I knew Russia was corrupt, but holy shit is this fucking bad. This is exploitation of the people to a new level. Can any Russians (or Russians on U.S. Proxies), that aren't on Putin's dick give me a low down on this? What's the media saying over there?


Other urls found in this thread:


Bumping for serious inquires. The video is long, but it basically shows in detail how corrupt the Russian Prime Minister is, with full documents and evidence to back it up.


Navalniy is are Surkov=Putin project to demonstate that we actually have opposition.
thus this video are gov made leak.
So my quick rundown that you are an idiot.


What about his partner who was shot in 2015, Nemtsov? Do you really believe that he's making all this up? That seems highly unlikely, based on all the evidence that is available.

US would be better off with white Christian refugees from Russia then Muslim ones from Middle East

>ex-president and current prime-minister received like ~1 billion $ (yes 1 000 000 000 $) in bribes
>His relatives, cousins and friends invested all of it in crasy expensive mansions, land and farms. In particular he owns vine farm with the territory larger then vatican in Italy.
> Russian media blocks this info everywhere and don't provide any disproofs
>More then 4 millions of russians watched this video in 2 days (thats alot for Russia)
>Nothing goona happen, because Putin is even more corrupt and simply don't care about what russians think

Putin-bots will probably try to deny this, but its impossible. Too many evidences. Pic related summarise how crasy corrupt Russia actually is.

Go back to sosach, where loosers like you gather.
I've been waiting for this idiotic accusation. You don't even have anything against the actual video. So you try to inject the idea that everyone is actually a Putin's agent and thats why no one should oppose Putin. Won't work.

Both Putin and his family will be cursed for centuries. Even Stalin was debunked, though under his rule country made serious acheivments.

Putin and all his family will all get purged literally. Learn history.

>What about his partner
You mistaken navalniy with yashin
yashin just are manlet jew that will suck any one dick as long some one pays.

> Do you really believe that he's making all this up? That seems highly unlikely, based on all the evidence that is available.
I just told you that this vidiya is Putins regime made.
dont bother replaying on my posts you are clearly fucking goofy.


Wow.that is ball-crushingly insane. Is there really no tension within the people of Russia to do something about the corruption? Is naval their (or yours, I'm assuming you support him) only hope?

>Learn history

No one believed Russian empire could fall, no one believed USSR could fall. How can one believe Putin's crasy incompetent and pathetic regime won't fall? It's just stupid.

putinbots are that desperate.

you know we have id there?

Fuck off with your ERK1/2 MAPK signaling path.
The Krebs citric acid cycle is far superior.

But lets become allies with them and worship them even though they are hillary level evil minus the childre


Lol, nice.

Well, someone actually provided some background evidence. You didn't provide shit. Seems like you're wrong on this one.

>American politicians being corrupt as fuck excuses Russian for being even more corrupt as fuck


I never understood some Sup Forumsacks obsession with Putin anyway, dude is trash.

Oh wow you really worked hard on that.
slushGate nukeUS

All nationalists who could manage to organise something are in prison
People are being jailed literally for facebook likes
Putin's opponents periodically get jailed or murdered
I'm not even saying that almost all media is controlled by Putin's firends. Total censorship everywhere. Most of the people are simply disinformed, terrified to act

I know that's kinda reddit type of post, but its aactually true. Russia is pretty oppresive USSR-style despotia nowadays. Again Putin is a kgb agents he never ever thought about giving up all the KGB methods to control the public opinion by various vile means

Ohhh shit. Damn these Russians are ruthless.

Seriously though, wtf is going on with this corruption? Is there anything stopping it?

>Putinbot calling someother putinbot

Heт oтвeть cepьeзнo кaкoгo хyя ты нa фyчaнe тo зaбыл блять? Пиздyй в cвoй йoбaный вкoнтaтик и cpи нa гoлoвy дибильнoй шкoлoтe. Здecть тo ты чeгo лoвишь, yeбищe?

Nope. But pol should stop worshipping Putin. Its really super stupid. Absolute nothing good about him. Well maybe only one thing: he don't like fags.

Jesus...... do people view naval you as, maybe, their best shot against Putin?

This is why I am terrified about how close our president has gotten to him. No offense, but I really don't want my leader to do any of those things you mentioned. I hope the best for you.

Putinbots havent yet cracked the code of 4chins

Assblasted hohol/liberal detected

The claim is that this is govt propaganda so obviously there will be "proof"

Putin is my hero. A true fucking alpha male that takes anything he wants.

>say somthing bad about me?
>get two in the head and blame Chechnya

>call me a souless retard?
>hack your friends and make you lose the easiest election ever.

