Knowledge Bomb. Importance of Family in Society/Civilization

Family is the core of a Society/Civilization and its continuity. When the Family is destroyed the Society/Civilization follows with it.

Once you understand this, it allows you to point out the Social Engineering being done against The West.

This is what the Social Engineers have done destroying the Family to crumble Western Society/Civilization:

Step 1): Make having a Family appear to be negative for both Sex's(Men & Women)

Step 2): Turn the Sex's(Men & Women) on each-other & Make them less dependent on each-other.

Step 3): Change mating Habits/culture of the Sex's & Poison the mate selection choice quality.

Step 4): Destroy the Sex's/Genders(Men & Women) & Promote mass same-sex attraction,Trans & A-Z genders.

Final Results): Declining birth rates, "Empowered" Women, Weak Males, Vast mental illness/sickness & Crumbling of Western Society/Civilization.

Save the Family, Save the Society/Civilization.

Other urls found in this thread: bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/áthory

PAST THREADS TO DIG INTO: bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

siggy checking in and giving you a bump!

Future topics I plan on covering:

1) Social Engineering Petri Dishes.

2) The threat of The Left.

3) 9/11

4) Operation Mockingbird & the term "Conspiracy Theory"

Appreciate it & spread the word as always.

>id: b0mp

Will do kek

Also I told everyone about the Coup/Civil War operation being done against the US before all this recent shit was coming out:

Basically the morality taught in time tested religions (Christianity, Hinduism, etc).

Wow, great thread


Why don't they strive for a white successful society, instead of a Brazil-esque shithole planet?

A5 - can you please comment on the Deep State thread from last night? Did you see it. I'm a little scared right now. Can you give us some insight into what is happening behind the scenes and boost the morale around here? This shit is downright scary. Also, I thought O was leaving...didn't realize he was going to be such a massive fucker, causing fuckery everywhere. That little shit needs to be in jail.

I told you guys about what was going on: And for the thousand time, feel free to read the archivesof my threads I always link in my threads: In a way.

The Frog shows.

Reminder Anon5 is a roleplaying sack of shit with no proof and not the Illuminati insider he pretends to be.
>inb4 shareblue
Yes I'm David Brock himself infact and I'm literally shaking, goys

Destroy Race,Sex,Culture, then Destroy the Human race and transcend with Machines HR-Giger style.

That is the end goals for some of the Globalists. Not all of them.

I've thought about that as well the only thing I can come up with is that want to be masters of an easily manipulated slave-race. Either that or it's a giant population control program, but in that case there are other ways of doing it.

My information is always important, as I keep telling people........

So upset and so low energy.

hello you industrious little disinfo shill you :^]

It's both, and then a eventual extinction of humanity other then the Globalists who merged with machine HR Giger style and left the planet.

Hi David

This is a politics board, it's not for LARPing autists that want to pretend they're Deep State informants. Kill yourself.

>transcend with Machines
Are you talking the singularity user? Cause that's what I'm reading.

I like your delivery.

Bumparoo negro

You are very bothered by this thread.

I'm not one of those.

>hello you industrious little disinfo shill you :^]
projecting maybe?

Hey anon5!

1)Will Jeff Sessions resign, or manage to remain?

2)Does Trump has some sort of deadmanswitch ready in case something happens?

3)Thoughts on Le Pen's chances after the EU got rid of her immunity over a silly twitter pic?

4)What about Geert?

5)Why were the jews in general such assholes alongside history? and at what point where they made a scapegoat for other globalists? (read the jew-psy op thread btw). I'm just saying that when it comes to marxism, multiculturalism, it always points back to them. Their whole history makes it seem like all the globalists are jews if you think about did they managed it to use them?

6)Thoughts on Isreal? with all the jew conspiracies, it's pretty hard to imagine them as allies, unless only a few of the elites there are corrupt.

7)Anything on Karl Marx and marxism?

you missed 5)
>create a generational wealth gap between parents and children, boomers and millennial's to encourage resentment in the family

No, I'm talking about how some of the Globalists hate humanity and wants to destroy it while they surpass it with trans-humanism.

I do what I can.

Well that's just obvious, you don't need a deep state insider to tell you that.

Are those ideas explained in 'transcendence'?

>you are bothered haha checkmate
>resumes roleplaying

Larper5, everyone.


