Is it time to let go of the outdated tradition of the wife taking her husband's last name? Perhaps we can even go a step further and reverse it to balance things out and achieve true equality.
Is it time to let go of the outdated tradition of the wife taking her husband's last name...
Other urls found in this thread:
>took my wife's son last name
>Ending my genetical line isn't enough.
>I also have to erase my name.
When somebody feels like they need to explain themselves, then it's probably because it's actually fucking stupid and they need to minimize the harm they feel know and feel they've inflicted on themselves socially.
My wife took my last name. Didn't even ask her.
Was just like "lol, you sure? you can do that hyphenated bullshit if you want" and she was just like "fuck yeah, I'm your family now."
While I am in favour of taking my wife's last name I might be convinved to take a hypenated last name provided her's comes first.
How can any woman respect such a 'man'? I give it 3 years before she rapes his ass in divorce court
No way this is real.
That or we have Sup Forums shitposters all over the "media"
It's more important that the kids take my name, No hyphens, only divorce kids get double-barreled names.
My kids, my legacy, my name. Wifey should join in but I won't start a fit over it.
Actual article
>Pro: It (his wife's maiden name) sounds more Jewish.
>It’s funny to say, but there’s history here. I am proud of my Jewish heritage and all it has taught me.