Are jews evil from birth?
Are jews evil from birth?
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Jews aren't evil you retarded bigot.
Their soul is sucked out by the cut off skin on tip the dick.
We have ID's you retarded kike shill
Yes they are you idiot.
I think I got it myself. How can jews be evil when the Holocaust happened? Duh.
Just very very manipulative and the main cause of the mass immigration we see to Europe
You FUCKING retard.
>newfag shareblue cum guzzling kike doesnt realize we have we have ids, the thread
Get the fuck out of here faggot -10/10
>defending kikes
>threading your own post
>wasting the first post.
You should end yourself Luigi.
Shills don't know we can see their samefaggotry.
The problem isn't Jews but Jewishness. Goyim can be Jewish as well.
Jewishness is like nigger culture. Whites can't accept nigger culture and become wiggers. Whites can also be Jews by accepting the Jewishness.
Jews are not bad but the degenerate Jewishness that plagues the west is.
Depends on their beliefs and Freewill choices, Sins make people evil&spiritual dead.
based wheelman. hare krisha hare hare.. and stuff.. bro
That's retarded.
It's not fundamentally false, but the words chosen are all portmanteau which shows it's an attempt to minimize what reality is, a racial issue.
I mean, wigger? Seriously? Nigger literally means "black", a white wasn't be a nigger. In reality the closest thing you can get to a white nigger is an albino nigger. Even mixedraces don't apply.
All blacks are nigger, even the so called "black gentlemen", because nigger means black, it's that simple. "Nigger" isn't a behaviour.
>supporting kikes
>threading your own post
>not evil
I was saying Jewishness is a spiritual disease. It is more than just a race.
I have personal, anecdotal evidence that not all are.
>he doesn't know about the ancient egyptian knowledge of the circumcision stolen by jews
>he doesn't know about the first puberty
>he doesn't know the trauma induced by the circumcision
>he is not aware about the pituitary gland and tyroid hypertrophy
No, from the 8th day desu senpai
No it's not. The word you're looking for is greed.
And I have personal anecdotal evidence that not all arabs are savages.
It doesn't change the fact that the immense majority are which is enough to take precautions against all of them.
It's almost like stereotypes exist for a reason or something
It truly drives you to ponder.
Jews are based.
>Defining stereotype not as an exaggerated expression but a myth.
>Punishment for not denying but *questioning* holocaust.
>Always getting caught with a generalized statement about removal of the white Europe.
>Overwhelming examples of manipulating elites - most of the time either Jew or their right hand, Arabs.
It's almost as if there really exist an agenda to genocide the European leadership.
I say, where there's smoke, there is fire.
I've seen the current goals and methods (((th*y))) use, but what's the purpose after achieving their goals? It seems like a quest for power for no sake other than obtaining power.
But because of their little trip out of Israel and the Prophecy of the Messiah, they're focused on :
1- Make their land of adoption the New Israel so that they can be as comfy as possible (probably because their scripture told them they were the "Chosen People")
2- Prepare a global jewish State so that the one atop of it is declared the Messiah
Can't you see folks? For them it's like a competition, for the one to unite the world will be the one remembered as the Messiah of the jewish people.
Yes. What so surprising about that?
It's fits their narrative of being god's chosen.
They fear the arrival of the teachers.
The recent spasmodic reaction by the 3rd tier elites are, of course, because they are sicko-pedos BUT their masters, the 2nd tiers are running around and hastening vaccine programs, suppressing free speech, doubling down on indoctrination via special education and media, trying to control governments and oppressing rebelling citizens all over the world to maintain control NOT because they lust for power but because their masters, the tier-1s, have feared the return.
Unironically Evangelion. Unironically Sumerian. It will end where it began.
Poor kids. Jews are some sick fucks