/polder/ General elections in the Netherlands

General elections are planned to be held in the Netherlands on Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Continue the fight against globalization!

Kek approved: PVV + FVD

Explanations of parties: pastebin.com/TEgR0CCS/

Other urls found in this thread:



Why not rename it to /Neanderthal/ politics?

Inside joke

nah, fuck luxembourg, they're shit tier toothpaste

t.better toothpaste



It's globalism, not globalization.
The words look the same but those are different concepts, almost opposite. Globalization is good, globalism is bad.

You guys have to better dominate those linguistic traps. The left is master at that and will use it against you.

The media is all over trump because they think he is against globalization instead of globalism.

Be extremely strategic with language /pol. This will make you win the cultural war.



I'm confused. There is another /polder thread and it's not at bumplimit yet.

Is this the backup or what?




Nice memes user. You made those or are you reposting them? I haven't seen them before

I did see the pic related ones, and liked those too

I am making them now. Still have a lot to go, enough ideas!

Thanks brother, ga je PVV stemmen?


>Thanks brother, ga je PVV stemmen?
Denk het wel. Moet zeggen dat ik 100% zeker was, maar FvD heeft me voor het eerst aan het wankelen gebracht.

Ik hoop in elk geval op een monsterzege voor Geert.

>tits flowing over her bra
How lewd. Can Putin not afford to pay his employees enough to buy new underwear?

>wanneer je bh te klein is

Dutch women are degenerate, even if they belong to based political parties.



Also we know all the parties. But for foreigners it would be nice to add the partnames under it...

Also, post some miems and fotowinkel ideeën. I will probably stay awakw for another hour.

Would be extremely funny if you did almost every 1 zetel + party

Heb me net rotgezocht naar dit pareltje.



why would you want these waloons

Deze is gruwelijk, haha

even eerlijk.

PVV kan niet op tegen de heldere blik van FvD wat betreft pislamisatie en immigratie.



't Gooi representeert.

Beetje laat of niet soms?

Het is nooit te laat voor goeie miems.

hnngg wat een meme

maak ook een Old Snake Hiddema meme aub

Of een Solidus Hiddema meme, kek

Heb je nog meer pittige miems?

Alles is traag in deze thread.

Heb je nog memes of standpunten?

Holy kek! Revolver Hiddema!!!!

Great idea for the weekend user

Ben toch bang dat mensen hier in het Gooi merendeels op de Gristenunie of VVD zal stemmen. Op de derde plek verwacht ik PVV. FvD is nauwelijks bekend hier.

Op het moment heb ik zo een ban aan de broek gok ik. Dus sla op en repost en zorg dat ze in de imgur map van archiveanon komen!

Nouja.. weet ik ook hoe Hideo zich voelde toen hij gewieberd werd

>Revolver Hiddema

niet eens bij me opgekomen maar letterlijk perfect, bravo user

Dutch friends,

Is there any chance that (((Geert))) is treating his campaign in the exact same way he did his trial? Will he say nothing the whole time until the 14th, where he gives a massive press conference/rally that goes on for way too long, but will stay in people's minds for the day after?

Pretty much

En zo werkt kek!

Bedankt voor je idee, ik ga er het weekend mee aan de slag. Hou de draadjes in de gaten

I can't say, ask him.

Would probably not be a good idea. Imagine how he would plan his campaign

>"I'm just going to do nothing, possibly make anyone with genuine interest in politics feel abandoned and pavlov the idea into their head a day before the election. Damn, I'm a genius."


Whoever made this did goo!

Heeft iemand deze miem maar dan zonder dat hakenkruisjodensterding erin? Ik wil 'm normievriendelijk maken maar clone stamp werkt niet goed met ie rommelige achtergrond

Merci, is één van m'n favoriete films


Oh lama, ik heb 't al opgelost

Waar is dat Arjen Lubach plaatje?


>Merci, is één van m'n favoriete films
Geweldige film, heb hem alweer te lang niet gezien.


Ik heb alle vijf de films in een luxe DVD-box. Nou ja, geen luxe, maar het is wel een doos. Schitterende cinema



Ik haat Arjen Lubach zo. Ik hoop dat hij bestolen wordt door een vluchteling

>Ik heb alle vijf de films in een luxe DVD-box. Nou ja, geen luxe, maar het is wel een doos. Schitterende cinema
Bronson, Eastwood, Ocelot. Geweldig om naar te kijken user.

