>try to save the western civilization
>make the first animal protection laws
>treat your worker masses with love and respect
>love art
>be love itself
>save humans from jews
>get demonized forever
Our savior
Western civilization is France and Britain. He was dragging Europe into an undemocratic dark age.
>implying democracy is imbued into european traditionalism and isn't jewish liberal filth at all
m8 I have bad news for you
Germany is part of the west Tyrone
>attack only white nations.
>try to kill the Jews.
>set up Europe for Communist occupation.
>Demonize Whites forever.
>Get worshipped by fat, virgin NEETS who would have been killed in Nazi Germany.
Where is that comic from? See it all the time.
>totalitarianism totally works u guyz, just look at my lat strategy game playthrough as an example
>Greeks were Jews.
>implying democracy doesn't result in decadent societies and allows for mob rule
at least be a republic
>strategy video games in 2015+2
>mob rule
You don't know what the term means.
>strategy games are bad this year
Civ 6 made a shit tonne of money.