>Learn more about politics, sociology, economics, science, history etc.
>Realise the left was right all along
Learn more about politics, sociology, economics, science, history etc
Not an argument
While I'd normally enjoy these posts, Trump seems to be preparing to arrest Obama because he illegally wire tapped a presidential candidate during an election and Obama also used 3 billion USD in government funds to pay anti-trump groups.
Oh and wikileaks found the birth certificate.
Sociology is a meme. History and economics would tell you the opposite. And science should be apolitical.
I was actually a republican as a kid, grew up and realized the left has always been right, it just doesnt fit our narrative as the dominant race.
So we perform mental gymnastics to come up with excuses as to why we should remain conservative and rely on memes likes god, or muhhh tradition.
Fuck conservatism and their inability to see further than their front door.
>Trump seems to be preparing to arrest Obama because he illegally wire tapped a presidential candidate during an election
Are you seriously so retarded you'll believe government claims about political opponents without ANY evidence? This is exactly what Hillary tried to do with Russia and your falling for it hook, line and sinker
>Sociology is a meme
Calling longstanding academic realms a meme is a meme. Sociology is applied to countless parts of your everyday life don't be retarded.
>History and economics would tell you the opposite
Well economists and historians will tell you the opposite
Is that why Hilary won, right?
>And science should be apolitical.
It should be, but conservatards have politicized climate change
>studied history at university
>holocaust module
>fascism and right wing extremism module
>gender history module
>female suffrage module
>come out more right wing than before i went in
Sometimes leftist programming has the opposite effect, because as soon as you notice the bias, it redpills you.
>tfw i unironically argued that dropping nukes on japan was justified and that macarthur was right about wanting to nuke vietnam and got an A
Those all seem like pretty standard things to learn about in history
Climate change isn't politicized by conservatives, they just don't buy clearly falsified data while the left does.
Yes that's it... Keep replying to threads like this goys
Keep telling yourself that.
The entire scientific communitt agrees on climate change, but since it hinders the profits of unchecked industrial capitalism it's incompatible with conservatism.
>Realise the left was right all along
lmao @ ur life
>tfw you realize that more damage has been done to the white race through the destruction of our best genetic stock in times of war than race mixing could ever do
>tfw you realize GDP growth through immigration is necessary to keep paying to take care of old people without burdening the young, and it's impossible to subsidize families in a homogeneous society enough to make up the difference
>tfw you realize diversity and multiculturalism keeps us on our toes, our worst stock is either not reproducing or is mixing out, and white people are going through a renaissance that will leave us stronger
>tfw you realize our best shot is a technocratic liberal democracy in a pluralistic society
It very clearly is.
The second global warming/climate change was gaining steam it was immediately pushed back by conservatives. I very much doubt that's a coincidence.
> Brianna wu kissing spooderman
Conscription under the wartime measures didn't say "only join if you have superior genes". Artificial selection of everyday life on the other hand encourages through anti-white policies of the govt reduction in our genetic stock. Ideological conversions happen regardless of genetics. You can and do have muscular men who support white genocide. You simplify the argument when you make the claim that reducing our genetic diversity and disregarding the current ideological warfare will lead to anything but a smaller and more inbred population of whites.
Are you David Brock with a proxy btw?
I thought actions presidents took while president are never technically illegal? I was reading something about that when the Hillary investigation was getting hot.
Source on this
check the catalog. many such threads!
I swear I've seen it before but wikileaks means it'll have its time in the sun
Learn more about politics, economics, science, history etc
Realize the left only lies.