100 years ago they were burning crosses and lynched blacks, today they are pro black and burn cars and trashcans. What happened?
What happened to the democratic party?
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jews happened
Do you (((((((((really have to ask))))))))))))?
Political realignment.
They are angry cause of infected clit piercings.
yes, I do!
Where the democrats always the bad guys and now they just changed their image to be more politically acceptable and attract more voters?
They recognize the coming demographic changes and the gradual political realignment of the US during the 1960s-1980s
Democrats are oligarchs
Money and power is who they side with
From Andrew Jackson's Trail of Tears, through the fight to end slavery, into the Jim Crow era and on through to the Civil Rights battles. the party of Democrats have fought every major social advancement for the past 180 years; they are the party of personal power and populist anger, nothing more
Nigger what are you on about the Democratic party since LBJ has done more damage to blacks than even slavery did.
and how did they convince the blacks that they're actually on their side?
and when and how did the republicans become the racist ones? Is that just a recent developement through democrat propaganda efforts?
>pro black
No, they certainly are not pro black. Niggers are useful idiots to them. Niggers are only good as long as they are poor and have a victim complex. The second a nigger stops being a nigger and becomes a strong black they beome a uncle tom and is hated.
Yes, they trotted out this meme that the parties have "switched" because of the Southern Strategy; one problem though
>it never happened
ask them to point out how many legislators actually made the jump from one party to the other and flipped their vote on Civil Rights
Democrats are and have always been the bad guys.
>100 years ago
Top kek - thought you were memeing until I discovered the DNC rejected a motion condemning the KKK in 1924.
>and how did they convince the blacks that they're actually on their side
We give you free shit so vote for us.
Once that bait was taken it made the people who took it made them almost entirely dependent on these voting plantation owners so they continually vote for them.
Just look at the IRS income data over time the only people in America that stay poor over their lives and even generations (excluding genuinely mentally ill and disabled people) are those stuck in the poverty trap that is welfare. There's some exceptions with say the Amish who choose to live in what's defined as poverty and much of the Appalachians but for most of both it is a life of choice while blacks are predominantly in a poverty of deliberately created dependency.
The only big change has been from pure hatred to viewing blacks as retarded pets that need their "care" with the vast majority of white Democrats with some higher level ones being no different just using blacks Ina different way. But both are still extremely racist types.
Their claims of racism against the right is just projection of themselves because the majority of Democrats believe that because the right wants to take away the "subsidence" Democrats are providing their perceived retarded pets and view that as the right wanting to leave blacks to starve. The fact that they don't see that the right views blacks as fully capable of caring for themselves is post to them because they so deeply believe that blacks can't
ok, ty, very informative
They've always been a shit party I guess. Idk why I'm registered Democrat
I keep getting pleads for funds from the GOP. I keep sending them letters back telling them to go fuck them selves and start supporting the president.
>What happened?
The same thing that always happens to conservative parties.
They disappear.
The Federalists were the first to go.
Conservatives (as usual) were rich people voting their wallets.
They wanted a return to the pro-British status-quo, and better relations with England. By 1812, the party had fallen apart because nobody could/would support that shit.
Liberals changed their party name to "Democrats".
The GOP founded as a social progressive party.
Post-civil-war, the Democrats became the party of the old South, and Republicans became mainstream, then conservative by comparison when the progressive movement took over the Democratic party, leaving the conservative Dems as "Dixiecrats" (the cross-burners in your pic).
The Dixiecrats are gone, like the Federalists before them.
Now the modern GOP is splintering into mainstream Republicans and hardline conservatives in the Tea Party.
All conservatives are, by definition, resisting the inevitable changes society adopts.
Conservative parties are doomed to fall apart, or be marginalized out of existence.
It's the party of the soulless psychopath. Wicked, narcissistic malignant entities desperately trying their best to virtue signal that they're totally not malicious demons.
The only "people" on the planet that cry about how much compassion they have, literally trying to convince themselves that they hold a monopoly on a common human trait. Pro-tip, they don't have this trait - they just want you to think that they do.
