>calls himself Christian
>Isn't communist
You're not really Christian then. You can't refute this.
Calls himself Christian
Thou shall not steal.
Worst bait in a very long time. Try harder.
It's not stealing. It's taking back what's rightfully ours.
So you can't refute this. Sad.
Leftypol spilling bluepills. Noone goes from capitalism to communism, Its uninformed into communism by speaking of how its better for everyone to get something. To idealistic to actually apply in the real world.
Anyone with any experience will get annoyed if you try to blue pill them on this shit government
>Christian communist
sound like babushka
anybody know if you need a permit to masturbate in a cemetary? what if i tell them im doing research?
Where in the Bible does Jesus say that the workers should own the means of production or that business owners aren't allowed to profit from labour?
Communism is completely opposed to Christianity. Marxism is Judaism, and is thus contrary to Christianity. It is luciferian, if anything.
Communists are atheist, materialist and nihilist scum.
Jesus talked about sharing. Sharing is caring. Capitalism is for greedy people.
shoo shoo, stormweenie
>calls himself fascist
>isn't Muslim
you're not really a fascist then. You can't refute this.
What nobody understands is that when sola scriptura - scripture as the primary source of authority - was embraced by entire nations, capitalism was realised for the first time. America wasn't even possible without a full Biblical heritage - namely Puritans and Presbyterians in England and Scotland. When secularism took over and most denominations effectively abandoned sola scriptura we got these massive states with economic regulations and tax laws. Just throwing it out there, if you take an honest look at the cultural and religious trends it's pretty obvious. That's why communism can't exist alongside Christianity.
You share under capitalism too. It's called wages.
Why does sharing equal socialism and not simple charity? Did Jesus ever redistribute money? If the Bible teaches communism why did it take 1900 years for it to be implemented? Why did so many communist states prohibit Christianity?
perfect formal fallacy
>Systematically destroy icons
>Loot churches for valuables
>Turn church sacred space into grain storage
>Communists = Christians
All trading is sharing including trading labour
>having religion isn't illegal
Pick one you dumb cunt.
Liberaliit ulos ja rajat kiini.
> "Religion is the opium of the people" Marx
Catholicism isnt communism whatsoever, the church condemns it.
>sharing = seizing the means of production, dictatorship of the proletariat and killing burgeoise
Weak bait, but I'll give you a (You) out of pity.
this is the stupidest therad ever, OP. Communist hate christians, an the soviets killed around 12 millions christian just because of their faith. AND NO ONE TALKS ABOUT IT
>It's not stealing. It's taking back what's rightfully ours.
t. Hitler, 1939