Political Alignment Thread

what is your political alignment?

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last time i checked

you're more centrist than me


this was me a couple days before, so I don't know what happened in those days that changed some of my views

> Mostly pro-gun. Background checks at the most.
> Universal healthcare is good.
> Take care of the poor with a generous social safety net/welfare.
> Let LGBT people marry, or at least get the government out of it. Churches can be allowed to deny a gay couple from marriage if they wish.
> Private businesses can discriminate for any reason they want (they don't have to bake the cake for a gay person if they don't want to).
> 3rd-wave feminism and PC culture is toxic to society.
> Federal Reserve should be ended.
> Anti-establishment.
> Drugs should be legalized and the War on Drugs should be ended.
> Non-interventionist foreign policy.
> Anti-TPP/NAFTA and pro-protectionism.
> Against NSA Spying/mass surveillance

Reddit go away pls

This shit again. Fire up the chopper.

what, you're not allowed to be somewhat left on Sup Forums?