Well Sup Forums how does it feel that Trump pays more attention to plebbit than you?

Well Sup Forums how does it feel that Trump pays more attention to plebbit than you?

How will you ever recover?

We did it reddit!

Well, imagine you are over 70 and open Sup Forums catalog. You'd get a stroke.

well, you're here, aren't you?

4ch must be of some importance to have Brock's butt boys assigned here

>alt-right swamp

Did the president commission a hat to thank reddit? No, he didn't.

He knows we don't want to be flooded by more normies.
I'm fine with it.

Did the president commision a hat to thank Sup Forums? No, he didnt.

>Saint patricks day you fucking mongoloid

were you not here when we got to chill with spice daddy and he offered jobs and shit? get out fag.

ebaum's did it

How is HuffShitpo still in business

is that real


What did they mean by this?

Says that Huffington Post feels more safe visiting T_D than Sup Forums

/r/The_Donald is left wing from my perspective.

>alt-right swamp
they never learn, do they?


I got banned from the alt-right swamp for making an oven joke. AMA rebbit

Jew bankmoney ofc

What the hell does any of this mean?


Realistically, Trump first saw the picture on Drudge.

Lrn to greentext newfag

As long as Sup Forums stays under the radar.

Poindexter looking kid in the middle. I see the white genes are fighting hard against the negro genes. He could have been saved Sup Forums.


I guess that just makes it false, then, doesn't it? Is the photo fake?

it was posted on drudge first

We don't want attention, you newfag. We're not alt-right either. Fuck off ledditor

You shut your mouth and blame reddit new fag.

>gender inequality rabbit ears