Why is this allowed?

Why is this allowed?

Why would the German government prosecute this?

Fuck if I know. I stopped asking questions a while ago.

Because we have FREEDOM.
Something you will never know, Ahmed.

That's german cultural tradition how dare you, dirty kuffar

That's germanistan you looney tooney

>make lady liberty fat
fucking why

>fucking why

She's a French whore.


Didn't this same parade include ones making fun of islam?

The only reason you hate Islam is because the truth contained within Islam scares you, knowing that the civilization you worship is a false one destined to die when it comes into conflict with those who follow the true path


I wonder how many Germans realize they're not being at all edgy or controversial by building a float that conveys a safe, government approved opinion. If someone rolled out a float like that with a woman getting gangraped by muslims and the cops not doing anything it would get burned down and the builders arrested.

§130a StGB
>(1) Wer eine Schrift (§ 11 Abs. 3), die geeignet ist, als Anleitung zu einer in § 126 Abs. 1 genannten rechtswidrigen Tat zu dienen, und nach ihrem Inhalt bestimmt ist, die Bereitschaft anderer zu fördern oder zu wecken, eine solche Tat zu begehen, verbreitet oder der Öffentlichkeit zugänglich macht, wird mit Freiheitsstrafe bis zu drei Jahren oder mit Geldstrafe bestraft.
Whoever publishes an document (which includes images according to § 11 Abs. 3) which increases the readiness of people to do a crime will get either 3 years of prison or a fine.

Yeah but that was before you were a caliphate and beheading became a part of your everyday German culture.

Yes, he's from the immigrant dumping grounds. That's why he called him Ahmed.

hey why didn't they label that pointy thing now I don't know what it is

That wouldn't annoy Sup Forums would it?

Those floats mock pretty much everything. Of course the (((media))) will only show you those it wants.


I love how the same parade is a liberal cuckfest on Sup Forums and an anti-muslim nazi march on reddit.

>Lady liberty was originally muslim
>holds beheaded US president
really makes you think

>beheads Trump
Adapting to your new culture eh Germoney

Look at this guy. Knowing his country is being invaded and he's powerless to do anything about it or even speak out about it. He probably actually low-key likes Trump. And there he is. With that facial expression, looking on at his peoples own demise and demonization of the one man who makes sense to him, standing right next to some ugly Muslim women, in fucking Germany


He's not gonna take any of this shit

m00t is back!


>I must unite the Germanic peoples under one flag

Don't know about Germany but here we have a law that bans shitting on heads of states.
I'd expect totalitarian state with no freedom of speech to have even more strict regulations in this regard but I guess the law doesn't apply when you're offensive towards evil white male like Trump.


Yeah I guess I wasn't specific enough but Germany is so full of anti-Trump sentiments in positions of power that I'm not surprised that no one gives a shit about them driving shit like this down their streets. Depicting a beheading is more welcoming to the Muslim invaders than a million refugee welcome signs.

Haha Trump is so racist like dude wtf doesnt he realize the Statue of liberty symbolizes letting millions of criminal mexicans & muslims in to the country paid by white mans taxmoney like totally holy shiet genders dont exist

Its Carnival
Its always full of shit like this
Right above you is something critical of merkel and her refugee bullshit
The point is to mock everything.

You are exactly like the liberals you hate so much using foreign countries you know absolutely NOTHING about as arguments you cuck.

I am totally fine if you shittalk our media because it is just as bad as your mainstream media but this is completely wrong.

Get raped by a nigger!

I won't get raped by a nigger though because I can own a gun and I keep one on me at all times.
Shouldn't you be cleaning up the cultural enrichment from one of your women that had the audacity to leave the house at night in the caliphate?

>I'd expect totalitarian state with no freedom of speech to have even more strict regulations
We had but people wouldn't stop shitting on erdogan so we recently changed that law and made it okay.

Lets express the problems our country are facing right now by doing something highly controversial... like saying something bad about Trump.

>>I won't get raped by a nigger though because I can own a gun and I keep one on me at all times.
Because you have to. Also don't pretend your niggers don't have guns and don't kill an incredible amount of "white" americans.

whats that say?

Wave of Refugees

reminder the statue was made by the french and I think the scripture was written by a kike.

