Kek vs witches

"A byzantine series of coincidences toward the end of Trump's campaign led Sup Forums users to jokingly construct their own occultist belief system, sometimes referred to as the Cult of Kek. The basic idea behind it is that Pepe the Frog—a meme of an amphibian who vacillates between morose and smug, who somehow went from innocuous cartoon to hate symbol in the past year—is actually an avatar through which members of Sup Forums unknowingly resurrected Kek, the frog-headed Egyptian god of chaos and primordial darkness. The figure of Kek-as-Pepe enjoyed a mild public apotheosis on September 11, 2016, which is when the Clinton campaign posted about Pepe on Hillary Clinton's official website, calling the meme "a symbol associated with white supremacy." On the same day, Clinton herself left a 9/11 memorial service abruptly, appearing unsteady on her feet."

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Sup Forums is a board of peace!

This was a great read.. you should post the link too OP

What a fucking time to be alive

As a bonus the article illustrated that the normies underestimate the mighty power of KEK

Our might is infinite.

This shows just how low journalists have sunk in modern times. They were once informers of the people and safeguards from tyranny. Now they unironically take Sup Forums seriously.

Link to the paranoia: Forums-magicians-are-battling-over-the-future-of-america?utm_source=vicefbus


The term is wizard

haven't read the article but that summary seems pretty accurate, someone from VICE clearly did their homework

>mfw Vice will publish literally any shit we think up

The possibilities

>We aren't just fighting Trump. We're fighting the people around us. We're fighting the Sons of Kek, too.

Then it is war.