How about, illegals can stay BUT

How about, illegals can stay BUT...
-Absolutely NO federally sponsored gibs.
-Birthright citizenship rule abolished
-Also marriage does not earn you free citizenship

That would at least demotivate all the coming illegals.

and what do I gain by agreeing to this "compromise"?

how about we continue the course of them all going back and that's the end of it

If they don't pay the same taxes I do they can fuck right off

what do you gain?
everything with a '-' before it.

No, they all fucking go, and if I had my druthers they'd be put on a list that permanently bars them from citizenship.

How about we keep sending the illegal democratic voters back over the wall by the thousands every week? How bou dah?

Fucking qt 3.14 right there my man
Fuck no. They leave and all those things happen anyways cuck

More to the point, there is no birthright citizenship, we can send newborns back over the border and be completely square with the law.

No, get a visa or get out.

>How about, illegals can stay
They have to go back and stay there