They aren't "pro black" they are pro anything they can pander to to get power. Notice a republican black is often called an "uncle tom" and a brown skin group that supports republicans can have their immigration halted without anyone noticing. Where were the protests over Obama ending "wet foot/dry foot" overnight and stranding Cubans and having them deported back to Cuba? But do the same to actual tourist generating countries? "THE SKY IS FALLING". The south is still painted as "racist" even in 2017 despite having a greater population of blacks simply for voting republican in national elections. Yet back when democrats controlled it, it was actually racist. And if illegal Mexicans resulted in votes for Republicans and they were flooding into blue states, the wall would already exist.
>What happened?
Democrats wanted to limit freedoms of blacks because the did not see blacks and whites as equal
Democrats wan to limit freedoms of whites because the do not see blacks and whites as equal
As long as communists have a method of controlling people, it doesn't matter to them if their ideology is inconsistent.
supposed to be "terrorist"
The cycle is that democrats fuck up an area, republicans are then elected to fix it, wealth increases, people forget, people are wealthier but not as wealthy as their neighbor, democrats tell them they can be if only they vote for "fairness", Democrats fuck up an area.
wtf is rich black?
black is black.
well reublicans were liberals too
Its darker than black.
>the way was clear for the Progressive Movement to impose a new way of thinking and a new agenda for politics. During this period, a generational shift took place as the veterans of the Civil War aged out and were replaced by a younger generation more concerned with social justice and curbing the inequalities of industrial capitalism. In addition, the influx of Jewish and Catholic immigrants from Europe caused a gradual alteration of traditional WASP-dominated power blocs. The Democratic Party, after largely being excluded from national politics in the decades following the Civil War, would see a resurgence during this period thanks to the new immigrant voting blocs
The Solid South was the electoral voting bloc of the states of the Southern United States for issues that were regarded as particularly important to the interests of white Democrats in the southern states. The Southern bloc existed especially between 1877 (the end of Reconstruction) and 1964 (the year of the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964). During this period, the Democratic Party controlled
This resulted essentially in a one-party system, in which a candidate's victory in Democratic primary elections was tantamount to election to the office itself. White primaries were another means that the Democrats used to consolidate their political power, excluding blacks from voting
After the 1960s and passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, ensuring federal enforcement of registration and voting, African Americans in the region were able to register and vote, rejoining the political system for the first time since the turn of the 20th century. While nearly six million African Americans had left the region by then in the Great Migration to other areas of the country, most of those who remained became affiliated with the Democratic Party.
Around the same time, white conservatives began to shift to the Republican Party, which by 2000 attracted most of the white voters. African Americans have elected numerous candidates of their choice, generally Democrats, from districts where their votes have been concentrated.
da j00z
Democratic dominance of the South originated in the struggle of white Southerners during and after Reconstruction to establish white supremacy and disenfranchise blacks. The U.S. government under the Republican Party had defeated the Confederacy, abolished slavery, and enfranchised blacks. In several states, black voters were a majority or close to it. Republicans supported by blacks controlled state governments in these states. Thus the Democratic Party became the vehicle for the white supremacist “Redeemers”. The Ku Klux Klan, as well as other insurgent paramilitary groups such as the White League and Red Shirts from 1874, acted as “the military arm of the Democratic party” to disrupt Republican organizing, and intimidate and suppress black voters.
By 1876, Redeemer Democrats had taken control of all the state governments in the South. From then until the 1960s, state and local government in the South was almost entirely monopolized by Democrats. The Democrats elected all but a handful of U.S. Representatives and Senators, and Democratic presidential candidates regularly swept the region – from 1880 through 1944
They found they can do more damage to the black community by keeping them oppressed in ghettos and use them as a constant source of virtue signalling.
Really goes to show you how inferior and stupid niggers are. over 100 years later, they are still slaves to the same masters.
When the jews "abandoned" revolutionary communism and infiltrated goyim, somewhere during the 1950s.
Left-wing intellectuals have been looking for a new cannon fodder for their own political ambitions ever since. Marcuse proposed women, blacks and gays, and has been extremely influential. Foucault proposed crazy people, Laclau proposed everyone who could be manipulated into believing their own petty struggles could be understood as a struggle against the "Establishment", multiculturalism is about convincing non-whites that they should be the revolutionary class, etc
the "new left" in the aftermath of George McGovern's blow out loss of 1972: Liberals threw the New Deal labor wing of the party under the bus to become the modern Democratic party of identity politics, social liberalism, and economic centrism.
