How the fuck is this man child the President of the United States?

How the fuck is this man child the President of the United States?

Embarrassing desu

winning the election

Crimes should be forgiven, OP is faget.

Doubtful. He had 3 million less votes.

What a complete and utter moron. Gets his news from Breitbart


He's the president we need right now.

w-w-why is he.. I mean.. m-manchil. shit shit hsithisithshi
they fucking knooww!

>Babies first election

He's the whinest cunt I've ever seen in politics.

He menstruates so much he probably burns through a jumbo box of tampons every day.

Definitely. If only we had a true champion, a man of the people if you will, like Justin or Malcolm.

it really is embarrassing

Mohammad we are coming for you

Did you post this from your mobile whilst you sat down to take a piss?

>it really is embarrassing

In a way, America did elect their first female president after all.

Itt: bunch of globalist cunts mad were making America great again and stopping the free shit policy. Say it with me: America First.

Why are you interested in strangers' bodily fluids?


How can you defend Breitbart? It's shit and this is fake news. Trump can't go 3 days without acting like a fucking lunatic on Twitter.

Do people actually still anything that this pathological liar says? Fucking how?

He probably woke up this morning, felt angry that he's still getting so much negative press, and called up Bannon on what he can say to distract everyone.

>globalist cunts

But enough about Trump's cabinet!

Says the fag dreaming of Trump menstruating.

>dreaming of Trump menstruating

It's not a dream, it's observable reality on his Twitter feed.

Please stop showing a creepy interest in people's urine.

By being the best human.

Germans talking about reality. Wew lad. Keep welcoming rapefugees you deluded cuck.

Thank you for posting something that didn't involve my urine for a change.

>Thousands of illegals have been deported since inauguration, with escalation everyday

>ISIS and their families and being vaporized in the middle east

>Trump is setting up order 66 on his political opponents as we speak

>Billions in corruption and waste are being uprooted

>Trump forming new secret police to keep tabs on his enemies

>1 Trillion dollar infer structure plan to rebuild America being approved, thus guaranteeing his victory in 2020

>We sure are getting the better of Drumpf with our shitposting

Sorry, I just woke up. How is he acting like a fucking lunatic?

>1 Trillion dollar infer structure plan

Oh goodie, more debt to be bought up by China.


remember after his speech when the world was like "hey maybe this guy is gonna start acting like a president now". shit was so jokes

I mention your cucked pissing habits once and now your obsessed with bodily fluids. Your nation is really fucking beyond saving.

Aaaaand he's back to talking about my bodily fluids again.

Didn't last long.

I think at this point we all can agre that he is entertaining the masses and having some fun, also it looks like trump will attack obama for the rest of his mandate.
Obama decided to enter the campaign raze breaking the none writen protocol and none besides trump supportes questioned this.

I think this German is just retarded

Look at this dumbass still trying to figure out how our elections work.

the good thing about brexit is that we're both gonna be on beach, beer in hand, laughing at the fucking idiots on the other side. Cheers to a future of good bants you anglo horse cock mongling son of a whore!


>cant spell tap

>he is entertaining the masses

He IS the masses.

They probably had to stick two additional rotors on Marine One to lift up his fat ass.


If true, this is going to put the Republicans back on the offense.

This is VERY bad if accurate.

If it's not true, it's VERY bad for Trump to be publicizing.

>Look at this dumbass still trying to figure out how our elections work.

Look at this dumbass indeed.

>going against the most popular black man in the world


drumpf is done

Friendly reminder that

rhymes with
>cum dump

Still crying about the popular vote

Are you trying to prove which of your nations is the must cucked? Don't worry Sweden, Germany has a lot of catching up to do first. You can relax and prep the bull.

Nope, he had 1.3 million less votes.

How is it fake news?

Good work using faggotspeak in your comment...
No one will suspect youre a shill ,"desu"

GG shariablue,never change ,k.

Friendly reminder that "trump" means "fart" in British slang.

the only cum dump I know are german women for islamic sperm

it's really pathetic to see the potus act like a child on twitter

He is right, though? The fuck do you want? Do you think it's appropriate for the sitting president to spy on candidates? (I just wish he was tweeting this not over the weekend)

>inb4 no he wasn't

We know there was a FISA court request that mentioned "Donald Trump" (we don't know if he was the subject of the spying or did it just mention him), that got DENIED (which almost never happens).


Beats being a sperm receptacle for horses.

>Thousands of illegals have been deported since inauguration, with escalation everyday

Funny cause Obama sent back 2.5-3 million illegal immigrants. Thats 350k a year. Compared to that Trump is actually behind.

What a good time watching all these Democrat backers REEEEEEEEING knowing Black Jesus is going to jail.

>that got DENIED

wow it's fucking nothing

He is only a month in faggot

Wiretapping Trump was the best way to surveil Putin's communication.

only happened 4 times in history shill

like 14k warrants have been approved for perspective

>only happened 4 times in history shill

This is wrong.

Trumpcuck can't into math. Sad!

weak bants. but don't worry, you'll have years to recover

>holy shit Shariablue out in full force this morning


the rabbit hole goes deeper


why are all these CTR shill cuck posts coming from Australia?

that you Matthew?

I'd be getting scared right about now working for Shariablue




Don't comment on stuff you don't know anything about it.

While I'd normally enjoy these posts, Trump seems to be preparing to arrest Obama because he illegally wire tapped a presidential candidate during an election and Obama also used 3 billion USD in government funds to pay anti-trump groups.

Oh and wikileaks found the birth certificate.

they cycle through different proxies

they've been using a lot of Australia, Germany, Slovenia, Croat, Serb and Netherlands ones recently

>animal experts warned there are at least 50 million people in germany have twisted sexual desires for apes and other primates

That wasn't bants, just an honest observation of facts.

Thats still 30k a month. A lot of pablos got sent back during Obama, and way more than any other president.


The leaf the German and the Australian
Those are the three big shills this morning in light of the big twatter shit storm this morning. Beware folks and good day.

Go the reddit then your fucking cuck

>Gets his news from the world's most power surveillance programs.

Don't know if you realize, he's gonna get his news from other sources now faggot.

Literally the best president of our lifetime.

We'll liberate you soon enough hans.

>only happened 4 times in history shill

Ha! It only happened 12 times in history. Drumpf blown the fuck out.

>We'll liberate you soon enough hans.

Seeing how you performed in Vietnam, I'm not too worried.




This is correct.

4 does not equal 12. Thanks for noticing.

Democrat corruption and criminality exposed, suddenly board full of shills

many such cases!

Obama had Michelle to fuck him in the ass so he didn't have to whine as much. That and he didn't like to use twitter because it's confusing

Spoken like a real shill

>19 posts

Yep, we've been infested by them. But a leftist attentionspan is very low, in a couple of months they'll be gone. So will I though, spring is coming, then i move into the woods.

Or is that you Oliver?

I'd really be reconsidering where you work right about now

the whole house of cards is going to come down around your boss and you

Not gonna lie. Former Obama voter here. It's hilarious watching this commie crash and burn. But in all seriousness, we can't let him get his hands on the taxpayer monies.

Fighting sand niggers is our specialty, achmed.

Just because you use "desu" to fool us, share blue, it doesnt change our opinion. I bet you don't even watch real anime. Fag

>nuh uh, black people only commit 81% of the violent crime
>checkmate drumpf

Uh oh -- looks like Trump isn't the only pussy crying and begging for a safe space.

>The German cuck ITT

top kek

The rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Check mate.

>Post is obvious mockery of safe spaces
>German's autism prevents him from understanding this

Time to meet you makers and rot with them shills