I am genuinely in love with Anne Frank. She was beautiful, witty, and graceful young woman who light was snuffed out far too early.

I frequently fantasize about being Peter van Pels hiding with her.

Oh god, just imagine deflowering that sweet girl on a lazy Amsterdam afternoon, lying and learn what each other's bodies were for.

Now imagine nine months later, she's got a massive bulging stomach from carrying your child inside of her and it seems like she’s gonna pop any moment now. Her popped belly button makes it look like she's got a giant third boob where her stomach once was. She waddles around and can barely move half of the time. She's developed an insatiable craving for your dick and you've likewise developed a taste for her pussy. You’re both cooped up in an attic all day have nothing better to do besides fuck like an unsustainable third world population. You lie down on your back, she strips off her almost comically too small clothes and kneels on top of you. She grabs a hold of your rock hard cock, inserts it deep inside of her, and begins to ride you like a stallion. You feel the pressure from her incredible weight and huge round belly bearing down on you but the indescribable pleasure of her tight pussy throbbing on you cock negates any discomfort. You sink into her beautiful soul, into that secret place where no one dares to go. After 30 minutes, you and her are both moaning with ever greater intensity, you know it won't be long now. Suddenly, you feel your cock shaking like a V-2 rocket and the orgasm reaches it's climax as your cum literally explodes like an 88mm AT round inside her Sherman tank, blowing the turret right off. You and her both join as one, souls screaming from the sheer ecstasy. As the elation wears off, she lies next to you. Too exhausted to do anything else, you simply hold her in your embrace. In that moment, there is no family squabbles, no Nazis, no war. Just you and her, watching the sky turn pink with the setting sun.

You dream of the beautiful face you have found in this place. So soft and sweet.

One day you will both die and your ashes will fly from an aeroplane over the sea.
But for now you are young and all you want is lay in the sun, and count every beautiful thing you can see. Love to be in the arms of all you’re keeping here with you.

What a beautiful dream that could flash on the screen in a blink of an eye


Gran Torino is en blijft een fantastische film. Zelden ook een acteur zo consistent decennialang ijzersterke films zien maken. Gran Torino, hoewel nauwelijks vergelijkbaar, kan zich in kwaliteit meten met vroegere cultklassiekers als de Dollars-trilogie. Dat doet bij mijn weten amper een acteur hem na

GTFO party cartelist

Suddenly, you awaken from your slumber to the sound of a bloodcurdling scream. You open your eyes to darkness, it takes a split second for your vision to readjust. You feel lonely and cold. Another shriek knocks you back into reality. Anne sitting next to you, clutching her belly, face contorted from pain. A foul smelling fluid lies pooled on the floor around her mid-section. Your hot dirty fuckfest has brought on labor. she cries your name, begging for help, begging for you. The noise. She’s louder than a line of Louisiana Tigers giving the Rebel Yell right now. You raise your finger to your lips to tell her to be quiet. But the agony is too much for her to bear. You’ve got to do something or else it will awaken the entire neighborhood and with it, the Nazis. Suddenly you remember the bulge in your pants. You’ve got morning wood. It’s not the best gag, but it will have to do. You stand up, squat like a slav, using her belly as an impromptu stool, grab your still cum-crusted cock, and shove it right inside her mouth. At first, she tries to scream even louder in surprise, but your circumcised 100% Kosher dong blocks her windpipe, reducing her screams to a barely audible gurgle. Suffering from unbearable pain, she bites down on her your meat with each contraction. Now you’e in pain too. With each contraction, she bites down harder, it feels like she’s gonna tear your cock right off. Eventually, the pain subsides for her and she doesn’t bite down as much. Now it seems almost as if she’s starting to enjoy it. You can feel your child kick on your testicles. Clearly it’s excited too. Suddenly, your cock starts to shake like a V-2 again, you pull it out of her mouth just in time. You bust your steaming hot and sticky load, blanketing her like an incendiary carpetbombing of Dresden. Semen stains her mountaintops (all three of them), along with her hair and most of her face. She quietly giggles from the ironic amusement of it all. You giggle too

