/polder/ high speed last sprint, vote 15 Maart, check your stempas

How do you do, fellow cartel breakers?

>Coalition tier
>Useful idiots
50 plus
>Commie tier
Nieuwe Wegen
Ondernemers partij

FvD meme folder

Other urls found in this thread:

openaccess.leidenuniv.nl/bitstream/handle/1887/19141/Baudet PhD proof.pdf?sequence=10

Not gonna lie, former Geert supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Geert crash and burn.. But in all seriousness we can't let this man get the nuclear codes.

Read Baudet's PhD thesis:

The Significance of Borders:
Why Representative Government and the Rule of Law Require Nation States

openaccess.leidenuniv.nl/bitstream/handle/1887/19141/Baudet PhD proof.pdf?sequence=10


Saw a lot of Dutchies posting in English last thread. How many of you guys can switch between English and Dutch without even thinking about it?

>Baudet posting


>How many of you guys can switch between English and Dutch without even thinking about it?
For most dutchies it's pretty easy. Mods will close the thread if we sprak in dutch.

We can that all

woops :')

Nederlands is kankermooi
But we have to be careful that mods won't crash this thread with no survivors, that would be very painful.

Anti-democracy imam calls muslim to vote Turkish party DENK


Jongens, alle nederdraadjes tot nu toe (zeker zo vlak voor de verkiezingen) zijn nog nooit gebanhamerd. De meeste zijn gewoon geviernulvierd nadat ze de paallimiet hadden bereikt (of, in het geval van een paar goeie draadjes met Thierrymiems, de plaatjeslimiet). We hoeven echt niet bang te zijn om Nederlands te praten hier.

>invoordat verbannen door een Nederlandse moderator

>Anti-democracy imam calls muslim to vote

>calls to vote

I often do so mid-post, kek


Is er als een "super high speed doggo" meme van FvD?

"VERY fast Thierry tearing down the partijkartel at incredible hihg speed"

met dan een edit dat het lijkt alsof hij heel hard rent ofzo?

Lijkt me echt kapot grappig maar ik kan niet fotoshoppen


Sadly this will only get them more votes. People that are in favor of the rule of law and Western politics were never going to vote for Denk anyway. This will get some of those "voting is haram" muslims out of their houses to vote for that roach.

You're wrong. 4 of them have been closed and immediately removed at least. Lurk more.

This is good. PvdA will bleed dry.



Congrats on your self improvement.


>Who is Thierry?
>Intellectual, PhD in Law and BA in both History and Law
>Wrote books, his most important one is Oikosfobie (Literally, in greek: fear of the house meaning the opposite of xenophobia, we have become afraid of our own home, our own identity, standing up for our values, etc. This is what Baudet addresses in his book, that we should have a Renaissance in Europe to rekindle our pride in everything what made Europe great (the classics)

>Thus, Baudet also wants to invest in aesthetics, meaning that our architecture and our 'house' so to speak, is not merely constructed out of sheer practicality, but should also resemble an aesthetic and an identity from which we can feel a shared identity, history but also meaning

>He worked extensively with Roger Scruton which, if you haven't seen it already Iwould highly advice you to do so, made the documentary Why Beauty Matters which elaborates on the point I made above.

>Is realistic about the failure of multiculturalism and particularly immigration, he has mentioned time and time again that the biggest problem Europe faces today is immigration and the refugee problem (which I absolutely agree with, global warming being a close second)

>His more general stances include
>Out of the EU (great, we want to be the leaders in our own country, and the EU as an institution has, unfortunately failed, dictating what we can and cannot do in our own country. The demagogues of the EU, perpetuating the idea that the disintegration of the EU would lead to the rise of toxic nationalism and the resurgence of war within Europe is just absolute fucking stupid
>Referendum based on Swiss model
>Immigration based on Australian model
>education based on Finnish model
>visa based on US green-card model.

With regards to economy I am not too familiar, I do know that they seem more right-libertarian with regards to the economy

Fuck you're dumb. Makes me regret shopping it for you in the first place.

Tell you what. Help break the partijkartel and convince some people about FvD and we're even. Or otherwise donate at fvd.nl for that last week radio campaign they're doing.

