I've got a girl on tinder who I've just redpilled about the refugee situation in Sweden, she wants more redpills in easy to digest format like infographics.
shit like MKUltra, Project Monarch, Holohoax, Sandy Hook hoax etc.
Rudolf Hoess: Commandant of Auschwitz: >"I was treated terribly by the [British] Field Security Police. I was dragged to Heide and, of all places, to the same military barracks from which I had been released eight months before by the British. During the first interrogation they beat me to obtain evidence. I do not know what was in the transcript, or what I said, even though I signed it, because they gave me liquor and beat me with a whip. It was too much even for me to bear." mailstar.net/Hoss-Memoirs.html
Captain Bernard Clarke (interviewed by Rupert Butler): >"The prisoner was torn from the top bunk, the pyjamas ripped from his body. He was then dragged naked to one of the slaughter tables, where it seemed to Clarke the blows and screams were endless. Eventually, the Medical Officer urged the Captain: 'Call them off, unless you want to take back a corpse.'" amazon.co.uk/Legions-Death-Enslavement-Military-Classics/dp/1844150429
Dr Charles P Larson was the head of the forensic coroner group that investigated the concentration camps in Western Allied occupied zones after WW2. He described this experience in his book.
As part of the US War Crimes Investigation Team, Dr Larson performed autopsies at Dachau and some twenty other German camps, examining on some days more than 100 corpses. He was later questioned for three days by US Army prosecutors on his findings.
In an interview with the Wichita Eagle, 1 April 1980, he called the holocaust a hoax.
>Larson has talked little publicly about the war experience. One reason for his silence has been that his autopsy findings conflicted with the widely held belief that most Jews in Nazi camps were exterminated by gassing, shooting or poisoning.
>"What we’ve heard is that six million Jews were exterminated. Part of that is a hoax," Larson said...
>...most died as a result of the conditions to which they were subjected rather than mass exterminations...
>...autopsies showed that "death by gassing and shooting were rare. Never was a case of poisoning uncovered."
Zyklon B was a common cyanide based pesticide used all over the world. During WW2, the Germans used it to delouse fabrics at concentration camps because of the typhus epidemic that raged across Eastern Europe from 1941 till the end of the war. 15,000 Jews died in Bergen-Belsen alone (where Anne and Margot Frank died of typhus in the camp hospital after having spent two months at Auschwitz without being gassed) AFTER it had been liberated and put under quarantine by British troops.
The Americans even used Zyklon B to fumigate the clothes of Mexican immigrants at the border in a process identical to what the Germans used Zyklon B for in the concentration camps.
>Zyklon B arrived in El Paso in the 1920s courtesy of the US government. In 1929, for example, a Public Health Service officer, J.R. Hurley, ordered $25 worth of the material–hydrocyanic acid in pellet form–as a fumigating agent for use at the El Paso delousing station, where Mexicans crossed the border from Juárez. thenation.com/article/zyklon-b-us-border/
Zyklon B was also used for a variety of purposes by the British Empire, including fumigating passenger ships and food granaries, as discussed in these journals.
As discussed in the journal above, Zyklon B leaves behind a distinctive Prussian blue residue on exposure. As you can see in pic related, the Prussian blue residue is clearly present in the Majdanek fumigation chambers, but not in the Auschwitz main homicidal gas chamber.
Kayden Reed
Highschool fag here (18) Just saw this at lunch (we're doing a """"stress""" week) question on the board was >what makes you happy? This was the response