Why do right-wingers have infinite amount of memes, infographs etc. while left-wingers have basically none?

Why do right-wingers have infinite amount of memes, infographs etc. while left-wingers have basically none?

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because left wingers have busy lives and don't dwell on the internet all day like autistic blobs of shit

progressives dont have a sense of humor since they are the moral busybodies

Left wingers forgot how to argue.


tree post best post

Because lefties operate under feelings.

That's why they put so much value into (((comedians))) as news sources, or bleeding heart type comparisons.


because left wingers are lack creativity and individualism and just follow the herd which is why they are attracted to collectivism

What about all of Soviet propaganda?

Because leftists are fake...and gay.

>busy life

We wuz Phoenicianz an' sheitttt, Never worked a day in your life, Arab.


How is your country? Is it good and civilized or shitskin and Muslim shithole?

Irony is the glory of slaves
Memes work agains people with power and today that means the media, which is controlled by the left

A fucking tree

They don't have the human attribute referred to as "satire".

>left wingers have busy lives

While I kind of agree, but I must wonder how come the left has nothing.

We live in an ocean of piss. It alters your mind in magical ways.

Truth is on our side.

half half
coast is muslim shithole
mountain side is best side

I'm for this.

why is first post always best post?

colleges kill your creativity

It isn't. You're jut a delusional faggot.

Nothing they do stands out because everything is lauded. There is nothing good and nothing bad, the effect is everything is bad, unremarkable.

You can't have creativity in an echo chamber. They are critical of nothing that holds up their point of view. People on the right are just itching to call each other faggots so there is a high degree of curation amongst memes/rightwing artistic endeavors so quality increases.

Leftwingers believe in relativism so there is zero quality in their memes.

Well, if you think about it. They tend to "grasp" for being somehow "superiority" instead of being a good person. So there's that.

They also don't understand the right and you always fear, what you can't understand.

This is what they think: theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/feb/28/greatest-peril-screening-reality-Sup Forums-pewdiepie-nothing-matters-fascism

Get bombed, faggot.

Are your women good?

It's unremarkable. Graphic design in the west was much more varied and innovative than Soviet styles.

Left wingers have memes, it's just that they're so mainstream now, you just pass it off for the norm

>implying libtards aren't communists

Because liberals are creatively bankrupt, all they know is "RACWIST HOMOPHOB XENOPHOB ISLAMOPHOB WHITE MAN CUNT WORTHLESS FUCKER". Soon(tm).

Because left-wingers aren't concerned with facts or reality. They argue strictly on emotion.

I know, right? I used to use that "style" in some of my works. But it's just a style. Low amount of colors and basic shapes with a big perspective.

Because meming is a higher brain function

They need votes so any angle is worthy of being a meme to them. -Little do they know that this tactic is very contradicting.

The modern Progressive movement is essentially a new Puritan religion complete with original sin (privilege) and the Devil (racism). They're religious fanatics. Think of the most four, humorless old church lady only with fish mouth, brightly colored hair and problem glasses, and you pretty much have the modern Progressive. Everything is super cereal and absolutely no fun allowed.

It's actually sad. They spout those labels out without even knowing what they mean.

Because their moms are fat hookers

* or should I call them SLOGANS

kek THIS

Mostly block printing and primitive screen printing. Not to mention their Fucking weird alien alphabet that can only ever be written in slab serif or block sans serif. No elegance!


the non trashbag-wearing ones can range anywhere from a 5 to a 10



I like retro, but they ruin it for me.


Because the right speaks the truth in an age where the truth is forbidden. Forbidden things creates transgression and tension, that when they break feels liberating and laugh increases.
Nobody is going to laugh at something that has been repeated by everyone in the mainstream fifty gazzillion times. Only forbidden truths can make that happen.

Top KEK!

Lefty memes are all wagecuck. As such, whatever good ideas they may have had all die in committee.

Thank You for your wise words brother.

