Listen up, alt-right

>be you
>ugly, rat-faced virgin slob
>can't get a gf
>see other ppl happy and w/ gfs
>see white girls dating non-white guys
>no non-white girl wants to date you
>no one wants to date you at all
>become racist

Listen up, guys: just because you are ugly, doesn't mean you have to become alt-right. There is a place for everyone in society. You are clearly part of the social rejects, but it doesn't have to be that way. Just start talking to people. Remember to lay off the antisemetic remarks and stop looking down on people who hold different views than you (ex: feminists, socialists, environmentalists, etc).

Your life will get better as you become accepted by society and garner friends.

Trust me. I used to be alt-right like you.

Best of luck.

fuck off with this

There is no alt-right.

>tfw nonwhite girls won't leave you alone
I hate thirst and it's the only thing nonwhites have to offer. If only they could bring intelligence, creativity, empathy, or love to the table. I wish they could parlay as individuals but they're terrified to venture from the collective. I was we could associate like humans but they insist on playing the role of the animal.

People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

Got stuck on the Shariablue graveyard shift, huh?

someones projecting super hard
its ok, pol was never alt right and we still love you. even if no one else does

dat go pro

Alt right is such a stupid term

>stereotype and insult a group
>then immediately demand that they conform to your norms

still sticking to those election tactics I see

lmao 2018 & 2020 will be fun