Well. The irritable response DOES lend you credibility. Not with me, because I believe you, but others should take note. A5 is laying down some good info and I just visited that achieved thread and indeed, you shared exactly what is happening. And its A LOT of fuckery. Hope Trump and his team can weather the storm. Crazy.


I'm in on an Anon5 thread, fuck right!!

I missed your last one, "Fighting Feminism," all for it, in case you didn't answer this in the last thread--just tell me how.

Keep it coming, brother, looking forward to what else you've got for us.

true, but notice more closely the millennial are this and boomers are this articles. its another form of polarization dividing western culture.

love your family
your brothers, sisters
mothers, fathers
your partners
your future children
love yourself. don't let it win.

What the fuck is going on in that webm?

>no proof
The proof ends up presenting itself, now shut the fuck up, pedo-whore. Your time's coming,

Didn't forget it, its part of the whole Social Engineering program that is outlined.

1) Remain

2) Very likely.

3) & 4) Still good.

5) Environmental pressure, Post WW2. It was simply getting people to focus on those systems rather then the full system.

6) Tricky position they are in regionally.

7) Social Engineering & Class Engineering.

You fail.

If they want to become Giger-style biomechanical freaks and fuck off to space, that's one thing. Why do they want to fuck up everything else? Is it spite?

>Fuck right a real deep state agent is posting on Sup Forums!!!!!!

And so are the dead-men-walking shills like you.

The dude just regurgitates what he reads on Sup Forums mixed with his own opinions and you fanboys drink it up, you're a fucking retard kys

They think they're better than everyone else. Psychopathy and how they have been raised for generations.

Hello Knowledge Bro.

1) Every time a celebrity dies there is a meme on Sup Forums that Stan Lee is draining their lives. Could there be some truth behind the meme (truman show/ life prolongation) ?

2) Have you noticed where the attack that removed LePen's immunity came from? It was an assist from the Italian Movimento 5 Stelle. They are showing their true colours.

3) Ray Dalio want to become a machine. In his company Bridgewater he uses Orwallian methods to "destroy" the amygdala of his own employees. He fits the description you made of some globalists.

Burn your shitty cult books. It's just programming for slaves. Nature is God's word.

Finally I see one of your threads while it's still alive!

Is their a viking/norse mythology globalist group? I keep seeing positive depictions of vikings all the time without any guilt associated with them, but that may be because I'm in burgerland.

I think I'm figuring out how the twin towers released all that "energy" on 9/11, it has to do with the heat, vibrations, and sounds from the city around that it's been absorbing for decades, kinda like the ozze from ghostbuster 2 that's under the city. Also having two of them so close lets them feed off each other constantly, destroying it released all this energy which already mentally demoralized us but the energy release from this effected everything as well(as everything is a form of energy). Am I close?

So over on full /Sup Forums/ we had a thread a while ago depicting popular icons of the "left" as traditional house wives, good idea to meme back traditional families?

fbi user from the civil war and soros threads here

the slush fund evidence we have directly ties obama ------> alex soros ----->antifa
not just a loose conspiracy that they're working together, but the same funds linking to all 3. we had a total shit storm because it was a SA from our office who leaked this mess since no one is authorizing further investigation.

obama has been meeting with a lot of ambassadors of very old US enemies by the way

people are so fucking naive holy shit

Keep the thread active and spread the word.

Research & Observe. I keep telling people.

Read up on the archives: bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

Also you can defeat Feminism if you make it "uncool" for Women. Exploit the social conformity factor of women.

Another option is to convince Feminists to sterilize themselves to "Fight the Patriarchy"

Former Anon5 voter here, not gonna lie, it's fun watching Anon5 post and trash faggot like G5u7Rd0+, but seriously, we can't let this guy get his hands on the tripcodes.

Reduced to phoneposting after the Shareblue investigation but have a bump A5

I've started reading Rules For Radicals.

Are the libs really this stupid? They're the status quo, the have's, and we are the revolutionary have-not's.

I think we should adopt the book into our strategies, after the success of HWNDU irl trollings it's pretty clear which side we are.

Any advice?

This. In trying to understand them, understand both their plan as well as their personalities. The one clarifies the other.

Can you stop larping?

this isn't a roleplay board.

