Well I'm about to get out of the military. I signed up as an infantryman to go to war, trained my ass off every day...

Well I'm about to get out of the military. I signed up as an infantryman to go to war, trained my ass off every day, went to school and became a scout sniper, and now I'm getting out only having ever fired my weapon at targets in a controlled range. I told myself I was gonna get a taste of combat and experience the precipice of life and death, then go to college and carry out a normal life, richer in experience than my younger peers. Instead I spent 4 years on military installations standing pointless duties and conducting ultimately useless drills. I was regaled by my senior leaders of war stories in countries I would never go to, and they implored me to train hard because we could go back at any time. Like a good Marine I listened to them and did everything I could to be the best sniper I could be.

I already got into multiple universities and obviously it would be stupid to not take advantage of the GI bill, but I don't think I'll ever get over the fact that I missed the war. I know I'm gonna end up going back to the military, but this time I'm gonna go SOF. Am I an absolute retard for wanting to go back to the military so I can experience combat? I feel like if I don't I'll live the rest of my life missing something all of our male ancestors experienced.

You sound like every military guy I know, wanting to go to war thinking it will enrich your life.

Bro you would have gotten ptsd, never done the shit you've done and probably eaten a bullet like the others. Maybe the liberals will get a war with Russia and you can gun it out with some credit card hackers in a frozen field.

>would have gotten PTSD
Not everyone who goes to war gets PTSD. That shit just doesn't bother some people.
>would have eaten a bullet
Statistically my chances of dying, even as an infantryman, are low in the recent wars.

As for enriching my life how can you say it wouldn't? My point is you can't possibly say it wouldn't and neither can I.

You're an idiot

Bro I've been in 15 years mostly in the ranger regiment but I spent some time in other units as well. I don't blame you for wanting to experience combat. It can definitely be an enriching experience. The highest highs and the lowest lows. But at the same time it sucks seeing your friends die in some pointless war that nobody really cares about so I'd go to school and be happy that you got a taste of the military life and we're lucky enough to escape unscathed mentally and physically.

Thanks brother. Sucks when you trained your ass off for nothing. I'm gonna keep my gilleys so at least I'll be prepared for the coming race war.

>pyschopathic murderer regrets not going to war to shoot innocent brown people for his masters to get rich

My neighbor is the most decorated Army scout sniper from Iraq war, has seriously bad ptsd. Has some crazy stories too. Im definitely not envious.

Nice personal blog you have here.


Feminized brit gets triggered by men talking about real man shit while he masturbates to innocent brown people fucking his wife so his masters can get rich

Get a criminal justice degree and take out your frustration on regular niggers instead of sandniggers.

What's it like watching a friend die user?

I'm sorry if I'm out of line for asking

Watching anyone die is fucked, let alone a battle brother

This shit is not fun.

You go to war thinking it will be, but it's not.

i was in the army for 12 years as a commando, tried out for SF's, didn't make it. its fucking hardcore.

been to iraq, afghanihole, and other places. seen alot of gut wrenching shit, i havent got ptsd. i think about the brains flying out the back of a raghead i shot once. i randomly laugh about it at work sometimes, people think im weird.

>brainwashed murican dupe thinks dying and killing in war is manly biznis which is exactly what his overlords want you to think when you die to make them rich.

go and be a hero fucker. deffo not the first dupe to be manipulated by your gov via manly pride.

put it this way mate, you would exist if it wasnt for that "dying and killing"

Your neighbour is Chris Kyle?!?!?!?!

why don't you just join a drug gang then? what the hell do you think our guys in afghanistan were doing? poppy production went up.

kill people so rich folks can take their stuff, and call it patriotism instead of terrorism. what the everliving fuck has our nation sunk to?

Should really call anyone a woman as an American soldier. You yanks can't even handle pub banter without crying

you're not weird, it's a natural reaction to abnormal situations like those.

Never met a soldier who actually mattered saying they wanted combat

That's just how the brain rationalizes horrific acts or things seen. Like how paramedics develop a very dark sense of humor to deal with all the shit they see, it's normal.

mate you want to debate the historical role of war? i am all up for it. war = major force of civilization. civilization is also mass murder of peoples militarily inferior. also, now it kinda got a bit out of hand and none of these wars are for civilization anymore: they're for an impossibly unbalanced power rapport to stay unchallenged: between US and the world; and bet US ultrarich and its dirt poor and waning middle classes. you think you die for your country. maybe true centuries ago, whats going on now is simply business and its dark as shit.

Point of all this training is to survive, to live. So why would you go and risk everything?

You are ready in case shit hits the fan, probably more than the 99% of others. That alone is good enough.

Now go on and make something meaningful with your life.

>joining in 2012

you seriously played yourself you dumbass. You should've joined between 2003 and 2010.

Fuck, I wish I could've joined earlier but I was only 10 years old when September 11 happened and yet 9 years later I was in Afghanistan.

>4 years
Get some fucking time in you sprog. 4 years is like pissing in a well.

Any tips for people looking to go into our military?

I did the same thing as you mate.
>Train for everything
>End up not going anywhere or doing anything
>Leave to travel the world
That's where I'm at now, I'm about to embark on my solo world travel expedition.
Then maybe I'll re-enlist, combat unit? Maybe, depends on the world situation at the time. I'll probably get a trade or something that I can actually use outside of the Army.

if you're serious, choose very, very wisely. it's peacetime military now so combat corps should be avoided, especially artillery, and avoid doing your trade in the military because iirc you don't get qualified even after your 6 year ROSO.

I was infantry, my advice to anyone joining army is to go into Aviation. Otherwise, join Air Force, it's pretty cruisey, they treat you like a human bean and you could get some pretty sweet quals out of it.

fanks buddy.