%.

Germany looks like it will re-elect Merkel or possibly someone much worse.

Dude, you really believe a GERMAN MSM POLL ?

>Dude, you really believe a GERMAN MSM POLL ?

This is stupid. So you think AfD is actually going to get 50%. If they do not get 50% it will be Schulz Merkel coalition.

So the polls are lying by 40 points?

KYS German faggot.

Ahh germany... Their understanding of democracy amazes me: the average german does what the authorities tell him to do instead of telling the authorities what they're supposed to do.

for some reason eurocucks still believe msm for the most part. murica always one step ahead.

Suck it, Achmed, I'm still voting the AfD.

>Suck it, Achmed, I'm still voting the AfD.
I'm not shilling cunt. Just genuinely shocked that you guys are getting another CDU/SPD coalition.


>believing a surge like that as if it's Apple stock when they're dropping the new iPhone

Sure. You know politics very good I see.

>All the actual polls leading up to the election put Clinton ahead by 3-4 points.

Those were general opinion polls and the US voting system doesn't work that way. Which is why all the top level polling is done of a state by state level and then compiled into a percentage chance given the fallouts of these states.

This is why most outlets, including Nate Silver, were pushing the "Hillary already won" meme, because the electoral reality looked unwinnable by Trump.

>We are talking 40 points here.

This is a fair point, but understand the US system and what actually happened in that election before spouting off.

AfD is not going to win this, that much is near certain. They might do a lot better than polling suggests though; the alternative parties tend to overperform polling by as much as double the low ball trend.

I'll be voting for Schulz.

We already saw lines like that during US elections, as the pollsters started adjusting their samplings to get better results for Hillary. This bullshit is just way too obvious.

>We already saw lines like that during US elections, as the pollsters started adjusting their samplings to get better results for Hillary. This bullshit is just way too obvious.

There's probably a lot of bullshit sure. But the fact is you are 100% getting a CDU/SPD coalition again. That is fucking insane.

How do polls work anyway? Do (((they))) just ask people on the street who they're going to vote for? Sorry for my stupidity.

>genuinely shocked

There never was even the slightest chance of the AfD winning in any sense. Think of the media's war against Trump, it's even worse here for the AfD because people here don't have the kind of resistance against propaganda that American voters seemed to have and showed in the voting booth. Call an average American a Nazi, it will always have this absurd undertone, call a German a nazi and you will have offended him to the bone because that is all we strive not to be. or what we are told not to be at least. The notion/fear that every German is inherently either a born supremacist or a follower is deeply implemented in our educational system. History lessons are basically "Hitler did everything wrong" 101.
In every way this must be seen as ongoing denazification.(
So one of our state's and school's priority is to prevent any upcoming form of nationalism early on. You can say it has become a cultural reflex for a German to go against anything more right then Merkels CDU, it's not a coincidence (and nothing unusual for a western nation) that our educational system is packed with social democrats and commies.

AfD is unlikely to win, but any additional votes are EXTREMELY important:
1. More AfD people to man the opposition and stir shit up in the debates, more AfD representation in related assemblies like Bundesversammlung
2. Parties get tax-funded financing based on the number of votes they got - If AfD wins a significant portion of parliament, they will receive several million euro per year - VERY IMPORTANT
3. They may prevent some coalitions, or "diversify" them so much the parties will disagree on common platform all the time and look like idiots. Also a good result may get CSU to split off the Union - CSU is the most likely party to attempt coalition with AfD
4. Sends a strong message to other parties and to the people

Apparently Schulz is getting a shitton of poll votes from those who said they do not vote last time. Additionally he gets votes from the grerns and the linke.

The Cdu and Csu actually keep their overall share by wining back ex AfD protest voters and so does the FDP

Why would someone who did not vote suddenly vote for Schulz?

Dont you think the German political System is a Little bit more complicated than this ?
The more AFD gets the more they can talk in Parliament, the more power they have in law making and the more viable they will become in coalition forging
or are you completely clueless about the german political System ?

