Prove you're not a blind follower and give 1 criticism you have of Trump

I'll start : he hasn't started building the wall yet.

He hasn't gassed the kikes and doesn't want to

Isn't punishing colleges for indoctrination

>muh iran

I am legitimately happy with pretty much everything he's done

Don't respond to these types of threads. The Left is using it as fuel against Trump

Thinskinned. He has a right to hate the msm, but I'm talking more about SNL and the like.

He goes cuck on some things to appease Ivanka.

We don't need more girls in STEM.

Isn't hitting hard enough

His complete auism about climate change, his kike family and how he's completely fine bringing in thousands with niggers if they're christian

he likes the jews.

He has zero plans to team up with Putin to displace the Turks to central Uzbekistan and re-establish Constantinople.

Fuck Drumpf and fuck white people

This is my main criticism of him. Still love the nigga though.

He hasn't released his taxes and has not acted with presidential dignity at times.

Also this, its not so much that the refugees are muslim but the fact that they're brown and feral that's a problem.

>wants to be buddy-buddy with Russia
Fuck Russia, let it die, no one will miss it.

He doesnt tweet enough

Hasn't ever looked into a geographical map

He hasn't even tweeted about pedogate.

Hasn't banned all the muslims. Hasn't nuked the middle east and china. Haven't deported all the illegals and niggers. Hasn't made anime real.

The idea of expansive libel legislation that he flirted with several months ago is a little fash. I'm not saying it would be completely uncalled for, but you've just gotta take that stuff on the chin.


Actually a real one: he agreed that russia "hacked"

Really big mistake agreeing with Dems on that one. Should have just been quiet.

can't stop sucking jewish dick
won't release taxes
wastes too much time attacking relative nobodies on twitter instead of just ignoring them

other than that he's a top cunt

>tfw I support every single one of Trump policies from the wall to travel ban and I could not be happier that Hillary won
>tfw I still think he is not fit to be president, has terrible and undignified temper and produces loads of unnecessary and easily avoidable controversies and scandals
tfw both hillshills and drumpfsters think I am a fucking idiot

He's anti-free trade

Daily reminder that releasing taxes is not a constitutional requirement.

Too much good goy for my liking

good goy for israel

dont care. he said he would

He hasn't started the crusades yet.


You frogs better get le pen or forever will i call you surrender monkeys on pol

he takes netanyahu dick

I suspect he's on the early stages of dementia


He's an awful speaker


I thought he said if they did hack he had nothing to do with it. I am sure msm took that out of context though.

He needs to stop being so defensive and stop his twitter bitching when people criticize his administration. His policies are ace though, except for the wanting to remove the EPA thing...That's there for more than climate change.


Increasing military spending.

He said he would after the audit had finished. Who cares about his tax returns for christs sake.

He has not yet announced a public stoning of all the shills.

He hasn't put sanctions on Germany yet and threatened humanitarian intervention against Merkel's mafia state

He hasn't crashed the stock marked yet but instead propped up the bubble even further. As if he could sustain this another 4 or 8 years.

>I'll start : he hasn't started building the wall yet.

he deployed 10x the number of drone patrols over the border, thats an invisible wall,

I'm mad he hasn't brought charges against any high ranking DNC members for their sex trafficking operations

sex trafficking = slavery

Hasn't hung Hillary Obongo and Drawn and quartered Podesta.

I'm a blind follower, now go get fucked by your girlfriends's boyfriend.

Also Hilary is not in prison despite horrible crimes that have come to light. Means he is with /her/.

I hate his lack of eloquence. Love his ideas, but I really wish he was a better speaker.

In case you don't realize it, this thread that happens every few days is a shill thread. They use it to figure out what to spam post about here by attacking your doubts.

Hi mum

My Nigga. Thank you to all of the European divisions who bravely fought by our side in the meme war. This presidency is as much yours as it is ours. MAKE THE WEST GREAT AGAIN.

Hi son

Nothing new since Reagan's second term.

I wish he would tweet more.

hasn't legalized weed

Prove your not a blind hater, and give one complement.