>Another option is to convince Feminists to sterilize themselves to "Fight the Patriarchy"
Agree and Amplify.

I'll do it for the lulz.

Check out the 1955 Glenn Ford movie Trial, it's a narrative illustation of Alinsky's methods and how to defeat them.

Generational Insanity.

1) Not really.

2) Look for EU connections.

3) Interesting

That thread was very important & I told you guys about the Operation going on.

1) Would need to look into it.

2) On the right track.

3) Yes.

Appreciate it.

1) Yes

2) Reading R4R will be very important in stopping The Left.

Meme it if you have too.

I don't larp.

>tfw to intelligente' too knot knot believe every person claim to be who they really are

Shills always show up.

1)Assuming the EU is disbanded in the future, what can the countries that were in it expect, for example, financially?

2)Remember your early threads when you said pedo globalists like Soros live longer due to young blood transfusions? they're kinda normalizing it though they say it's not "ready or possible yet" So putting blood from children in your body, somehow cures you/extends your life?

3)Also, for how long was this practiced and known ?

4)Still on the young blood topic, reminds me of this btw
jews were fucked up

5)So is Obama still blackmailed by Soros with hotdogs to attack Trump?

6)You said Michelle is a trannie, but there are photos of "her" as a child growing up Is that really her or another girl? or they changed her sex early on? At what point if yes ?

I've been pointing out on Fakebook which of the 11 Rules are represented each time they try to pull something. Not sure if it's having any effect on my lib friends. We need a more organized approach.

A5, any ideas on how to fight the Feminism? Very difficult when Hollywood churns this shit out 24/7.
We need to get successful, well-known women and promote their feminine qualities like motherhood.... people like Ivanka, KellyAnne, Joy Villa, etc. Women who can promote working WITH men and having families.

We already are using R4R with the current happening right now if you think about it.

Each time we perfect our approach


there have been larper after larper, you're no different. Prove it faggot.

guys i'm actually spicer and I got some incredible info to share with you.

is this the same tripfag we can trust?

>Meme it if you have too.
Will do.

To the latter point, it has always been this way. Bolshevism brutally punished the peasants because they wanted capitalism. Working classes of all countries were reliably traditionalist, conservative, religious, and monarchist, until recently. Leftism in one line is youthful educated sophomorism.

Okay, if you are not a shill, why are you butthurt and spamming these threads? Are you saying that the family is bad, feminism is good, the EU army is no problem, rules for radicals is irrelevant, the US coup isn't happening, color revolutions aren't real, and dinosaurs did not have feathers?

No it's just another attention whore

>You said Michelle is a trannie
A5 only said she had higher Testosterone than Obama does.

1) They never had a choice

2) Yep, its really screwed up.

3) Look at history.

4) Very screwed up.

5) They have a "Old Flame" relationship and are working together once again, mutual goal of toppling Trump.

6) You might want to ask why those photo's were rolled out when they were.


Read: Also: Feminists can't be saved, might aswell exploit there thinking to take them out of the gene pool to save The West.

sure all of that shit is bad news but regardless him being a tripfagging + avatarfagging larper spamming links to his thread is fucking annoying

>the Globalists who merged with machine HR Giger style and left the planet.
You've mentioned this before Anon5. How many other groups who are aware of it/work against them?
link to 4+4 thread user?
>tfw Ray talked about doomsday cultist architect
>tfw Dan Aykroyd's father was a paranormal researcher & that inspired ghostbusters

>It's not the girl, Peter, it's the building. Something terrible is about to enter our world, and this building is obviously the door. The architect's name was Ivo Shandor. I found it in Tobin's Spirit Guide. He was also a doctor. Performed a lot of unnecessary surgery. And then in 1920, he started a secret society.
>After the First World War, Shandor decided that society was too sick to survive. [notices more jailbirds listening in] And he wasn't alone; he had close to a thousand followers when he died. They conducted rituals up on the roof, bizarre rituals intended to bring about the end of the world, and now it looks like it may actually happen!
best timeline

"A womb can be a man-factory--do YOU want to contribute to the patriarchy?! #HIS-terectomy"

I can work with this.

So hide the thread you faggot. Are you in every thread you don't like shitting it up? Sorry, but I think you are indeed a shill.