Dont believ shills and media polls!
Comments under MSM online articles hint in another direction.

My German tutor is renewing his voting rights to keep Afd out. It's ex Pats.

As a bavarian, if the CSU would splitt off and join a coalition with afd, id actualy consider voting CSU again

>Dont you think the German political System is a Little bit more complicated than this ?
>The more AFD gets the more they can talk in Parliament, the more power they have in law making and the more viable they will become in coalition forging
>or are you completely clueless about the german political System ?


I'd fuck that soap

>or are you completely clueless about the german political System ?

Well I'm not German so obviously.

Regardless, you are getting more refugees and they will be able to vote. That's atleast 2 million new voters that will NOT vote for right wing parties.

Being able to talk in Parliament is Kind of important in a Democracy, you know, the MSM pretty much has smeared AFD as NEO NAZIS and that is bad in Germany, the more they can get their political views out the better, and in Germany you get Minutes to talk in Parliament through the Number of People who voted you

Looks like more fake polls

They tried giving them the right to vote 2 Times allready and it failed
Dude if you want to talk German politics, read up first
Voting is impossible for Muzzies, they NEED ID to vote here and no Computervoting in sight, all on paper and rigidly controlled

Even if they elect Schulz - will anything change at all? For better or worse?

Goddamn deutschbro, we need actions not talk. Your country made sure that all those doctors and engineers could come in, we need actions!

>and he's Jewish
Well there you go, listen to the mentally ill man who has no idea about Germany.

>but people are scared to say they are voting for them to a pollster
No they aren't, they're usually full of themselves and very vocal.

>someone much worse
Are you saying this because you're some weirdo neonazi LARPer or something?

MEGA Geil!

NYE 2017 in cologne, 1700 "NAFRIS" imprisoned by german Police in one night
Looks like some Action to me
dont give me your one year old Information it just makes you look dumb

Yeah, you need citizenship to do this (and ID!), also the recent talk about voting rights for foreigners was meant for the communal elections - the lowest of the three political tiers in Germany, that concerns with local district/town affairs only. Still, the very fact that they are proposing such ideas, as well as trying to reduce voting age does not mean anything good

>That is fucking insane.

Voting the Guy who ruined Greece when he was an EU Official

I cant save you from your own stupidity

Maybe after schulz has eradicated the germans they will stop ruining the rest of europe for a few decades

>man the opposition and stir shit up in the debates
They've done shit and are weirdo incompetent hacks in all the state parliaments and communal legislative.

>CSU is the most likely party to attempt coalition with AfD
You're clearly delusional in your fellatio of the shit party which is the AfD

He's a viable alternative to the CDU and Merkel as chancellor.

If elected by a high percentage of the Population this could become a second South Africa
In the middle of Europe

1700 isn't nearly enough when you bring in more than a million. And to think holding up 1700 for one night is action. gives me the idea you're just saying what the MSM says. "Germany is getting his shit together by holding up 1700 people"

You're a joke and that is not action

Yeah because everyone is so keen on listening to Bundestagsdebatten, lol

>tfw another German is delusional in his fellation of the shit party AfD

>they will be able to vote

>hint: you're retarded and have no idea what you're talking about

>trusting the CIA
they know merkel is fucked so they're trying to manipulate (((schulz))) into having an absolute majority

>unused center
What? There are people who don't use soap until it's completely used up?

WTF are you retarded ?
They still have refugee Status,
and this is a State where the People have certain rights
they have to do crime to be convicted, do you get that ?
WTF would your solution be ?
Get Poison Gas and Bombs ?
are you 14 or what ?

