Do you have stories about the USSR?
Stories your parents/relatives have told you?
We want to hear them
Do you have stories about the USSR?
Stories your parents/relatives have told you?
We want to hear them
My mother lived in Russia some time in 80's.
Icecream was in form of bricks.
Cameras were huge blocks.
People would give you shitload for jeans and when my mom gifted it to some girl she basically cried.
Drunk women throwing up on street.
Everything Soviet-built was awful, but Tsarist heritage was great.
People used Pravda instead of curtains.
just exactly wtf did your crack whore mother do exactly? you sound like the product of an amazing family you glorious person
Electrical engineer, some job shit.
Smugling jeans cofee and cigarettes made you fuking rich but you couldn't buy more than one house and one car. So baisicalyy if you made money you lived like a king. Eating only at restaurants, travel etc.
If you steal/ fraud more than 1 mil lei ( don't know the exchange rate to $/€) you automatically get death penalty
Before 80 I belive life was great after that ceusescu starved the ppl to pay fmi dept and life was shit. Incredible queues for milk bread or meat at the stores. Bribe was as natural as breathing. Ppl rated each other to secret police. Everybody was scared to make jokes or talk bad about the government
You only get a couple of hrs of tv broadcast,
Electricity cut out at 2200 if I remember correctly so the excess goest to industry to produce more shit for export to pay said dept
>Calling all slavs
>Posts a literal jew
Also not so many fucking cars. I remember playing without giving a fuck in the middle of the street without caring to be run over or damaging ppl cars
Since we had no computers tvs or toys you were forced to get out and socialize. So we didn't have basement dwelling or autists. Even if you were socially awkward you still went outside and made some friends.
Dirt poor ppl lived next to rich ones.
tl;dr communism sucked
My grandma lived through WW2. Basically the Germans were all nice and kind and took care of the wounded etc. The Russians were subhuman beasts.
I'll tell you something about central planning. My grandpa managed state farms here and there and he was so good at it that they gave him a medal for it.
How was he doing it? Well he ignored all the orders from the planners, which usually involved gross mismanagement(we're talking farming, so think of for example growing wheat on the shittiest soil possible and potatos on great one), when somebody came to control his books(all crooked to hide the fact that he managed the farms as he was supposed to, rather than as ordered too) he got the inspectors drunk so they didn't knew what are they signing.
Now, my grandpa was very good drinker. He could survive the amounts of alcohol that make most people scream and run away in panic. I can imagine countless people who weren't like that, were told to manage those farms and couldn't succeed because once they strayed away from central's directions, somebody found out and they were fired.
Seriously kids central planning sucks.