Why does almost every girl I know have a mental illness?

Why does almost every girl I know have a mental illness?

Is it a trend? Or is post-feminist post-industrial life actually so bad for the female psyche that they all go neurotic, like birds kept in a small cage that preen until all their feathers are gone?

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>Mental illness feels like the general cycle of creativity
I have to take medications to prevent myself from going into full blown psychosis
These stupid cunts don't have mental illnesses, they're just fucking attention whores and "lmao my anxiety xDDDD" is hip right now.

Ammo to play victim on social media in order to get pity likes

>women are hard wired to be submissive child bearers to men
>women's "liberation"
>women are now depressed

Gee a toughy

Indoctrination into liberalism, which I suppose is a kind of mental illness, but it's mostly a side-result of turning them into nation wreckers doing Zog's work.

If that's mental illness, then I am severely mentally ill and have been my whole life.
where are my gibs?

This seems potentially the problem but it's difficult to prove

what have you got? schizophrenia?

depersonalization disorder checking in
>mfw someone says "nothing seems real"

Hmm well the hypothesis doesn't really work if all of you are mentally ill too

Parents don't know how to deal with their kids
Doctor gives them drugs
Kids is still weird
Patents send kid to therapist
Therapist says they're crazy
That's with girls, with boys they just threaten them with military school