Was the establishing a Jewish state a good idea in the first place? What if Israel wasn't founded, and we stayed under British rule similar to Hong Kong, for a few dacades, there'd be no wars, and more prosperity.
Was the establishing a Jewish state a good idea in the first place? What if Israel wasn't founded...
fuck off commie
Obviously she's been watching anime for over a decade and is just a fan of the Combined Community Codec Pack.
That's either a fat pussy or a small dick between its legs.
Either way, win win
It's perfect. Now we can watch our 2 enemies fight theirselves. Fuck muslims and fuck jews.
Establishing Israel was the best thing that could have happened, biggest future concentration camp.
Masculine pussy?
Hitler's final solution was putting all you yids in your promised land, surrounded by kike-blood-thirsty mudshits.
Actually, I think that settling Jews in Germany's part (inbe4 BTFOing the locals) would be a better and more just option (Arabs did nothing wrong to deserve this). Also, religious retards wouldn't leach of Israel.