>German """""humor""""""
This isn't funny Germany

Meh, so what. White people apparently have lost their defense instincts and a lifestyle that would allow them to breed. They're a useless, dying species, why should anybody weep for them

You can see the exact moment when the (((truth))) kikes in cuz the establishment realizes the goyim know

OK if you dont get that they have the power to influence laws as well when they are in parliament i cant help you and will have to leave you alone with your own stupidity
Also, (except for CSU in Bavaria) who ever got OVER 40% in Parliament in OUR lifetime, tell me, ist allways a coalition

Two ways, that the people of Germany would elect the same party that has overseen the extreme degradation of the country.

And repeating it over and over expecting different results.


still believing in (((polls))) after all these poll manipulations in the last years...

How??? why?? what the fuck happnd??

According to the refugee treaty article 1f you can deport those fuckers you idiot! While you're only holding them up for one night.
Grow some balls and send them back instead of trying to keep them in our midst

Talk for yourself there
and i thought the Polish would have some Pride left in them
Im White why should i give up my Future


>the power to influence laws
Yeah just like the Linke or the Grüne have been so influential.

You can send them back WHEN the Country of their Origin takes them back
See the Problem there ?
Jesus stop cherrypicking

Are you sure you're not talking about the GOP? :^)

The SPD got a viable candidate as front runner who is staking out his policies in contrast to Merkel.

Commies NEVER EVER learn to not push the Germans too far...

You dumb fuck, ever heard of Dublin treaty?

Why would you trust polls? Why? They've been proven time and time again to be nothing but yet another tool of propaganda. They're more rigged than DNC primaries.

Could maybe end up in a CDU/AfD coalition.
As long as we prevent Red-Red-Green from happening it is more or less fine. AfD just needs as many votes as they can get to act as a true opposition in Germany so they can rely on more support for the next election and lead the government in 2021.

German government made deal with the devil and funded the trip of jewish revolutionaries in the sealed train from Switzerland through Germany to seize and murder Russian Empire from within.

The deal was offered by Alexander Parvus through Ulrich von Brockdorff-Rantzau and accepted by Intelligence community and Government of Germany, namely Theobald von Bethmann Hollweg, Paul von Hindenburg, Erich von Ludendorff, Wilhelm II among others.

Strangely i cant find this information in the English wiki, but here is large article on the Russian one. Accepted and proved facts, based on countless letters, documents, revelations.Пломбированный_вагон Sealed train article with over 150 names of the revolutionaries, vast majority being Jews and detailed information on the German deal.

German loss in WW2 and all what happens now to Germany now is retribution - karma. Germany doesn't deserve better.

What the fuck are you all on?

People are not going to vote Nazi while they still have benefits.

To vote Nazi you must have Communist assassinations, post-war chaos, Jewish induced six million digits hyperholoinflation, and Muslims blowing themselves up daily and beheading and raping children.

I don't see that happening, so Germans will continue to vote SPD/CDU/whatever status quo party there is.

Same goes for the rest of Europe and the World.

Suck it up Nazifags.

Die roten und die Schwarzen auf dem Bild hier haben eine Koalition, kapiert ?
desto stärker die AFD wird desto kleiner wird deren Sitzeanteil, umso schwieriger wird es, idiotische Gesetze durchzusetzen
ich dachte auf Sup Forums würde man jemanden finden der sich mit Politik auskennt

you, as a one person, don't have to give up your future, but you individually have no control over what your nation does. White Europeans thought that their GDP has to constantly rise and their pensions should be high because of social system based on generational solidarity. But they didn't predict that they will lose the ability to breed and they're not prepared to cut their social security and pensions system. And if they're not, then they will be justly replaced by people who are not focused so much on materialism and are capable of living in lower standards. Whites are hedonistic, indolent and they destroy the wildlife through technology - what use there is of such people

>AfD is not going to win this, that much is near certain. They might do a lot better than polling suggests though;
This. As long as there aren't any major happenings they won't take the lead but getting atleast 20% is still likely because of many voters not coming out in their support, shilling in the polls and the refugee situation won't get better. No party has started campaigning yet expect for the forced Schulz meme.