>Because you have to
Don't act like you don't also have to. You just aren't able to. Your government decided that you have no right to self preservation and you all gobbled up as much statist cum as you could get your hands on and asked for seconds.
Now your women are being fed real cum by every nonwhite on the globe and you can do nothing but defend your dying culture against those who want to see it continue.

>You just aren't able to
There are like 3 gunclubs in 5 minute driving distance of my home and I have never seen a single non-german march with them.

Every time talking with americans here it comes down to cuckolding. Is that also how you learn math? Its like you are a bigger sweden.

I am very disillusioned with a lot of people who seem to be unable to understand the fundamental political problems of our time

Why does the statue have cracks in it? Do they think it's made of stone?

Our media really really really hate Trump for shitting on immigration, muslims and PC

damn proud

Lol, yeah enjoy your gun club where you take the one gun you're allowed to own to practice speedloading a break action shotgun. That'll keep you safe from hoardes of roving Ahmeds.

A few years ago it was "Muh, got to practice speed loading so I can protect my fat family from hordes of zombies." The latest craze is just as likely.

Look just don't pretend you are on my side or you want to "see german culture continue" while you shit on literal german culture.

Arguing with you made me realize you don't give a single fuck about Europe.
I get that to americans both liberals and conservative Europe are just arguments. Liberal cucks need Denmark to be a Socialist paradise just like you need Germany to be a Hellhole full of raping refugees.

But shitting on everyone and making a fool out of yourself in this case is German culture.

Maybe that is the problem here. I just don't understand the meaning of freedom and you just don't understand the meaning of culture.

You are right that it is harder for me than for you to get a gun but it also a lot harder for ahmed here to get a gun than it is for Jamal over at yours. I am very pro-gun if that calms you down.

Carnival is the pinnacle of German free speech.


>I won't get raped by a nigger though because I can own a gun and I keep one on me at all times.

Do you have to take everything so literally, burger?

Speed reloading is a good practice to have, but in the case of Germany, I doubt it would help anything. When war breaks out in their country they'll be fighting people armed with semi-modern weaponry with shit that is worse than what their forefathers fought with in WWI.
>Get BTFO by Merkel
>Get BTFO by Muslims
>Get BTFO by gun store
>Get BTFO by Americans a Vietnamese soil pH monitoring board
>N-no goyim. Hating on nationalism is actually REALLY part of our kultcha n sheit
To clear things up for you though, Ahmed gets his guns from the east and they bring them with them while Jamal doesn't buy his in the store and they have to buy them for many thousands of dollars to get them unregistered and as soon as they're fired, they have to be sold at a huge loss which is what niggers care about most. So no, it's not exactly "easier" for Jamal to get a gun since he can't ever pass a background check unless he actually isn't a criminal (in which case I don't care if he does own one) where as you're a sitting duck waiting to get enriched by a hostage situation assuming a dead possum on the side of the road doesn't get you first.

Are hostage situations genuinely something you think you will ever be in?
I know we are on the way to get fucked but how fucked is america already.

No, I'm not worried about one here. I really do only have to worry about Jamal deciding he wants my car in all likelihood. I was thinking along the lines of something Muslims are more likely to do.
Our violent crime stats have taken a pretty significant plunge on the other hand.

Why wouldn't they? Their government loves prosecuting free speech.

>To clear things up for you though, Ahmed gets his guns from the east

Ahmed still needs to smuggle them.

Tyrone only needs to go to the store before he has anything he needs to put a cap in someone else's backside.

Our gun laws are as strict as the ones in Germany and, thanks to this, our Seba and Janusz can only rely on baseball bats, knifes and broken bottles to try and harm someone.


gee the joke is lost on them

1st amendment nigger

>Tyrone only needs to go to the store
Ask me how I know you didn't read all of my post.

>I was thinking along the lines of something Muslims are more likely to do.
They are likely to molest women and throw shoes at slavs.
And remember they are a head smaller on average than we germans are. I don't want them to have guns.

>No, I'm not worried about one here.

Whites in America will become a minority way sooner than in Germany, France or Sweden. :^)

The saddest part is that these are all pretty well made, but for the wrong reasons... such a waste of craftmanship talent.

satire :-DDDD

Brings back memories.