So, Sup Forums, was it appropriate?
British woman goes to work with cross on her forehead
Yes it was Ash Wednesday
Imagine if it was a hijab.
BBC are only butthurt because it's christianity & and a white person, in their eyes the most evil religion & race in the world
Yea why not? no different than wearing a turban or hijab
That's a plus sign, she's just being positive.
bbc would orgasm collectively if it was.
it would be very odd if all christians started doing this, but nothing inappropriate
But a headrag is fine right? Fuck off.
>english woman
Obvious attwhore
lol this
Perfectly acceptable. Does BBC not know about Ash Wednesday?
Here it isn't
>It's okay for Muslim cunts to wear full hijabs at their workplace
>It's not okay for Christians to celebrate the start of Lent
>english woman
>Carol Monaghan
Likely Irish descent with that name.
She forgot to take her meds again.
If an Ahmed can go to work in her bin bag a woman can go to work with her middle eastern ash on her holy day.
religion should be forbidden from all government institutions.
Well the British hate Catholics. So there's that.
also the BBC is worse than CNN.
Is it appropriate for BBC writers and editors to go to work and not be lined up in front of a wall and have their minuscule brains blown out of their heads?
Just fire this twat.
>Ash wednesday
Wow so much culture
Have you got a problem with New English people, bigot?
some people dont get it
>german women
lanklets with no tits/ass
>Believes in a magic sandnigger in space
All sandnigger-religions must go.
>Imagine if it was a hijab.
Except it's not he same. But the woman could have cleaned it off.
Great target for headshot
so is ash Wednesday mostly mourning the death of Jesus?
why the fuck would this be a problem for brits? Theres no way they are THIS cucked considering they would be worshiping this chick if she wore a hijab
>The surname Monaghan is an anglicization of the Irish surname O'Manacháin /oʊˈmɒnəhæn/. The Irish translation for this name is descendent of Manacháin, which ultimately translates to "Monk". Other variations include Monahan and Monachan.
So i suppose it's only fair to do this then
>German men
That's the point of the ashes, showing you are not ashamed to be a Christian.
>Cosplaying as ninja is ok
>Forehead make up isn't
>A network called,BBC being total cucks
Imagine that
So Ash Wednesday isn't okay? This shit isn't going to stop until you start defending yourselves and your culture with violence...when are you going to realize this?
Since when is this anything new? People have been going to morning mass before on ash Wednesday for years. The only reason to make a big deal out of it is to start shit.
I went to work with the ashes on me head, only people complaining are edgy atheists and mudshits.
I knew this would become an issue. There is so much anti-Christian sentiment out there, it was only a matter of time. I would not be surprised if Pope Francis the Communist Marxist came out next year and told us to stop wearing ashes because it might offend someone.
Have they not fucking heard of Ash Wednesday?
>Ash Wednesday derives its name from the practice of blessing ashes made from palm branches blessed on the previous year's Palm Sunday, and placing them on the heads of participants to the accompaniment of the words "Repent, and believe in the Gospel" or "Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return".[4]
no its a reminder that we are all made from dust
she's actually scottish
hijabs are mandatory by punishment of clitorectamy so you're right
>>Cosplaying as ninja
why are scots bro tier but the irish are so awful? arent they as close as cousins?
BBC didn't actually stand for big black cross?
>not actually carving the cross into her skin
OP I hope to fucking god that this is not a real tweet. If it is and no one dragged some mother fucking BBC fucks out in the middle of the street and fucking necklaced them then you are all a bunch of pussy cucks.
k tnx,
heard that ash usually represent mounring
>brown policewoman in a hijab with her uniform
>>quintessentially British innit
>white native born Christian follows ancient tradition one day out of the year
When you people said GOTT STRAFE ENGLAND you really should have specified a deadline because it looks like His strafing schedules had a pretty big backlog and he's just getting around to it
So an Islamic Hijab and a Hindu dot would be fine but a Christian Ash Wednesday cross is not appropriate? Why should this even be a story?
>Bro tier
>voted over 80% left last election
Your heritagefagging is clouding your judgement.
It should be a story. About how fucking unbalanced things have gotten for any white/christian/hetero.
State religion, so yes.
Am I alright for a racist Catholic shitskin to reside on England?
>ash wednesday
>show up at work with the ash of six million jews on your forehead
oi veh anuddah shoah
She's actually my MP and I've met her a couple of times. Very nice woman and seems to not be a blatant careerist unlike many other SNP MPs.
Hijabs are optional, and they are more cultural than religious, in the quran nowhere it says to cover your head, it just says not to dress like a whore
John Knox rolls in his grave.
It's not just Catholics that do that though. Anglicans do it too, which is literally the Church of England. I don't know what the BBC is smoking.
I chuckled
>in the quran nowhere it says to cover your head
you are trolling right?
wow spoken like a fucking foreigner
>scots are based
fuck off you cunt
>dragged some mother fucking BBC fucks out in the middle of the street and fucking necklaced them
unlike the US we are not an african country
The fuck is wrong with the BBC
People have gone to work with the cross on ash wednesday at every place I've worked. No one has ever made a fuss about it
Motherfucker, came here to post exactly this
>unlike the US we are not an african country
You're a muslim one
Saging for Obamagate
the UK is a lot less muslim than the US is african
this is true but the gap is closing
Alright youtube, the LAMEstream media says that I can't have a cross on my forehead, but what I look like is none of their fucking business, actually it's quite funny. That's about all. Peace out.
Come on, this is getting blown out of proportion. We've all woken up after a heavy night of drinking with Nige and the lads to go to work, only to discover when you get there that some cheeky sod's drawn cocks on your face and an upside down cross on your forehead.
Give me one fucking verse where the quran asks you to put a napkin on your head or cosplay as a ninja
It's to remind us of the 6 million that were turned to ash every Wednesday from 1938-1945.
i live in her constituency. they're closing down the few remaining catholic primary schools left. the Ulsterisation of Scotland is almost complete.
Give me one fucking verse where the quran indicates that it is the sole source of authority or where it warns against the coming hadiths as heretical, or indicates that material not contained within it but demonstrated to the faithful in terms of the example of the Prophet is in fact wrong or non-obligatory.
>I'm here for the job interview
>does it disturb the workplace?
It's just Ash Wednesday, pretty common sight. It's no different that wearing a cross, having a huge beard, hijab, Jew ringlets etc.
Did you have a stroke buddy?
Only reasonable post so far.
Too reasonable desu.
I think you posted on /pol by accident.
So a Christian can't wear a cross in government?
Are you retarded?
I've literally never seen a Christian with a cross drawn on their forehead, and I live in the fucking mid-west. Everyone is Christian here.
What sect does this?
>Jew media hate Christians
What a surprise.
This is what is appropriate for BBC
She'd look better in a burka.
just as appropriate as hijab
which is to say no it's not appropriate
>But the woman could have cleaned it off.
You don't understand Ash Wednesday, do you?
Catholicism and only on the first day of Lent, Ash Wednesday.
>Oh no a christian in a christian country :-(