>expose my billions of dollars in offshore accounts?
>go to jail for being gay

Seriously no one in the world right now is as alpha as this man.

cмoтpитe гpязный мнoгoнaциoнaльный poccиянин пopвaлcя.
нy нe плaчь пидopaхeн, кypaтop тeбe твoи пятнaдцaть pyблeй выдacт.
Хoтя дa c aйдишникoм ты oбocpaлcя, хyлe тaкoй нe пoдгoтoвлeнный?

I like Trump and i hate Putin. I think its impossible in USA. Political system in US is great (arguably though) and do have defensive mechanisms against crasy autocrats.

how many times are you shareblues going to double post like there isnt ID here. we can see you're the same person. Gah-Lee

Wow. Meet the king of arguments right from the Olgino

>Posts Hitler and defends Putin simultaneously
>Accuse me for shilling for Russia, whilst i obviously criticize it at most

I clarified my own thought idiots. Just made it this way so that it was obvious .

>its another muh russia haxor thred


Yeah i am totaly wrong there sorry must shill hard to putin.
Now tell me you little leftwing parasite cosidering logic how can one person after 5 prison cases leave jailcourt every time getting suspended sentence? He is totaly not working for (((current regime))).

i believe you

That's childs play compared to the shit that was going on in 90-s.

I don't need to look for id. The obviously orchestrated message of posters is obvious from afar

All cases were fabricated. All materials are open to public. European court justified Navalny.

>European court justified Navalny.
European court justified Navalny.
>European court justified Navalny.
European court justified Navalny.

What does it mean? Russian courts MUST obey the european human right court decision. Such are the laws.

Go back to vk, you are literally shilling for nothing here. No one you can convince here that Putin is based, it's simply impossible, when all western media against him.

But, why were they taking him to court anyways? They sounded like some bullshit charges to begin with.

they dont call you autists for nothin

>Posts Hitler and defends Putin simultaneously
Now that are nice delusion right there.
Fuck putin and your shitty troll factory.
>I clarified my own thought idiots
>Oy vey they have id there, shutitdown. Shlomo shekelsberg call that goyim idiots fast.

Russians correct me if I'm wrong, what I see with Putin corruption is very bad. However any attempt to replace him is exceptionally dangerous as it will just be exploited by other countries trying to install their own puppets, at worst they could balkanize russia and turn it into a never ending conflict between smaller states.

Which creates a situation where both options are bad but any change in leadership is more of an unknown.

Is this correct?

More or less yes.

Oh fuck off you hillary drones Russia is doing fine and the administration is very good stop believing your propaganda lies

The worst StateDep investment and waste of US taxpayers money since Sup Forums bots like you.

>ITT: stupid memes
>ITT: blue pilled idiots
>ITT: moron idiots believing propaganda lies

Provide just one, only one argument to back up your words. Hitler pics don't count as arguments.

>But, why were they taking him to court anyways?
are you mental? people there getting actual prison sentences for reposting on facebook like social network.
And this guy leaving court free after every single one of them. While other majore opposition leaders who did the same shit he did serving they sentences in prison.

This. Our hope is to have the replacement, probably our current minister of defense, focus on corruption fighting more.
And the worst case scenario... Elites are not immortal. And they're aging quick, life in Soviet Union hurting their chances at reaching even a hundred years old.
This country isn't theirs, they simply hold it as the lesser evil.

Well no one can say for sure, but

>attempt to replace him is exceptionally dangerous

This can probably be a myth too. I guess it is the last bastion of Putin's defence of his rulership of depression and ineffectiveness. Like: "if i'm gone it's gonna be worse so you better tolerate me robbing your country, stupid russians".

Poove it.

Proove it. Why then we are so poor, whilst we are so rich?

Russians are retarded.

Putin stole $70 billion from the Russian taxpayers.

This fucking midget became the President by killing 300 russians (1999 appartment bombings) and blaming the Checnians.

The reason russia is a shithole is because the russians are mentally handicapped.


Moron, Navalny was sued, then he interposed an appeal to european court of human rights. And this court justified him. Russian courts MUST FOLLOW the decisions made by european court of human rights. This european court is a higher instance, simply by our own russian laws.

Forceful removal of the entire system third fucking time is unacceptable. Russia won't survive through another revolution.
We need to work around the problem and hope to fix what we have. We're better off than we were in the end of eighties or middle of 1910s, anyways

Are you aware that you fail hard in this discussion? Now seriously i never talked to putin-bots, why are you here? This board is irrelevant. Why are you not on the facebook?

>Putin stole $70 billion
Kek, wasn't it 200 billions?
>killing 300 russians (1999 appartment bombings) and blaming the Checnians
Mah conspiracy theories.

Well at least you have some arguments. Thank you.