He hasn't convicted Hillary
He hasn't done half the shit he said he would when he got in office
He still tweets like a fucking retard
He acts like a baby when someone says mean things about him
He's buying in to autistic Alex jones tier conspiracies

this always bothered me too
be could have avoided so much heat if he wasn't so ineloquent. I know it's part of his strategy to toy with the media but trump with the speaking skills of a farage would have won even more bigly. I don't buy that his appeal is tied to his borderline retarded speaking off the cuff

Too pro Israel.

>Muh I need to help inner cities
as opposed to
>I will personally shoot every nog criminal they catch

Wants to abolish Common Core.

Talks too much crap. People have started to notice his lies about crowd sizes and electoral votes.
Needs to release tax returns.
Needs to implement an actual muslim ban.
Hypocritical. He openly advised Russia to find hillary's emails, had no problems with wikileaks illegally hacking Hillary for her emails, but complains about illegality when michael flynn was tapped.

wikileaks doesnt do the hacking themselves retard

He lets this thread exist.


I know most of (((you))) are shills but still any real anons here sage and report.

>1 post by this ID

Datamining thread, only urban retards will fall for it, rural and suburban intellectuals are beyond such things.

Sharia Blue slide thread.

Has good policies
Like other user said he wants to abolish common core
He understands the benefit of cooperating with Russia
He's a member from the outside

Actually the wall has started to be built...

They have been preforming the zoning plans for a little while now... but they don't want a hoard of protestors coming down this early, so it's been confined to local news

>one shekel has been deposited on your account, Jean-Pierre.
He hasn't started hanging degenerate astroturfers like you.

I love it how you people can't see from the replies in these threads that Sup Forums is immune to your trickery.

N° 1: He didn't make Anime real yet
On a more serious note
Climate change
His daily wave of retarded/trolling tweets
autistic handshake
>tips tinfoil hat

Didn't get rid of obama's administration

He got cucked by Justin Trudeau. Pic fucking related.

he hasn't nuked germany yet


His protectionist policies were good for votes but they don't make economic sense
He seems to be spending a lot which he will hopefully balance out by cutting spending in different areas
He supports military intervention
He should be trying harder to convict Hillary

You get my point. He doesn't mind seeing his opposition get hacked, but gets mad when something is leaked about his administration.
He openly welcomed Russia, a foreign power, to hack her emails back in the election.

>didnt watch the joint address to congress
>also doesn't understand how many working class blue democrat men voted for him specifically because of the way he plainly speaks

That was one of his biggest draws m8, he can do "eloquent" but you bongs have a warped sense of eloquence, none of you can even speak foreign words with your ass backwards accent.

HRC is not in jail.

I honestly hated the cunt before he ran. Though he was incredibly dumb. Still do actually. But he makes liberals mad so whatever.


I know that feel Czechbro.

This thread again


this 2bh

Thank everyone who posted for participating in Shareblue's data mining expedition

Torture. I don't agree with torture. Although (apparently) he's not going to engage in it, he does condone it.

- Fairly supportive of Israel
- Let Shillary go
- Starting to pander to feminists

All in all I'm pretty happy with him though.

durr autism

He's Illuminati and will destroy Syria and Iran and put us in a war with China to create the new world order. Catholicism will rise and from his labors the Pope will be installed as leader of the new world order. It is written and it is sad.

Too friendly with the kikes

The economic policies make sense if you realize

1) labor protectionism is good for labor who are the voters.

2) GDP != economic wellbeing. Median income is a better measure.

3) Multinational corporations are not taxable except by tarriffs. If you tax them, they leave. However the middle class IS taxable. They cannot afford to leave. So increase the middle class and you increase the taxable tax base making things like the national debt payable. The alternative would be to print money ( default ).

>1 post by this ID

He kisses Israel's ass a bit too much

This thread literally happens every few days, word for word same letters in the same order in the OP.

Literally google it you faggot.


>what is a (you)s addiction

He hasn't worn an army jacket, only navy.

But he did read from a teleprompter in the joint adress