Because memes and infographs help socially retarded losers to circlejerk and feel safe and special online
"right-wingers" are brainwashed retards choosing to follow a braindead ideology, they don't have the brainpower to think globally or argue like normal persons, they have to rely on memes and meaningless catchphrases like literal 12 y.o to form their opinion

We've been here since 2011 and have nothing better to do.

Nope, they speak and are the truth.

Sitting in a coffee shop with your MacBook while complaining about greedy corporations not wanting to hire you because of your worthless degree hardly constitutes "busy."

Cause the left is inconsistent in their message. Today it's feminism, tomorrow it's "We are all Muslim". Their meme's would conflict and reveal the hypocracy. The better route for them is to just get triggered and act upon the fad du jour.

The media does all their work for them



I've been here since 2006 if I remember correctly.


Why do leftist "memes" always need a speech bubble to explain what's going on?



They're fucking stupid if you ask me :D


yes they are too busy manipulating and ruining society for their own personal gain, by offering nothing substantial and ridiculing, persecuting, and muting those that do, so that they can continue to do nothing, say anything, and avoid any objective merit.

This is such an accurate portrayal

of the Hillary Clinton administration

I am BTFO'd


Reply to this post if you are willing to slaughter all the degenerate leftist from the face of this earth.

Because the left is completely tied down inside their heads by their absurd PC rules. Their minds aren't free, their creativity is severely restricted. It used to be the other way around not too long ago when the left hadn't been taken over by PC culture and the right were still biblethumpers.

(you)pill me on this

I'm a socialist, but not leftist.

the left is a meme

snibbidy snab :DDD

>buys a cup of coffee
>sits for three hours
>switches between jewbook and Patreon
>wonders how to pay this months rent and student loan

You're fucking RIGHT.



because we have an ample ammount of studies and science backing us up and we do post them, but the right need an extra-ordinary ammount of evidence to back up the most inane points.

the more evidence you need to post to prove a point the more its most likely not correct or shaped by false innacurate findings.

Righties really just focus on their fee fees

you realize that Art makes a nation stronger, right? It's a celebration of our culture and people.

Kikes have killed that too.

Modern "art" consists of shitting in a man's face. It's worthless.

That crab looks autistic

ignore the media. Art is something you practice to get better at; a display of mankind's mental and physical ability... Not this modern art shit.
Something that ANYBODY can do is not special, and doesn't take hard work.

Hitler couldn't draw human anatomy.

It looks autistic because it is.

Interesting that you associate art with sitting on ass in a coffee shop.
Let me guess, BA in Art Appreciation and $60k of student loan debt?

Yes he could. He was an expert draftsmen and figure drawer.
It's because his art wasn't creative or emotional; nothing new.
art major here. His shit was bland and had no meaning, other than "look i drew something"
Good art isn't just being an expert at drawing; it's having a statement

I don't go to coffee shops. I animate for 12 hours a day.
I hate most art majors. They're lazy and hate working.

and not art appreciate you dolt i'm an animator

Finish people are quite clever

Yes yes, but you can't get any show if you're not "in the curb" or how would you say... If you throw bull sperm in a cleaner you get the space, but if you actually paint or sculpture something nice you'll get rejected because of JEWS. Thy basically dictate you what is "modern" and thus displayable.

>mountain side is best side

Ah so you're Christian. Assyrian or actual Lebanese?

My family apparently owns some land in Lebanon my dad finally got the pardon from the government for the war so he's going this summer to get the paper work done.

dude jews lmao

Because left-wingers aren't connected with reality and thus cannot amplify a spiritual awakening.

Because the majority of them just parrot opinions from talking heads

The lefties that is

Yes, kikes.

>colors inside the lines
>i'm an animator
How much do you owe on the student loans, goy?

stop blaming me for your country's retarded decision to create federal loans you weak asshole
how about you kill yourself instead of shilling for the jews who forced this fucked up system
god i hate stupid leftists like you

Lennu doggo is based AF