This strategy can be essentially summed up as "focus on the professional class and the lowest lumpenproletariat class (composed mostly of minorities) and ignore and/or marginalize the working class/organized labor wing of the left."
Traditionally when a candidate campaigns he attempts to fire up his base with the hopes that they will take his/her message to the low-information multitudes who don't care about politics and inspire them to show up at the polls. Democrats thought that they could cut their base out of the picture by going directly to the low-information voters with targeted advertising and laser-focused marketing. This strategy has so far been blowing up in their face as most people now accuse the Democrats of ideological hollowness and possessed by crass big money politics, and 2016 was a complete blow out loss for them because they went all in on the Hillary
The DNC became, in Keith Ellison's words, the Democratic Presidential Committee. They abandoned a 50 state strategy to focus heavily on swing states and macro-party issues at the expense of letting their ground game deteriorate to the point where it is at today, in near total rout. The DNC (or DPC in this case) put all of its eggs in the Hillary basket and lost, which is why they're facing an awkward reconciliation period with their base. We'll know this week if the party comes to its senses or doubles down on neoliberalism
Republican Southern Strategy scalped all the cross burning lynch mobs by the March on Selma.
Since apparentley we go straight to the extremes, I expect you are willing to justify every act of white extremecist terrorism perpetrated in the US in the last, oh let's say 10 years?
Did you know that white right wingers are most likeley to conduct domestic terrorisst acts in the US? I hope Trump will appoint a special commitee to deal with white people, before things go out of hand.
What stats do you fucking read? Source your information from the real data and not from ((their))) media publications.
And what about the republicans, are they really that different from the democrats? Do the Buschs and McCains really represent the republican party?
southern Democrats acted to disfranchise both blacks and poor whites. From 1890 to 1910, beginning with Mississippi, southern states adopted new constitutions and other laws including various devices to restrict voter registration, disfranchising virtually all black and many poor white residents.[11] These devices applied to all citizens; in practice they disfranchised most blacks and also “would remove [from voter registration rolls] the less educated, less organized, more impoverished whites as well – and that would ensure one-party Democratic rules through most of the 20th century in the South.”[12][13] All the southern states adopted provisions that restricted voter registration and suffrage
holding all political power was at the heart of their resistance. From 1876 through 1944, the national Democratic party opposed any calls for civil rights for blacks. In Congress southern Democrats blocked such efforts whenever Republicans targeted the issue.
White Democrats passed “Jim Crow” laws which reinforced white supremacy through racial segregation.
Democratic candidates won by large margins in the Southern states in every presidential election from the election of 1876 to 1948
By the 1920s, as memories of the Civil War faded, the Solid South cracked slightly. For instance, a Republican was elected U.S. Representative from Texas in 1920, serving until 1932.
In the 1930s, black voters outside the South largely switched to the Democrats, and other groups with an interest in civil rights (notably Jews, Catholics, and academic intellectuals) became more powerful in the party. This led to the national Democrats adopting a civil rights plank in 1948.
Google southern strategy
Even before then, a number of conservative Southern Democrats felt chagrin at the national party’s growing friendliness to organized labor during the Franklin D. Roosevelt administration, and began splitting their tickets as early as the 1930s.
Southern demography also began to change. From 1910 through 1970, about 6.5 million black southerners moved to urban areas in other parts of the country in the Great Migration, and demographics began to change southern states in other ways. Florida began to expand rapidly, with retirees and other migrants from other regions becoming a majority of the population. Many of these new residents brought their Republican voting habits with them, diluting traditional Southern hostility to the Republicans. The Republican Party began to make gains in the South
dude they were pro-immigration since fucking Jefferson, the more I learn about history the more I realize
federalism was a mistake
The South was still overwhelmingly Democratic at the state level, with majorities in all state legislatures, and most U.S. Representatives as well. Over the next thirty years, this gradually changed. Veteran Democrat officeholders retired or died, and older voters who were still rigidly Democrat also died off. There were also increasing numbers of migrants from other areas
Via the “Republican Revolution” in the 1994 elections, Republicans captured a majority of Southern House seats for the first time.
>Political expedience
so I guess the takeaway from this is
jews, niggers, immigrants, migration are bad, and always fuck off we're full no exceptions
Lyndon Johnson cucked the Democratic Party in 1964 and was downhill ever since and the republicans seemed less fucked a party after that disaster to racial harmony.