Well i hate Putin, but this user is right. This accusations of Putin exploding buildings are just stupid. He is corrupt as hell, but he did not do it. If he wants he can bomb any region in Russia and don't need to justificate his actions really.

For the first time in Russian history, Russians are rich. I think Putin and Medvedev have earned nice things.


Former Russian hackerman here, media is praising Putin as the "God Tsar"
Seriously though we can't let him get the atomic passwords

Don't get me wrong. Our current condition is unacceptable either, even if to count in the ruin of 90s and that such dark times always, always bring the worst to the top.
Problem is, exploding on our current situation will also empower our elites and radicalize the muffled and shushed elements like Nazis, monarchists and all that other garbage. Plus, even if you hang Putin and his buddies and their buddies and Gramma Clava the kremlin cleaning manager, the country will still be fucked. Petty revenge isn't worth messing the situation up even worse.
For a proper, quick, effective coup that won't have the effects of nineties and the Revolution but times, times worse, we need a foreign power that will instill order without taking an interest too grave to allow or an inner one that already has a non-corrupt head and, most importantly, non-corrupt body. Even our military, the only force that could do a real takeover, is compromised in such a manner. I really wish Кyжyгeтыч was innocent and generally dindu nuffin other than exterminate Georgian army and take Crimea, but sadly even he is probably tied with the corruption heavily.

> Russian courts MUST FOLLOW the decisions made by european court of human rights
NOPE lol, they don't need to follow their decisions. They could be fined, that's all they could do.

The main problem with this is that Navalny is a puppet. Even if he isn't a puppet, then he just wants to steal the money for himself. He never did anything good, just like every other politician.

Russia has no good politicians and the only thing keeping it together is army and police.

>Russia has no good politicians and the only thing keeping it together is army and police.


>He never did anything good, just like every other politician.
He didn't do anything good or bad. He literally dindu nuffin and that's a main problem.

Simple yet elegant fischer esterification chiming in.

what did he take bribes for?

Not exactly. I'm too lasy to translate, but:

>15 дeкaбpя 2015 гoдa пpeзидeнт PФ Bлaдимиp Пyтин пoдпиcaл зaкoн, пoзвoляющий Кoнcтитyциoннoмy cyдy пoлнocтью или чacтичнo игнopиpoвaть peзoлюции Eвpoпeйcкoгo cyдa пo пpaвaм чeлoвeкa. Пpичинoй для тaкoгo peшeния являeтcя тoт cлyчaй, ecли peшeниe пocлeднeгo пpeдпoлoжитeльнo пpивoдит к pacхoждeнию c Кoнcтитyциeй Poccии. Caм зaкoнoпpoeкт был пpинят в ycкopeннoм peжимe Гocдyмoй PФ (был внecён 18 нoябpя, пpинят - 4 дeкaбpя), «зa» нeгo пpoгoлocoвaли 436 пapлaмeнтapиeв, «пpoтив» выcкaзaлиcь тoлькo Дмитpий Гyдкoв, Cepгeй Пeтpoв и oбъявлeнный в poзыcк Илья Пoнoмapeв (пo дoвepeннocти)[55].

>B 2016 гoдy, пocлe пpинятия cooтвeтcтвyющих измeнeний в зaкoн o Кoнcтитyциoннoм cyдe, Mинюcт Poccии oбpaтилcя в КC c зaпpocoм oб иcпoлнимocти peшeния ECПЧ пo дeлy «Aнчyгoв и Глaдкoв пpoтив Poccии».[56] Cyд чacтичнo cчёл eгo выпoлнeниe вoзмoжным, чacтичнo нeвoзмoжным.[57] B 2017 гoдy КC cчёл, чтo Poccия впpaвe нe выплaчивaть кoмпeнcaцию бывшим aкциoнepaм ЮКOCa, пpиcyждённyю им ECПЧ

So in 98% of cases Russia follow the european court.

>what did he take bribes for?
He could take it for fucking everything. He is Putin left hand and scapegoat.

>70 billion

thats nothing he got like 200 billion in 2012 already now propably 300-600 billion.

whats the points being rich and everybody is rich aswell ?

what do you want civil war? they'd never get out of that hole, its better to infiltrate the gov, climb the ladder and change from within

>So in 98% of cases Russia follow the european court.
That means Russia could follow the european court when they want and don't give a fuck when they don't want.

No, he actually stole the money people gave him via crowdfunding his ROSPIL shit. He never delivered on the promises but now has all the money.

Does this mean that FSB cooperates with Navalny?

>climb the ladder and change from within
Are you mental?

Libturd propaganda. No facts. Everybody is corrupt, nothing new. Navalny, (who stole city of Kirov's wood and is convicted criminal) just wants to steal as nuch as current ones, he's just envious.
At least, Putin is patriot and Navalny is a pro-american traitor. Btw he looks like gay nazi spy.