>Promote mass same-sex attraction
How can I protect myself from gaining that attraction to my own sex? How do you do that? I am worried, that watching male biathlon will turn me into gay.


1) Several, including other Trans-humanist groups.

Sup Forums could meme it like #DraftOurDaughters was.

It just relates to Media conditioning, normalization & Social Engineering

Because he pretends to be an Illumanti spook risking it all to leak info and it's bullshit, he's a faggot and should have been laughed out of Sup Forums by now.
t. Mad Dog Mattis and if you say I'm not you're a shareblue shill

3) Look at history.
Probably since foreveráthory

So now I'm thinking of going and setting up a "trolling" op where I get Sup Forums to make fake accounts to request tumblr artist to draw them selves/famous people as traditional house wives for keks.

Also just off hand, what do you think of Jack Donovan?(writes alt-right stuff and wrote the way of men) just been really getting into his writing recently.

>Photoshopping Bane's mask from Dark Knight Rises onto related pictures will give you camouflage; you are one of them, understanding of their meme language."

From the Shareblue orientation manual.

Thanks for the bump.

1) Pretty much.

2) Good idea

3) Haven't heard of him.

>It just relates to Media conditioning, normalization & Social Engineering
I don't understand.

Ok I will go but keep your larping garbage to yourselves.

it's fucking cringy.

Can you point out an example of different groups countering each other, especially in regards to social engineering?

Such as, are you saying that flooding the West with Muslims was a countermeasure to another group's social engineering? Or is there an example like this?

Understand how sex agendas are pushed.

Anywhere specific you go to read about the energy properties? The thing I still don't get is the propagation of waves/effects through the past.

>Several, including other Trans-humanist groups.
Odd to me that there would be other races that monitor ours and refuse to deal with us because of SJWs, but would be fine with helping the elite escape off into the cosmos. Doesn't give much hope for defeating the elite and bringing all of humanity up in consciousness...

I have a new Shareblue thread up. Mods are really pushing it this time. It was one thing with RWSS, this however is far bigger than that.

whats the problem with the left ?
Oppositions are neccesary in a modern world.
The left is pretty much the same as the right, just a different culutre thing.

That Familiy is a big thing should be clear to everyone. How ever become the Rothshilds what they are?
This is a generations work

I don't think pointing out what they're doing does anything, normies don't care.

I'm advocating that we co-opt R4R for us. It really does apply to who we are as Have-Not's.

Leftism is the status quo, that is what we're fighting, we are the revolutionaries Alinsky talks about, just on the other side.

I'd also like to point out the recent rise of "sugar dating" and websites like Seeking Arrangement, which are essentially prostitution sites. Lads, if you didn't already know, your girlfriend or her friends are DEFINITELY on these sites, making thousands of dollars on the side.

How do we stop sites like this?


Nothing is gayer than being a tripfag's fanboy, sort yourself out.

1)About Churchill... He refused Hitler's peace offering multiple times, which kinda started most shit. Also, he had "jewish connections". Anything on Churchill, along these things? i remembered you said he did what he had to or something like that...

2)Why did the globalists wanted to stop Hitler?

3)Remembered you saying that the 2 world wars we had, we're actually one war all along.

4)Anything on ww1 and the assassination of Ferdinand that started it? is there more to it?

5) Was the Serbian Black Hand group that killed Ferdinand a globalist group?

6)Anything on Mossad? lot's of nasty stuff from what i hear, especially on pol

7)Had Hitler defeated Russia and won, how would you see the world today?

8)Was the Soviet Union(and communism) started by the bolsheviks a prototype test by the globalists for the EU?

You named one, also it was the same group trying to unfuck there own plans.

They aren't helping the Elites.

>other Trans-humanist groups
I assume Kurzweil, Aubrey de Grey, etc and their ilk are tangentially related to all this. What drives a technocrat to willfully abandon their humanity for the sake of immortality/progress/evolution? It seems rooted in narcissism to me. I can't imagine my parents consciousness existing forever in the cloud, i'd jump out a window.
Is there a silver lining to any of their utopian visions?

Shame them bitches, Nothing works better then social pressure.

I think I may have meant that for someone else, your pic triggered me, but your post was spot-on. Sorry.

I've worked for both of those transhumanists, so could answer some detailed questions if you'd like.
