Denmark makes video praising how much we are all the same

What questions would you have asked these people to expose how divided they are, pol?

come and get one in the yarbles, if you have any yarbles


Financed by either (((European Central Bank))), George Soros, or some saudi oil billionaire

Who took a big steamy dump today?
See how we're all the same.

pretty much what catched my eye were synthol biker and bisexual retard.
i really got fucking pissed off when they clapped like retards after this guy come out and stand there alone.
Is this some current generation hero figure? the hell is that why they clapping?
he just are faggot, why the fuck they clapping?
dont clap its pointless why would you do that

Pro skub or anti skub?

>new danes

a rat and horse are two entirely different species you retard

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