This retarded and degenerate coal burning twitter bimbo just posted her askfm...

This retarded and degenerate coal burning twitter bimbo just posted her askfm, I think Sup Forums would have an interest in picking her brain

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it literally says on the page she (you) post on Sup Forums.

so fuck off attention seeking nigger

Nothing worse than hard plastic bubble tits. If you're going to spend tons of money on plastic surgery you should at least make sure you get a good surgeon for your boob job.

You ever do porn? Cuz I'd fap to that.

Not related to politics. Saged.

Damn you caught me daddy.

Okie dokie, my boobs aren't that hard though so.

If you saw my DMs on twitter from all the local porn producers in dallas you would think I'm already a porn star or something but no lmfao

I thought that was a Ghost tattoo at first

>good surgeons

Cosmetic surgery is degenerate shit pushed by kikes. This is not to be confused with reconstructive surgery.

I hate sluts.


Wanna send me a video of you brushing your teeth? I promise I wont masturbate to it. Scouts honor.


Nice fat folds.

ugly whore


i fucking hate this board.

will you be my waifu?

post feet

This literally isn't the first time I have been asked by a Canadian for this weird ass shit wtf

Thanks daddy.

Hugs and kisses xoxo

I love this board, but yeah ill be your waifu

Why do you always post this photoshopped cunt? Whats your fucking perrogative???

>Actually thinking it's "her"
Are you guys stupid tonight or what?
Remember to sage.

Is that a no? You are you just bargaining for a better price?

It looks diseased and extremely unwholesome

does it have a cock?

This board is pretty cancerous.

for what purpose

So what are your views of white genocide?

fake account

Post ass plz.

What is the point of making this thread

I wish I did sometimes desu.

To say hi

If I were to have a baby it would be with some like white 100% german guy or something not a joke even though I obviously fuck a lot of black dudes.

To say hi

The lips ruin it. I thought someone did a bad job photoshopping the photo until I realized there were more.

Are you against globalism? Tell us how you feel about President Trump.
Also how much did the surgeries cost


Idk about globalism. Trump is daddy like that gay guy says all the time. I didn't have that many surgeries really just my tits, booty and like injections in my lips. But around 15k


post a timestamp, i want to believe

Gonna show us some ass? I need something to wake my cock up before my girlfriend starts giving me head. Let's see some booty gurl.

do you really like the way your lips look right now? i mean, do you regret having the injections?

post ass with time stamp


Show us your tits whore. Full tits not side boob shit

I literally posted hi pol on my twitter dummy

Go look at your girlfriends butt!

I mean you know my lips lose volume over time right? If im not happy with it I just dont get more injections but yeah atm im happy

not your personal army

post vids

Uh, I see it all the time. Plus she's asian and I'm craving some white girl ass. Give us a peek at that quim, darling.

Watch me jerk off slut

you should get your areola changed to heart shape and wear contacts with hears in them all the time then you'd be the best bimbo ever

Why are Sup Forumsgirls always crazy?


This is a surprise thread.

>she's a he

My areolas are already tatted up with hearts lmfao, I don't know where i would get those kinds of contact lenses can you help me find them because that sounds cute

I'm not really a Sup Forums girl, you guys just talked mad shit about me and I ended up coming here and agreeing with a lot of stuff lol

how old are you and how did you acquire the 15k to go through with the surgeries?


people like this were always molested

23, I turn 24 next month. I didn't pay for them lmfao someone else did.

Sup Forumss resident bimbo

I really wasn't though so sorry


why do you fuck black guys

r8 me

Can you post your tits I can't tell that your areola are already heart shape

also this is the best heart one I can find right now


tits or gtfo

Don't, just don't

fake and gay saged

some of these tweets are mental as fuck

well, looking at the person in the picture i'm not surprised

bootleg mexico

Penis size.


"Are you a good driver?

No, I basically never drive anywhere I always have people pick me up and stuff"

You sound really immature, you won't be young forever. And unless you find a decent sugar daddy you'll be trash

>you guys talked mad shit about me
When? I've never heard of you and I jerkoff to internet sloots quite often.

she posted this thread about her self

you losers are so pathetic

she flip flops between preferring black guys and preferring white guys. what a strange woman

Why do you do this? Does getting attention really mean so much for you?

Rate me?

Idk from time to time you guys do.

I don't really flip flop I like black dicks and I think a lot of white guys are cute, thats literally it

im here because I'm genuinely interested in people with severe mental health issues

cant resist a good freakshow

Are you a big guy?

Hi I am black, ethnically an Australian aborigine or Abo, would you have sex with me?

You are the most "bluepilled" dude on the planet lmfao did i say that right?? But yeah not everyone who works on their body or is like me is crazy thats literally stupid

>Bimbo fetish
>DD/LG fetish

Yep, it's trash. What mental illnesses have you been diagnosed with, who molested you (and at what age), and when will you commit sudoku?

Also sage because this isn't even remotely politics, gb2/b/

>I like black dicks
So you fell for kike propaganda? You don't sound very bright. Show us your feminine penis or gtfo.

lol reported this bullshit thread about 40 minutes ago and mods still havent deleted this shit?

Fuck you cunt mods. Literally shut down GREAT HWNDU threads but allow some vain slut to post non political bullshit for attention.

Fuck these mods. Someone call Japan and threaten another nuke unless they get their shit in order.

I wish I owned a rake.

No its not propaganda lmfao, and yes I have seen small black dicks before and ive rejected them so

always report off topic Sup Forums-tier threads, sage and move on


>I wish I owned a rake

Did you lose the last one in your cavernous vagina?

It's some autist who's made a few different social media accounts for this bimbo and then spams them on /r9k/ and Sup Forums. He usually pretends to be someone who "just happens" to find out about this person.

>im here because I'm genuinely interested in people with severe mental health issues
considering its a guy pretending to be girl in OP's pic its pretty fucking severe


If you really were Sup Forumss girl you would've posted ass and titty pics with a time stamp by now desu senpai baka

Boobs are meh but hair says shed give a good succ. Tats smdh

I want to kill you.

What is your plan once you inevitably get AIDS from burning coal?

Post some actual nudes so I can see what those tits look like without all that ridiculous editing, christ