Then a look of sharp pain shoot across her face. She’s having your baby. You wish you could bear all the pain for her, but all you can do is sit and watch. You look down at her vulva, still oozing with cum from that great fucking you gave her a few hours ago. You can see a head of black hair poking out. You fear that she’s gonna start screaming again, much to your relief, it seems that she’s gotten better control of the pain, thanks to you. She begins to softly moan, it seems as if instead of experiencing excruciating agony, she’s experiencing an orgasm. You can’t help but grin as she keeps pushing. As more of the head becomes visible, her moaning intensifies. Finally a small head emerges from her vagina. You can see a face wrapped in an umbilical cord. A small pair of hands grab the head, she weakly tries to pull the head out. You put your hands around the head and begin to help her pull. Desperately, she goes into the next contraction with all of her energy, and pushed with everything inside of her. She feels everything. She feels shoulders and hips and feet all slide down inside of her and pop out in one long push, with a rush of fluid behind it, and it feels amazing. She throws her head back with a rip-roaring orgasm that penetrates the very heart of her soul.





You look at the newborn now lying on the floor and see that it is a boy. You have a son. Perfect, perfect in every way. He begins to stir and you realize he’s about to cry. After all that’s happened, you don’t to given away to the Germans from the wails of a newborn. You gently lift him up and place him on Anne’s semen stained mountaintops. The baby quickly finds the breast is soon sucking happily. Semen, blood, amniotic fluid, breastmilk all mix and fill the air with a strange scent that while repulsive, is also extremely arousing. You can’t resist the urge anymore. Your mouth land on top of Anne’s opposite breast, sucking first your own cum, but then her tasty milk. You look into her eyes, she’s somewhat annoyed, but too exhaust to really care. A gust of wind coming from a hole in the wall blows through, cooling both of your sweat-drenched bodies, but also disturbing the little one. You’re afraid he’ll start shivering. You look around the dusty attic for something to keep the baby warm. You settle on Anne’s fur winter jacket, having sat unused for the past two years. You know Anne will definitely not be happy that you ruined her favorite coat, but it’s for the best. She hasn’t been able to fit in it for the past nine months anyway. You carefully wrap your little one in the coat and hand him to an exhausted Anne, she continues to quietly feed him. You notice the dead silence for the first time, not even the other occupants of the Annex, mere feet away in the next room, were roused. You feel a sense of relief. You’re safe, for the moment at least. Eventually you curl up next to her quietly and begin to doze off. Your secret sleeps in winter clothes. Tomorrow, you can find a way to explain the night’s events to your parents and hope they don’t kill each other. You can somehow find a way to get your little bundle of joy to safety. But tonight, you just rest, your first night as a family.


Oh god, just thinking about this is making me rock hard. The hardest I’ve ever gotten. Oh, I think I’m gonna… I’m gonna-

*Cums in Diary*


Oh yeah and be sure to vote PVV, Anne would've wanted it.

>t. VVD voter


PVV voter are dumb and retarded. You all know this is true.
>but me hoger opgeleide PVV stemmer

>t. D66 voter

>when you've read about Operation Market Garden and how Polder land forced XXX Corps down a single road and eventually led to a delay that resulted in 1st Airborne being slaughtered

>Anne Frank would've voted PVV (obvious lie)

I have watched the movie at least 20 times...
Based US & UK airborne

Grappig. Denk dat wel op een lijn zitten wat dat betreft. Ben het onironish met je eens.

What do you think kek meant by this?





I'd probably throw it away if my FreedomBucks Brand coffee had that gibberish in it.

They can choose. Abandon smelly french ways, go to france or get purged.

Stop posting, Alexander

Kek bless this thread.

Your virgins are waiting for you


He actually did


Thank you for all that you have done to further Dutch right wing politics. I'm going to sleep now, but the meme factory will start producing again tomorrow

Doet me hieraan denken.

Sleep well user.

Maybe Kek is revealing to us an alternate universe that once Anne got her Dutch citizenship, her idealism would've soured and she would've become the most fanatical Dutch nationalist, demanding the Netherlands continue ruling over the East Indies and provide aid to Apartheid South Africa.

>tfw no qt pro-Apartheid Anne in the AWB to shoot commie niggers with

Well I wouldn't be surprised if that was what kek meant


Goed bezig user. Misschien een subtiele verwijzing naar zijn gammele beveiliging?

Stef Blok, minjus Veiligheid&Justitie
>Geert is veilig, kan gewoon campagne voeren hoor, hij stelt zich aan voor politiek gewin.
>Beveiliging DBB (politie) vervangen door BSB (Koninklijke marechaussee). 5 mensen van functie gehaald, onderzoeken lopen nog.

Kies. Er. Verdomme. Een.