> stole the money
>that people gave him
Serves them right.

Well russian nazis are generally meme tier. But nothing wrong in healthy russian nationalism.

Yep, i think Mighty Son of Kudjuget is a best variant right now.

Putin burnt out political field, so that there are no politicians. But its Putin's fault. Not Navalny.

> he just wants to steal the money for himself.

Proove it! It's literally very week olgino style argument.

>Russia has no good politicians and the only thing keeping it together is army and police.

Thats because of Putin deeds. He clearly repeats the mistakes of late USSR imbecile rulers.

>what did he take bribes for?

Like someone will share this info publicly. We don't know.

It's not that simple, though Putin wants to be a god-tier, but world is a bit more complicated thing.

Jesus this retards keep rpeating this same shit. Look upon here -> >At least, Putin is patriot

Proove it. Protip: you can't. 3 out of 4 dollars earned in Russia go back to the West. Our economy is even more oil dependent then in times of USSR.

Putin is crooked and he is a traitor. Thats for sure.

>Thats because of Putin deeds
>Implying that's not how USSR did things and how Yeltsin did his shit
> He clearly repeats the mistakes of late USSR imbecile rulers
That's not mistakes there is no other way allready.
>Putin burnt out political field, so that there are no politicians.
Because Russian politics were always meme-tier shit.
>Like someone will share this info publicly
Big anglo-churko-russian businessman gives a lot of shit to corrupt politician "we don't know" that's not hard to guess.

Yeah man, Putin is the allmighty politic destroyer. It is not his fault. There are no good politicians because all top government personel is from USSR and they still lead Russia like USSR. It is a complex problem, and everyone is at fault.

But you are a leftie which sucks Navalny dick so there is no point in talking to you.

But i will answer you. Navalny wants to steal the money, because he never did anything good, he has all those videos pointing out corruption, but never he did anything on political scene.

>>At least, Putin is patriot
>Proove it.
Putin took Crimea back where it belongs, not letting cuckhole ukrainian nazis to kill Russians on Donbass, defends Russia inside from the fifth coloumn of sjw-libtarded-so-called-opposition.

Still, if anything Putins is accused is true, he's still better than anyone else.

>world is a bit more complicated thing
Nah it's simple. If you have nukes you could do shit and have your way. If you don't you get ass raped.

>get your ass raped

Democracy doesn't work because it is very easily subverted by the (((media))), (((donors))) and (((lobbying)))

Putin is doing a great service for his country and the white race by playing the strongman and taking all the criticism for it

>he's still better than anyone else.
That's comical, tragic, sad and a little bit surreal. But close to be true. People don't deserve anyone better.
>Putin took Crimea back where it belongs, not letting cuckhole ukrainian nazis to kill Russians on Donbass
That's cause Obongo was pussy ass nigger that didn't have a lot of support from his own government.

You're mistaking the meme Nazis for the bandits and the thugs who usually get locked up in jail.
Revolution means that the scum which was held back by laws and order is let go and essentially given free reign of the country.
As such, until the society is unradicalized fully any thought of letting the country go in freefall is suicidal.

And the problem I have with navalny, his attitude is annoying, his economical plans are unlikely to succeed - and as such he has chances to be on Alcoligula's level, - and he is given way too much airtime on TV for a supposed danger to the government.
So he is either not danger as the government believes he won't be able to muster together enough support, which he proves so far with getting Kohvansky's level of views in YouTube, or he is a plant who purposefully is hyped as an opposition leader idiots can get behind and be led towards a dead end politically.

Navalny is a clown. He never got elected, never had real support, no one believes him. He is a convicted thief himself. He literally never did anything useful for Russia. Also, he's pro-gay. Pathetic!

Everybody is corrupt so Ruskie look good when they look at themselves? Russians are corrupt, not "all". Are you people raised in Russia to say that everybody is guilty and everybody is like Russians so that you can come up with excuses and self justifications for eternity?

>Revolution means that the scum which was held back by laws and order is let go and essentially given free reign of the country.
That's not gonna happen. If this regime would fall we will have a new puppet government from U.S. There would be no thugs, no such crap.
>letting the country go in freefall is suicidal.
Letting country with nukes go full Heil Motherland is fucking joke, so nobody give us such privelege in being one.

> Russians are corrupt, not "all"
>Brussel is Russian
Oy vey goyim knows.

>puppet government from US
And this is why allowing the regime to fall would be a mistake.
Russia must stand strong and must stand independent. Solutions to our problems that get in way of those two are equal to betrayal.

So what is the future for russia ? What is worst corruption in a stable country or the possibility of total explosion of Russia ?