I'll start:

>USA lost to a bunch of vietnamese and afghani farmers equipped with 50yo rifles
>Every citizen is entitled to free healthcare and education
>Less guns=less people getting shot
>Land of the free=highest prison population in the world

i cant even put into words just how much i love being american. its fucking excellent! WHEEEEEEEWWW

>Only 60% white
>Shart in mart
>Fattest country in the world
>Trump is an Israeli puppet

>Only 60% white
>Trump is an Israeli puppet
Good ones.
Now you're about to get lynched by fatso shills

>go to Italy, everyone talking about USA
>return to USA, no one talking about Italy

>Voted for George W. Bush TWICE
>Voted for Obongo TWICE

>ok fine

1) True, but the US was under satanic control up until now.

2) Only white citizens are.

3) There is no gun problem, there is a nigger problem.

4) Refer to #3

The only good thing to come out of Italy was fascism and chef Boyardee

>>USA lost to a bunch of vietnamese and afghani farmers equipped with 50yo rifles
>>Every citizen is entitled to free healthcare and education
>>Less guns=less people getting shot
>>Land of the free=highest prison population in the world

Great post, faggot.

>Their country is responsible for (nearly) all the degeneracy in the western world.
>Most SJW's, LGBT-fags and "victims"
>More niggers than any other western country.
>People are taught more holocaust lies than in any other country.
>Consists out of people that betrayed/left their own countries for the sake of shekels.

Good or bad, Euroniggers are always talking about us.

also, checked

>yeah but paying for 400 lb nigs heffcurr and beaner ed shouldn't be a thing
>not true at all
>one of most populated countries in the word with millions of feral brown 'n blacks

You're one dumb fucking guido.

>Pretending dismissing simple truths by sprouting wrong like an autist will be considered an argument
>american education
you've could just went full urr durr and it would have been the exact same thing. kys fatso burgerturd

It means less shot, but not less deaths over all. People just use different weapons like bombs more often.

>Their country is responsible for (nearly) all the degeneracy in the western world.
>Consists out of people that betrayed/left their own countries for the sake of shekels.
wtf I love belgium now

we are always talking about kikes and rapefugees as well, you mongoloid aspie, what does that even mean?

>Less Knives=Less people getting stabbed
>Less Food=Less people choking on food
>Less cars=Less people getting run over
>Less skyscrapers=Less people falling to their deaths
>Less penises=Less OPs choking on dicks

>you've could just went full urr durr and it would have been the exact same thing. kys fatso burgerturd

>one of most populated countries in the word with millions of feral brown 'n blacks
what is china? what is a country with a billion chinks? kys
>People just use different weapons like bombs more often
genuine kek

Boppity boopy?

you burgers do really consider this kind of reasoning to be acceptable among adults?

This will trigger all of Sup Forums
>made anime more popular
>started to become the weeb nation
>made a different version of a Japanese anime image board called Sup Forums.

>chef Boyardee

Shitposting aside, it just comes across as pathetic. Europe hate us, and they literally never shut the fuck up about it. I get it, America is far from perfect, but it's not like the same can't be said about Europe.

Gun control saves lives

Don't forget western civilization.

Simple truths that trigger Italians
>have lost every war they've fought in modern history
>needed help from the Nazis to fail at conquering Africa
>only point of pride is the success of an Empire that fell the better part of 2,000 years ago
>home base for the world's largest pedophile ring
>no one gives a shit about anything Italian other than their good food

You're lucky I'm a fat American, famalam, because I wouldn't give a shit about you at all otherwise.

>burn down forests and cities
>kill civilians
>kill soldiers
>pack up and leave a few years later after sustaining mild casualties

I don't follow your logic, spaghetti merchant. Those countries are gangraped hellholes now. They got obliterated. They'll never even build proper infrastructure due to all the land mines laid behind. How did we lose? Because we left after we got done sacking the pieces of shit for all they're worth?

We pillaged those nations and came home. Communists declared the sudden lack of armed invaders in the countryside total victory.


I'm not sure how the first one is true at all. Especially the afghan one were we took over and put a different regime in charge.

>simple truths

>Every citizen is entitled to free healthcare and education


>Hurr durr Americunts suck
>"At least I'm not Italian"
I kek'd. Exactly the discourse I expected from a pastamonger.

Yuo should be thanking us for giving you hiphop

Chinks don't chimp out like blacks. There's no equivalency between them. You'll find out soon enough

Why would yuropoors brag about us "losing" (aka getting tired of massacring so many Vietnamese) the Vietnam war??

I'm not understanding how it paints them in a better light


JEWSA is a satellite of ISRAHELL

>USA lost to a bunch of vietnamese and afghani farmers equipped with 50yo rifles
USA won the vietnam war by any military standard, south vietnam collapsed after the democrat controlled senate voted to end physical and monetary aid to south vietnam and let it stand on it's own against soviet and chinese back north vietnam, wherein it collapsed after weeks. Similar with afghans.
>Every citizen is entitled to free healthcare and education
Healthcare and education are services, not rights. You are entitled to freedom, not to a PhD.
>Less guns=less people getting shot
Wrong, more guns = less incentive to shot other another person as it is higher the likelihood of them to be armed. The american states and cities with most restrictive gun laws are the most violent by the simple fact that criminals don't respect laws to begin with.
>Land of the free=highest prison population in the world
If the incarcerated population were to be artificially reduced or released, the remining good citzens wouldn't be free at all.

Europeans have a lot of reasons to criticize America, but lots of it also just has to do with trying to take down number 1. I get it: I root against the Yankees and lakers. They can have legit arguments of why America sucks, but oftentimes are petty (you're fat! Ok and you care why? Oh and you all drive automatics. Ok and so what?).

They're not aware that their governments deflect criticism of their failed socialist policies onto the u.s. SAD!

Not to mention, the Chinese probably secretly imprison and execute far more than we do.

Cuz they are fucking petty. They criticize shit that doesn't affect them. They're the biggest faggots and very soft.