>five flags on poster
>dutch flag isn't one of them

Are his books worth anything? I'm intrigued by 'Oikofobie' but is it actually good?

Yes it's decent. Aanval op de natiestaat is better though



The basis for all his books seems to be his PhD thesis, which is available for free.
I linked to it in a previous post:

Is it just something to read to confirm my views or does it actually offer some new perspective? I might buy 'Aanval op de Natiestaat' and 'Oikofobie' if this is the case.

And then there's this

hahaha graag gedaan

sorry, zag t niet. Puike miem

Thanks lad.

DELET. Just don't remind me that this exists so I can continue to ignore it's existence.

Well I don't know what your beliefs are user. But let me put it this way: Aanval op de natiestaat provides the reader with a well thought-out political manifesto and dito arguments, while Oikofobie is lighter to digest

Stop voting for the Partycartel

My answer is that is right.


This is the book the feminists at (((UvA))) were mad about.

For any burgers that wonder why we're moving from Geert's PVV to Baudet + Hiddema's FvD, see pic about Geert.

He's probably controlled opposition.

Fiction. Lol. While they read 50 shades of litter.

Feminists are what got me here in the first place.

They did what we did in primary school, pretending to hate the girls we fancied.

>so in a country where 48% favor leaving the EU, 80-85% will vote for eurofederalists

This is so painful and true. Happens on a lot of topics. Europeans are blue pilled as fuck compared to Burgers. Even if they hate the EU and the muslims they still have no clue what to do or vote for to repell it

Party for the animals are also against the EU


>80-85% of my the voters are mentally ill

Daily reminder that we have a literal communist on the #5 seat for the Socialist Party


>"Het Communistisch Manifest heeft nog steeds praktische waarde."
>"The Communist Manifesto still has (practical) value today"

absolutely insane

Someone already member of the FvD party? I'm thinking about it

I send her an email asking her to explain this, still have gotten no reply back.

>Feminists are what got me here in the first place.


The complacency is what hits me the hardest, and the Belgians, French, and Germans seem to have this same problem. This is the number 1 thing that will kill Western society. There is always the underlying feeling that in the end, you need to vote for an establishment party, because it's the 'safe' and 'wise' choise.

Pic related (sorry for resolution) is the poster of the Centrumpartij for the 1981 and 1982 elections. Reading this sounds like a goddamn prophecy. Janmaat was a visionary and has been proven right on all points, yet less than 1% of people turned out to vote for him, because PvdA and CDA were what your parents and your church told you to vote for, and were seen as the 'grown up' choice. Not to talk of the disgusting attempts at character assassination of Janmaat that we still see today.

It's scary if you think about how many points of the communist manifesto have been commonplace for years now...

Helikopter wanneer?

The media, even the cuckservatives like geenstijl and elsevier gave her a pass on that one.

The politicians have simply betrayed us. Last year Knack published some quotes of liberal and socialist politicians from the 70s and the 80s: they all said islam is a danger. But once they saw the muslim and leftist vote had a value, they went full policor

Thanks my man. Saved


It's so wrong that Communists doesn't get the scolding it deserves. We have people being open communists and that is fine, but being only a little nationalistic gets you the "Literally Hitler"-stamp and gets you fired or assaulted.


Someone needs to contact Yernaz Ramautarsing. He is a great attack dog for such cases.




did geenstijl do a piece on it? Could find anything on it, except the Trouw article.


I have been in 3 polder threads that were closed in the past few days

>P.F. van der Heijden
>van der Heijden
He can't keep getting away with this!


I still have the screenshot for one of them

dat is gewoon pure kanker er geen niet eens een regel dat het niet mag
ja ik ben ook eergisteren verbannen voor nl praten maar ik blijf het toch doen wanneer ik dat wil

Don't let Woutert from ten years ago read it.

Yoe betass

Ja maar je kan er geen kanker tegen doen

No, they were silent on it. Probably too busy making topics about tit and ass.

nu zitten de moderators nog op school in amerika dus ze doen niks

Gamergate was on my radar, but I come from a very left background. I used to date feminists. I tried to understand their bullshit. Some of the things they say and believe are really incomprehensible. I thought first they were too complex, but I gradually realized that it was just bullshit. They couldn't answer straight questions if they got too close to the truth.

