Sup Forums BTFO, once and for all?
Sup Forums BTFO, once and for all?
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Public education failed because of the teachers.
What even remotely intelligent person who wasn't a pedophile would become a teacher?
Ignoring everything up until the "Oh did you mean humans?" part, she specifically only talks about transsexuals being the result of objective genetic errors
tldr OP is a homo
>What even remotely intelligent person who wasn't a pedophile would become a teacher?
If Sup Forums was intelligent then they'd start going into teaching rather than allowing every generation to be brainwashed by shitlibs.
If you are XX, you are female.
If you are XY, you are male.
If you are anything else, there's a lovely special school in upstate New York run by a bald guy in a wheelchair that can help you sort things out.
>in a sexual species
>makes an argument predicated on the assertion that sex is a physical, measurable thing that changes naturally if it has to change
>disregard own argument in the case of humans who "feel" like they're something they are not
Op pls gib a tl;dr
audible kek
Comparing mammals to insects, birds, and fish. WEW LAD!
>you can be x if you were born in this incredibly specific form of y where your genitals are mutilated and you have fucked up genetics
wow you sure showed me, i look really dumb now
>5-alphareductase deficiency
>insensitive to androgens
>y is missing the sry gene
>one of your x's has an sry gene
>only one x chromosome
All of these things are defects that don't occur in normal, healthy humans. The only thing it proved was that trannies are defective.
>autistic wall of text
the worst part is that the bluegill and cuttlefish "look and act like females because they are trying to get close enough to actual females..."
I mean, if people are going to appeal to nature and use that one as an example it pretty much kills any room on the bathroom debate.
she is correct in everything she states, but that doesn't do her cause any good.
I agree with her that a mere XY, XX determinism of sex would be misleading in the extremely rare cases she mentioned; some humans have indeed grown up with completely female appeareance and psyche only to notice, they can't reproduce and when tested find out that they're XY individuals with a hormonal mutation.
But what does that say about transgenders?
Is she claiming they too have genetic mutations?
Is she saying they have some kind of abnormal brain physiology?
If she is not basing her pro-transgenderism stand on biology based arguments (meaning gender/gender identity is a social construct) then all the things she brought up don't even support her point
In regards to it weakening the point of people saying it's all just biology: again, mentioning abnormal mutations only plays into this point. By saying that there are mutations that can cause abnormal sexual development, while discussing transgenderism, only makes it seem as if she's saying transgenderism is caused by mutations.
That would be the best tactic to respond: some transgender- fag calling her out and shaming her à la "ARE YOU SAYING TRANSGENDER PEOPLE ARE GENETIC FREAKS??!!"
is there any evidence that transgender people have some kind of hormonal/genetic deviancy, or is transgenderism specifically believing you're a different gender in the absence of any biological explanation?
Tthere are several things that play into the transgenderism movement.
There are people who actually have gender dysphoria, meaning they truly have the feeling of being in the wrong body. According to this paper
the other part is society and pressure. Today many depressive people just make a sex change, because they believe they have the wrong body and that's why they're constantly unhappy. When they find out, post op, that that wasn't the cause they're likely to commit suicide.
Some are just fucking attention whoring snowflakes who go any length to virtue signal, being arrogant whatever.
As with everything there are genetic and social mechanisms that interact with each other. It's hard to find out the percentage because a) it's fucking hard, let me tell you, to design the proper experiments, filter out all the statistic noise, identify genetic markers/mutations you have no clue where to begin with (nearly impossible with shitloads of money) b) nobody is willing to fund research into this
what she is basically saying is that the EXTREME minority of hermaphroditism somehow disproves that there are any gender distinctions at all.
Exception to the rule does not negate the rule.
Man, Soros has the neckbrits busy this evening. Do you get paid by the our or piece work?
>penis sword fighting contest
>tl:dr wall of text
these people are teaching your kids, Americans
No, she's talking about diversity amongs other species (which was irrelevant) and then said some stuff about mutants
tldr - she had too many X chromosomes to make a post about science
So in humans, all cases where males aren't males and females aren't females are due to mutations or disorders. It does not occur in healthy organisms.
>Being genetically defective makes transexuals normal!
Get off the internet Bill Nye
>penis sword fighting contest
it's true and fucking hilarious
it's believed that our current division between males/females we find in animals today developed from organisms like this. It is more cost effective/less dangerous for the species to just have one mating partner constantly loosing those sword fights, while the other one is constantly winning.
tl;dr: women are designed by nature to constantly fucking lose at penis fencing
>The world is way too weird for that shit.
Saved her own ass right at the end there. Nice.
>birds, fish, insects, mold and whatever the fuck else she said
Discarded because not relevant, discussion is about human gender
>a list of theoretically possible situations of genetic mutation or defect, probably some documented cases, but nonetheless extremely rare
Exceptions don't disprove the rule. The vast majority of humans are born biologically male or biologically female. Also, this list of edge cases is basically irrelevant since the debate over gender centers around whether or not a person born biologically male can be legitimately classified as female (or vice versa) simply because they "feel" female. Unless a given individual fits one of the specific edge cases she mentioned, which I'm guessing an extremely small number of transgender people, if any, do, they are still objectively classified as the biological sex they were born as.
there is literally not one single species on the surface of the planet Earth whose gender is not either male or female
literally not a single one
Honestly, I want to fucking know why these people think the way they do. What science do they prescribe to? Sup Forums is the worst place to ask for counterarguments, but I think a lot of people would benefit, myself included, from being more literate on this topic.
>Birds exist therefore I can call myself a woman
Nice one teach :--DDD
Good thing she doesn't teach philosophy because constructing a valid argument is not her strong point.
In W you see X
Because not W, then Y therefore Z.
I've never understood why professor X didn't use his telekinesis to work his legs
he can just influence minds
....wait, you're baiting..