Jews, Concentrated effort or biological predisposition?

There's an undeniable pattern of jews that influence the West in detrimental ways. From communism, to the dilution of morality and culture, to "intellectual" movements that have damaged our societal foundations, there is usually an ethnic jew involved.
Is this due to a jewish interpretation of information? Ashkenazi jews are on average a full standard deviation ahead of whites in regards to IQ, roughly the same deviation between American blacks and whites. Is there something inherently wrong with their logic due to a higher intellectual capability? Do they process information and bastardize ideology by some form of jewish reasoning?
Is there a vast zionist conspiracy? I see this as pretty unbelievable in some aspects(not talking specifically about Israel and their influence). Almost all of the jews that do the most damage are the atheist jews, so I don't see it as zionist motivated.

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I haven't read Culture of Critique, so if it's described there it'd be nice to get a summary if someone's lurking.

The disposition theory is explainable through readily accepted scientific principals. Their unique culture and social position incentivizes them to agitate their host to create a less organized and consolidated ethnic opposition, it also might explain why they feel no compunction in "jewing" their hosts.

The other theory relies on them somehow being interdimensional reptilian shape shifters (or at least members of their population with a significant amount of that DNA) and the abuse and suffering of humans being an essential part of their sustenance. The greater Jewish culture would be inspired by this directive and their cultural ethos would ultimately support the objective of making the human population a source of emotional "food" for the upper echelon of interdimensional parasites.

Not sure what to believe but either way, we are greater in numbers, we can resist and overcome them through empowering ourselves.

Jews are "nomadic" people, thus you should consider them as in this manner.
What does it mean to be a nomadic people? It means that you are not bound to specific land. You can easily move from one place to another if it is necessary and it will cause less discomfort for your people than for the ones who live stably at the same place for generations.
Next, they are minority in the places they live, except for Israel. And they are a tight closed group. They don't like anyone who is outside of their group, especially if it's the majority. And the only people who are humans for them are people from their group.
They don't hesitate to disturb a law or a custom of other group, because their main goal is survival and success of their group. And the obvious hate of the dominance group only help them to pull together and ignore others.
So, it's easily for them to do a crime, especially the least "dangerous". For example, you know all this "Russian mafia", famous in your country. What american media don't tell use is that this so called "R. mafia" consists mostly of minorities and the leadership belongs to jews. I am not exaggerating. They come from Odessa. The m. of Odessa was famous in Russia. During soviet time, after the great war, the gov was forced to use army to fight them. Also, the same goes for the Soviet government itself. Who were the people who killed millions of Russians? 30% of the NKVD (the org. which punished the population in 30-50s) were jews.
So, the first reason of jewish (nomadic) "success" in modern society is that they can easily break rules and laws.
The second one is nepotism. If a jew gets in an organization, it feels the organization with his relatives, friends and other jews. And try to clean out the organization, at least the leadership positions from any representative of "majority". That's where from the "diversity" comes from.

* continue *
They prefer to see shitskins among them, who are equally capable of nepotism and minor crime, so that the majority couldn't get rid of them

>incentivizes them to agitate their host to create a less organized and consolidated ethnic opposition
So this would have to be a biological response instead of a more concentrated effort. I understand they conglomerate and form organizations that ultimately have this effect on societies, but is it done out of unawareness? Some sort of naivety and lack of perspective? I don't see how they could think of it as an incentive as they've been thrown out of every society they've been introduced in.

>They prefer to see shitskins among them, who are equally capable of nepotism and minor crime, so that the majority couldn't get rid of them
So you believe it's a conscious effort to undermine the nations that host them? The Tim Wise's of the world know what they preach is bullshit, they just want to dilute the strength of the natives?

