I mean, essentially no unemployment, a declining population thus a lot more free space, little in terms of pollution, that nuclear disaster was just fake and didn't really release any radioactivity, and then they got like lots of cute, non-degenerate Japanese girls and fish and whales.
Its overcrowded and not everyone wants to live in a big city but they can't really do much to solve that (they tried to by invading China).
Ian Flores
70% of their population is heavily autistic extremely low birth rate retarded education system retarded salaryman culture
Noah Sullivan
The rent is too damn high.
Daniel Hill
Like 50% of married couples don't have sex or something, 40% of women under age 35 are virgins, also anime.
Tyler Jenkins
their island is slowly sinking.
Jackson King
Yeah, keep obsessing over Japan while letting Merkel fill your country with rapefugees because she supports your worthless ass.
Jordan Thompson
>The rent is too damn high. Not in the countryside.
Hudson Perez
>no unemployment
You clearly have never lived there. Japan has a large hidden homeless problem. I recall seeing a large amount of people living in cardboard boxes under a large underpass in North Tokyo. Japan has some good things, but get your head out of the anime. Some of it sucks, it is not the prosmiseland.
Jonathan Gutierrez
>40% of women under age 35 are virgins Even better. How based can a country be. You can move there and fuck around among virigin super cute girls.
>also anime. Yes, that's good too. Attack No. 1 was awesome. Even some part of Sailor Moon was spot on redpilled.