At some point I started researching everything that was mentioned and it became alice in wonderland. I remembered having been to Sup Forums a couple of times and suddenly the anti-feminist memes made sense.

My friends, my work, my family, nearly all of it is to the left. Very bluepilled.

shame, this is a huge story and got almost no attention. Imagine if the number 5 of the PVV said that Mein Kampf still had practical value today. Everyone, including foreign papers, would go insane.

Stikt hier van de domme racistische haatpropaganda. De grondwet wordt op deze site overtreden. Veel hypocriet gelul over slingerapen van verwende autochtone ongeschoolden. Gefrustreerd gezeik van mensen die anderen moeten haten omdat ze zelf niet lang genoeg aan mama's borsten hebben mogen zuigen.

Veel dom nazigelul op deze site. Hypocriete overtredingen van de grondwet.

Dit had ik jullie van tevoren al voorspeld. Jullie zijn te dom en hypocriet om de politieke situatie te begrijpen. Jullie worden niet genegeerd door de politiek, jullie zijn gewoon te dom om er iets van te begrijpen. Ga eens een opleiding volgen, dombo's.

Hypocriete aanvallen van mensen in een zwakkere sociale positie door verwende jongetjes die nooit ergens voor hebben hoeven werken, klaplopers dus.

Ik stel voor dat jullie het leger in gaan, dan heeft de samenleving nog iets aan jullie. Aan lafbekken die hun zogenaamde mening niet eens onder hun eigen naam durven te posten heeft niemand iets.

Wat een gemekker weer over niks. Zeker wat agressie over die je ergens kwijt moest en dus maar weer lekker hypocriet zeiken over anderen. Hoe oud zijn jullie eigenlijk, 14? Groeten van een hoogopgeleid iemand.

Probably oikophobic partijcartel moderators! Break them through middle.

Why Roemer instead of Asscher?
Roemer isn't a part of the cartel.


Dit. Moddereters zijn deel van het partijkartel

This pasta tastes good

You put some work into it, but still it's obvious bait. You need more practice, inexperienced troll.

10/10 bait

>ik haat deze site
>ik koop een 4chanpass

Ik heb me gelijk bij het leger aangemeld en ik stem nu denk, bedankt (((hoogopgeleid iemand)))!

>hij herkent geen lekkere italiaanse pasta's
Ga maar lekker terug naar je couscous.

>de grondwet overtreden

Zo hoogopgeleid ben je kennelijk niet, anders had je wel ingezien hoe belachelijk die uitspraak is. Verder mooie pasta, meneer Libero.

ik hou niet zo van pasta geef mij maar boerenkool met worst en jus


t. Ruby

>Er komen morgen weer 4 boeken binnen

jongens waarom duurt het zo lang voordat ik een boek uit heb? Ik kan makkelijk uren kutten op Sup Forums etc, maar een paar uur lezen begin ik steeds gewoon niet aan.

Waarom is het zo moeilijk om over te stappen naar het /intellectueleleven/?

Vierkinpas icm Clover is wel hoe de patriciƫr telefoonpaalt

>because PvdA and CDA were what your parents and your church told you to vote for, and were seen as the 'grown up' choice.
Indeed. There are people around me who love jokes about Africans, hate Moroccans and are far to the right of the PVV when it comes to law and order, but they still vote CDA because "that party is respectable".
It's morbidly fascinating to see an electorate hurtling towards right-wing authoritarianism yet voting for the same old progressive parties that it has always voted for.

Ben jij mij? Ik ben ook bezig om intellectueel te worden, maar het m'n aandachtsboog lijkt zo kort geworden

Yernaz is pretty extreme. He is the head of the FvD's in-house White Supremacist Death Squad. If you call him, she'll have an unfortunate tumble out of a helicopter.

Noem een meer afshuwekkend figuur


Te makkelijke vraag


ja bij mij ook. Komt denk ik door media als twitter en Youtube, waar je in een paar seconden weer iets gevonden hebt om je bezig te houden.

Ik heb 2 volmachten en mijn eigen stem. Ik mag stemmen wat ik wil. Ik twijfel tussen Groenlinks of D66, want zij zijn voor legalisering van wiet. Wat zal ik doen?