I knew Russia was corrupt, but holy shit is this fucking bad. This is exploitation of the people to a new level. Can any Russians (or Russians on U.S. Proxies), that aren't on Putin's dick give me a low down on this? What's the media saying over there?
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Bumping for serious inquires. The video is long, but it basically shows in detail how corrupt the Russian Prime Minister is, with full documents and evidence to back it up.
Navalniy is are Surkov=Putin project to demonstate that we actually have opposition.
thus this video are gov made leak.
So my quick rundown that you are an idiot.
What about his partner who was shot in 2015, Nemtsov? Do you really believe that he's making all this up? That seems highly unlikely, based on all the evidence that is available.
US would be better off with white Christian refugees from Russia then Muslim ones from Middle East
>ex-president and current prime-minister received like ~1 billion $ (yes 1 000 000 000 $) in bribes
>His relatives, cousins and friends invested all of it in crasy expensive mansions, land and farms. In particular he owns vine farm with the territory larger then vatican in Italy.
> Russian media blocks this info everywhere and don't provide any disproofs
>More then 4 millions of russians watched this video in 2 days (thats alot for Russia)
>Nothing goona happen, because Putin is even more corrupt and simply don't care about what russians think
Putin-bots will probably try to deny this, but its impossible. Too many evidences. Pic related summarise how crasy corrupt Russia actually is.
Go back to sosach, where loosers like you gather.
I've been waiting for this idiotic accusation. You don't even have anything against the actual video. So you try to inject the idea that everyone is actually a Putin's agent and thats why no one should oppose Putin. Won't work.
Both Putin and his family will be cursed for centuries. Even Stalin was debunked, though under his rule country made serious acheivments.
Putin and all his family will all get purged literally. Learn history.
>What about his partner
You mistaken navalniy with yashin
yashin just are manlet jew that will suck any one dick as long some one pays.
> Do you really believe that he's making all this up? That seems highly unlikely, based on all the evidence that is available.
I just told you that this vidiya is Putins regime made.
dont bother replaying on my posts you are clearly fucking goofy.