People crying about how US spends too much $$$ on defense.. yeah ever think about why??? it's because so much of the $$$ is spent on advancing weaponry, tech, and military planes and vehicles.. that stuff ain't cheap.
Our miltiary spending gripes
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Only real gripe you could possibly have is that US spends so much $$$ on this stuff but ends up giving it away to foreign countries in the end.. that is true and I hate that.
need to spend more on offense tbqh
I know, man, those $200k commercially-available suppressors are essential.
wasting money on a standing army for decades, when there is no conventional military threat to us, nor will there ever be in the foreseeable future, is not a good defensive strategy.
Yeah no shit weapons are expensive and that's why it costs a lot of money.
That doesn't excuse buying all those weapons so that the US can be involved in 130 armed conflicts in countries where it has no earthly business.
I'm more worried about all the spending for a traitorous media and public education system aka cultural Marxism
>americans can't afford healthcare
>can afford wars for israel
really gets the cogs turning
russia, china, and Iran are the biggest threats militarily to the US.. and all 3 can easily form a axis against us and defeat us..
It's called helping a tiny ass nation that is surrounded by millions more people that want you to not exist anymore..
This. I like getting paid to kill shit.
Back up your dumb claim or are you another person who knows nothing about high volume government purchasing.
We buy our m4s at like 300 dollars a pop you fucking mong.
>what is BRICS
it's like what cunt hair away from being a full blown alliance.
>tfw indian still trying to play non-aggression and court both sides.
>government paid college tuition to give millions of americans new opportunities and improve the future economy and average intelligence of the US population
>10 years of war costing trillions of dollars on countries that pose no real risk to the US and who's continued military presence in exacerbates their problems as well as plans for even MORE military spending
Sure, that's a part of it, but it's more so because we became the world police and have to have a standing army that can handle multiple threats anywhere on the planet at the same time.
We got used to the Cold War, and it is now a matter of policy. We used to keep a very small military and draft damned near everyone when war came around. Those who were not drafted for combat went to work for the military industrial complex.
>new IRA
>Sinn Fein wins majority in NI.
ids habbening.
>What is how to create a global power vacuum resulting in countless ISIS like threats, Alex.
I'll take Globalist Talking points for $500.
>Not wanting cheap gas, iphones, hegemony and cheap food
>not wanting the world to bow to the petrodollar
Can't have your naive altruism and also be a first world powerhouse. Sorry faggot nigger.
>endless war is a net gain for the economy!!
Keep bowing to your state sponsored corporatist propaganda.
Do we really want a communist nation to become the world police?? serious question.
# And these are just a few of burgers' most sefl-cucking things... #
everything is a fucking scam.. even life.. I just want to fuck chicks, eat, and sleep all day...
Let's say the US cuts military budget to china level and leaves NATO and UN... what happens???
>the options are no military or full scale war
Literally the same reason why nobody can have a sensible debate about guns.
>oh no it sucks having the best military
>oh no it sucks having a swift justice system
>oh no it sucks having the most advanced medicine
>oh no it sucks having most premier schools
>Oh no it sucks having the world trade in our dollar
>oh no it sucks having so much food!
>oh no it sucks being the world leader in entertainment
Go back to twitter you cringe inducing jealous obsessed fuck.
>most spent per year = best
>healthcare fucked
>public schools fucked
>dollar has unstable speculation right now
>shit high sugar food that renders almost half the country overweight
At least some good films come out of America.
Hey at least we aren't losing our nation to mooslims unlike you guys, and can actually repel an invasion.. unlike you guys.. :)
Not an argument.
lol you just admitted I destroyed your argument.. thx.
Yes, that's why your country is less than 60% white, because you are SO good at keeping Carlos and his family out.
You are way behind the news aren't ya?? we are kicking em all out..
Tell me that when you are above the 60% mark again.
I swear to god, the goats that muslims fuck are smarter than the average American. You are a prime example of that.
lol somebody mad
>"the thing we spend so much money on is expensive, that is why we spend so much money on it"
enlightening words indeed
Even if you are being sarcastic you at least get it... unfortunately the mass media zombies do not.
My man!
currently obliterating its country at break neck speeds
currently rolling back some really horrible choices and have been steaming in a different direction, the first time in easily decades.
