The other side of this wall is Mexico. The body of water is the pacific ocean. The wall extends out a few hundred feet. Whats to stop someone from swimming across to the US?
The other side of this wall is Mexico. The body of water is the pacific ocean. The wall extends out a few hundred feet...
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Drones and armed border patrol.
The same thing stopping them from using ladders anywhere else along the border.
I don't even think Trump wants wall crossers to be shot.
Coast Guard, use google faggot
Well then they'd get all wet. I don't see any towels hanging on the opposite side.
Why don't we build a guard post there?
Nothing, Trump has been BTFO.
Oh, if only there was a group of people guarding the coast - a "coast guard", if you will.
Knowing how to swim.
It's called Area Denial. Yes some dumbfucks will swim. But 95% of them wont. And if they could afford to get a boat, why not just come here legally with a plane ticket and over stay the visa.
Further reading