We all now how much ((they)) hate farmers,its a worst nightmare for them if a herd adapts the culture of farming,that's why we have these breeding grounds known as school,you are too busy studying about the power house of cell meanwhile ignoring the most important skill which keeps the humanity hanging.
Le me belonging to a third world nation,I can't get a good family until I move to the outskirts and setup skills like farming,practice shooting,Karate etc.
Farmers here have no regulation on the chemicals,they can simply buy from market and the Govt people don't give a fuck about the chemicals ingested in those vegetables.
Here is a video on the sub-humans who control our farming sectors,these fuckers have sub level IQ,they don't give a fuck about health of others,since there is a middleman involved.
Highly trained farmers of Sup Forums please redpill the mass with images,resources and PDF's on personal farming,