>slurps muslim cock
>watches first born stabbed through the heart by a Somali
>apologizes to the Somali
Any sane mother fucker rather be in the US than that tolerant shit hole called swedistan
>go to sweden
>gang stalked
>saved by police
>police back chat you about antagonizing the Muslim youths.
>government finds out right wing US agitator is in their country riling up the brown hordes.
>get deported.
Tim pool is a right winger?
>that is true and I hate that.
So why spend more?
lol I forgot he went over there honestly. I was just taking the pis.
>>Not wanting cheap gas
Gas is doing nothing but going up at the moment. Kys
Are you implying this is a method for hegemony or cheap hegemony? I'm confused.
We dwarf Russia and China combined in military spending, are you implying we're becoming communists or that Russia has a remote chance in a world war?
>>oh no it sucks having a swift justice system
>>oh no it sucks having the most advanced medicine
>>oh no it sucks having most premier schools
These are not true
>>oh no it sucks having so much food!
Why are there so many starving Americans considering our average food waste?
America doesn't need to spend nearly half of all human military expenditures. We have allies for a reason. Give some money to the fucking space program. NASA only gets 4/10ths of a penny on every federal dollar and they are one of the few things we do that yields objective progress for the species.
Because we love playing world police and the eu are cheap fucks
Only trusted allies are Israel and UK
That's kind of a shitty reason to but a bigger needless burden on tax payers.
It is needless but I understand why it is.. I don't want China to take the baton from the US as world police coz they are communists and do not respect human rights at all.
It is a gain, but it's an artificial gain, much like welfare. Nonetheless, military produces more useful work than bureaucracy, particularly in the tech field
>I don't want China to take the baton from the US as world police coz they are communists and do not respect human rights at all.
It is needless but you understand why it's needless, so you want to back it anyway?
But they won't, even if we don't increase the spending. So what's the point?
Military spending has been cut back for years but demands on the military have not been reduced. Note I'm not talking about war funding, that's separate, I'm talking about deployment commitments to allies ect.
Yes, having a military that can destroy and occupy nations on the other side of the planet while being committed to dozens of other tasks including global naval dominance is expensive. Extra funding is needed now in order to expand personnel and do some needed upgrades that have been put off for too long.
>muh species.
Globalist git the fuck out faggot.
If you really want a space program that will take us to the belt, outer planets, and beyond then tie it defense. If national survival rests on dominating space you can bet that will attract for funding than the vague reasons NASA gives for its programs.
>Extra funding is needed now in order to expand personnel and do some needed upgrades that have been put off for too long.
Like what?
The US "only" spends 3% of its GDP on the military. That's a lower percentage than Saudi Arabia or Russia. If the US dropped down to 2%, in line with the UK, it would still be the world's largest military spender by far, purely because of the sheer size of its economy.
F35 program.
Iron man suits for everyone with jetpacks.
Don't we sell it? Also, I'm pretty sure we don't give them everything. e.g. we sell airframes but not the most advanced avionics/radar/etc
military aid is a thing.
Needed upgrades to our nuclear deterrence have been put on hold since Bush was in power. Cant put those off much longer especially with the Chicoms and Russian introducing new systems.
Also most of our air force is due for replacement and/or upgrades. The are some gaps in the navy and army as well.
Your nation-state is going to count for jack shit in the eyes of xenos poking and prodding the remains of our civilization in a million years.
and yet... niggers still exist. Someone isn't doing their job
stop giving so much money to the kikes in jewville and funding their wars and jew banks. GAS THEM ALL
giving it away by not securing the intel and blueprints because we get hacked and have traitors who sell intel.. that kind of stuff.
I'd rather just convince enough American citizens of the importance of their species over their short term desires in order to establish that first industrial foothold in space, but I'll ultimately take any option that achieves that goal.
>implying its not nation states that will conquer the stars.
Get ready for US space marines and the eternal wars between the Chinese and Japaneses martian colonies.
We really don't spend that much in the context of our GDP. I really don't understand this meme. Do so many people not understand how percentages work?
With all the planets out there, the odds of us being the most advanced spacefaring civilization are incredibly low. We're going to get wrecked by aliens when we get far enough.
>We're going to get wrecked by aliens
If they are millions of years more advanced than we are and the want to kill up no united human globalist superstate is going protect us.
Thats low grade syfy nonsense.
While I disagree with your post, I appreciate the civility of it.