Lol you just confirmed, that you dont know shit about that Treaty,
It basically says that the first European Country where a refugee arrives has to accomodate him, it has nothing to do with Algeria for example taking them back,
They are outside of the Treaty, you have to get a separate Deal with them
Your Posts are literally NIGGER TIER PLS STOP

German polling is usually pretty accurate.

But stay delusional and keep shouting "but muh shit Clapistan"

So hold Italy responsible for them

Maybe if Le pen and Geert win, AfD can raise above...

Yeah just like the Linke or the Grüne have been so influential.

Muss ein komisches Leben sein, so mit Wahnvorstellungen und so.

You are partially true there but your view of White People is literally "WE WUZ KANGZ" shit.
"LOST THE ABILITY TO BREED " ? WTF ? they didnt lose it, they have a social System that makes it preferable not to have Kids, as soon as this colapses they will "BREED" again
Your post is like reading a Hippy Diary, get something more sensible

>Ergonomically designed, waste reducing

> on obvious use of soap


>getting atleast 20% is still likely
The federal election isn't some shit East German neonazi redneck state, you know.

>the refugee situation won't get better
It has gotten better already, have you noticed there's not much going on in the news at the moment? Have a guess why.

>No party has started campaigning yet
The AfD is bascially campaigning all the time.

Muss ein komisches leben sein, wenn man sich im politischen System des eigenen Landes nicht auskennt

Ok, so what are the Schulz campaing points?
Are you guys fuckdup?
Is important to know, germany sets the point for wannabe good goy countrys like my own.

Deine Prämisse allein ist grob behindert, der Rest lachhaft. Ich versteh unser System gut genug um zu wissen, dass du behindert bist. :^)

>you really believe a GERMAN MSM POLL ?
>CSU coalition with AfD

Du bist einfach behindert und getrieben von deinem komischen Wahn. :^(

You're correct, Whites won't disappear entirely but it's just that they're being replaced because their culture and lifestyle is so demoralized, that such people shouldn't inhabit so much of Earth and shouldn't school others about anything. Why should dumb niggers from Africa who actually breed and don't destroy their wildlife be considered worse from Whites?

Und du bist einfach eine Linke socke, die meint sie könnte für ganz Deutschland reden,
Gib mir ein Argument, warum du denkst dass hier die ARD oder ZDF nichts unterdrücken ?
Köln 2016 irgendwer ? Wie lange hat das gedauert, bis die das maul aufgemacht haben ?
Und nein, wenn du nicht verstehst dass die Leute im Bundestag mitreden können wenn es um neue Gesetze geht, kennst du dich nicht aus
(CSU absplittung war ein Joke, sry aber wenn du das nicht verstehst kann ich dir nicht helfen)

>Ok, so what are the Schulz campaing points?
Remove Germans
Destroy Germany
Make other European nations quit EU through your insanity and powermongering.

All around great.

So far

- more social cohesion
- changes to some welfare stuff from back when the SPD governed with the Greens
-- such as longer ALG I which is the first tier of social welfare for unemployed people
-- less restrictions/sanctions for unemployed people in the second tier known as Hartz IV (or ALG II)
- strengthened position of workers in companies as part of company workers councils

I am kinda glad everyone has given up on germans on Sup Forums

At least we are now all on the same side that Germans need to die out.
Probably also better for the whole white race in the future.

Schulz will get Germany nuked.

reminder that if you're on Sup Forums and unironically vote SPD you deserve the bullet

Islamic nations are very cohesive! Good work, Hanz

Du bist hier der Joke. :^)

>Wie lange hat das gedauert, bis die das maul aufgemacht haben ?
Puh ka, zwei Tage? Wen interessierts.

>wenn du nicht verstehst
Wieder so eine behinderte Prämisse :^)

we are not """"finished"""" with a SPD win, we are finished if they and the left and the green win the government

due to expert shills on reddit and Sup Forums

The Jewish Problem
by Dr. Joseph Goebbels

Anyway, elections in Germany will be rigged so nothing to see here.