>political realignment
So was FDR a conservative and Coolidge a liberal?
democrats have always been big government
whatever group they have to exploit to get to that end
What happened to republicans?
Regan was destroying walls Trump is building them?
Got redpilled?
NeoCohens performed entryism on the American Right, made a massive political purge, effectively removing the true White Conservatives and destroying the Old Right and proceeded to co-opt the it into becoming the other side of the same, Globalist shekel as the Left.
>catalog of neoconservative efforts not merely to debate, criticize, and refute the ideas of traditional conservatism but to denounce, vilify, and harm the careers of those Old Right figures and institutions they have targeted. There are countless stories of how neoconservatives have succeeded in entering conservative institutions, forcing out or demoting traditional conservatives, and changing the positions and philosophy of such institutions in neoconservative directions. . . . Writers like M. E. Bradford, Joseph Sobran, Pat Buchanan, and Russell Kirk, and institutions like Chronicles, the Rockford Institute, the Philadelphia Society, and the Intercollegiate Studies Institute have been among the most respected and distinguished names in American conservatism. The dedication of their neoconservative enemies to driving them out of the movement they have taken over and demonizing them as marginal and dangerous figures has no legitimate basis in reality. It is clear evidence of the ulterior aspirations of those behind neoconservatism to dominate and subvert American conservatism from its original purposes and agenda and turn it to other purposes. . .
Also White Democrats cant get out of the primaries
Hahaha, poor ignorant Trumpkin. Little does he knows that, since 9/11, right wingers has committed almost twice as many murders as Muslim terrorists in the US.
I really like wow Trump dealt with the Muslim menace, though. Banning imigrants from every middle eastern country except the countries who birthed the very terrorists whose attacks promoted the very same ban. I am sure it has absolutely nothing to do with Trump's buisness dealings with Saudi Arabia, Arab Emirates, and Egypt. Because, as we all know, Trump has decidedleystepped away from all of his businesses when he stepped into the office. Oh wait...
Conway publically promotes Trump's daughter's products? And why hasn't Trump publicerad his tax returns yet?
So many questions? If only there where ano Internet community known for questioning the acts of the US government? Oh well, just like the US government, I guess Russia got their grubby hands on them.
The KKK succeeded in its mission to murder and terrorize blacks that supported republicans
>since 9/11, right wingers has committed almost twice as many murders as Muslim terrorists in the US.
citation needed
They were the party of the "oppressed" without going Communism-levels of radicalism, but slowly became a coalition of the fringes most exceptionally starting with LBJ (the Hart Celler Act, "Civil" "Rights" etc.)
Because why kill negroes when you can trick them into voting for you?
Then just wall them off in perpetually poor cities where they can't escape, but you can call on every few years for votes?
Or just make up the vote numbers, because "everyone knows blacks votes for democrats" hurr.
FDR, WWII, Vietnam, and the civil rights movement.
Nixon, McCarthyism, Reagan, Bush II.
America used to have a lot of working class socialists and communists before WWII and the Cold War, and a lot of those people went on to influence hippies which created the liberals of the baby boomers.
The Beatles, Pop art, and advancements in public understanding of science made the democrats
Many Cubans voted for Trump because they escaped a communist shit hole and didn't want America to become one. Obama, as you said, spited them for it and shut down Wet Foot/dry Foot. Not a fucking peep from the media about deporting refugees then! They only care about the ones that vote Democrat and become dependent on the state.
Classical Liberals (i.e. known today as the Libertarian right) there's a huge difference.
Ahh ofcourse. Foregoing that, just for a moment, how many people do YOU think that Muslim terrorists have killed, in the US, in the last 15 years?
And out of all of these - I can only assume - numerous murders, how many of these terrorists hailed from the countries named in Trump's travel ban?
I don't think you understand the basic operation of people interested in having an ordered society.
It doesn't matter if you haven't had any accidents, you buy insurance. It doesn't matter if you haven't gotten food poisoning, you wash your food. It doesn't matter if you haven't died from trichinosis, you should fully cook your pork.
And it doesn't matter how many shitskins committed terrorist acts, we should keep them out.
I know cuckolds and women cannot understand this, which is why they never try to fix any problems, only create new ones and then wonder why everything is always getting worse.
We will repair the West with or without you, Swedecuck.