There truly is no hope for Reddit
There truly is no hope for Reddit
John Hall
Gavin Nguyen
This is what Sup Forums used to look like. Are we the sane ones now? Looks like it.
Joshua Morales
No, we are as insane and autistic as they are
Andrew Sullivan
Speak for yourself, yank poof
Cooper Watson
Well, no. We base our opinions on facts. Like when I say "niggers are unfit for civilized society," I base this on niggers being subhuman.
Jack Powell
I thought the election couldn't be hacked?
Luke Brown
>b-but it's poverty that causes Tyrone to rape and murder
Asher Davis
>The issue is not that nobody can meet with Russians
Pic related.
Jonathan King
Maybe there's a plan between Russians and the dems and framing Trump is part of that? Do the ruskies fabricate evidence soon?
Lucas Brown
>secret meetings
So how do you know about them?