Any representative of any nomadic people just has a "fear" of strong national countries.
Here is an example of an Armenian woman, the chief editor of Russia Today. What she says here "You do understand that at the first free elections in Russia fascists will be victorious and they will hang all of us"

It could just be that this particular form of social organization would occur inevitably in one race or another and because of their insular cultural unity, and the fact that their community remains intact in some countries while being expelled from others that they are able to maintain their cultural ethos despite instigating their own downfall from time to time.

thanks dudes

It's both conscious and unconscious. They don't have an organization to "fight the host". As I said here , they have fear. it drives them. They uphold their position. It's easily to do, though. If nothing more left, the country is a complete shithole, they use nationalistic movements, like they do in Ukraine. But as for developed countries, they prefer to distance from such activities.

Yes. Or in the case of multiculturalism they would seek to import other minorities so they stand out less against the natives.

However rational that explanation seems it's clear from their own admission that they just hate the goyim and wish to stifle their development.

I still don't understand their long term planning of shipping in the anti-semitic people to dilute the population. Whites are the only one's who can be manipulated with guilt and altruistic principles. Don't they know they won't be tolerated on top of the caste system of brown people? It would be annudah shoah for real if that ever happened.

Fill enemy nation with other enemy nation, weakening the strong and thinning the already weak

Nuclear purge. Blame on Arab invaders, be seen as ally, send goyim to the desert to die like crusades

Yeah, this makes sense when you tie Israel into that aspect of it.

As I said, they are NOMADIC people. It will not a problem for them to just move out of the place when it becomes complete shithole and move into more decent one. They don't care about local environment. They don't care about the people living there. The only things they care are pumping out all resources they can from their host and intoxicating it
Globalism helps in it.

>is it done out of unawareness?

there is a species of ant which does nothing but tell other species of ants to work and provide for them while they do nothing but eat their food and reproduce in the same ant hills

its just an instinct they have

to the jews, that means either being a jew and saying you're gods chosen people and essentially the master race, or they're an atheist who spreads out to other host nations and says race is all skin deep, while the ones back home generally all still believe they're the master race of gods chosen people and deserve to live on what most people on this earth believe to be the holy land

some are both despite them being contradictory, because they're so mentally ill, like that one viral video of that nutjob guy who was going on a run, who was ranting about the "goyim" but also mentioned being an atheist and a homo

its just an instinct to them, to be total kikes

also mental illness correlates with higher IQs, which explains a lot here too

Israel is not their main goal anymore, though they still help it. The jews globalists != Israel jews.

But after they wreck Europe and America, their nomadic ways are threatened? One of the only safe place left would be Israel, which wouldn't have the strong support of the US anymore(due to it being a nation of shitskins)

>parasites care about the health of their host and dont just act on sheer instinct destroying everything in the name of taking as much as possible for themselves in the shortest amount of time

good shit, reminds me of this

Good thread so far, thanks for the genuine answers

I doubt they have long based plans of survival of their race written in their gens. As a parasite they act on current situation.
And I doubt it will really be a problem for them. The shitskins will not have leadership, they will be passive like American niggers or spiks, for example. There are criminals among them, even organized criminal groups, but they do not have "national"-like leadership. They are easily manipulated, they live on welfare. That's the only thing they need

but instincts evolve over a long period of time, they havent had time to adjust to the effects of modern technology with stuff like global transportation and nukes, so they could very well fuck everything up very badly, since sandniggers could likely get nukes thanks to them getting such a large quantity of them in such close proximity with actual humans

china, they dont care an iota about race, theyll mix with chinese if needed


Nukes have limited lifetime. One has to regularly maintain it to has it working. One needs to change some details once per 10 years.

>they havent had time to adjust
This is the most shocking aspect of it to me. You'd think they'd have some sort of trepidation about destroying themselves.

The jews are superior in every conceivable way

>The jews are superior in every conceivable way
t. kike

kys fag

It's why even liberal atheist racial egalitarian cultural Marxist HollyJews like Seth Rogan support Israel, despite Israel being against the values for which (((they))) promote for the west. They know that there's going to be a major blowback when Goyim exposes their schemes, and Israel will be where they will seek refuge when shit hits the fan.

Reptiles maybe


>interdimensional reptilian shape shifters
>Reptiles maybe

You niggers don't actually believe they're David Icke reptilians do you? This is just a metaphor right?