Orange is the new barack
Obama is going to jail. Motherfucker conspired to get Hillary in the WH.
Fuck off. This is literally non news
World love to see him being raped in a shower
how do you figure?
Why would you love to see a middle aged man getting reamed by black thugs?
you some kinda faggot?
>non news
Like the time when Trump said the media was skewing polls against him and he was right?
Fuck off shill
It's coming from Breitbart. That should tell you everything
Steve Bannon is the President's aide. Breitbart is not out of the loop. Barack prob not going to prison as much as I would love to see it
Stop trying to make """Obama-gate""" happen, it's not going to happen!
Smacks of desperation 2bh
kek bubbeleh
Trumps been reading shit on Breitbart again.
fake news to distract us from the lack of action. the administration has stopped doing things on our behalf
>be first black president
>goes to jail
Great job Shareblue, very believable
>orange is the new barack
he... ok , you can have a small crumble of my top kek biscuit, but only maybe, if you work for it...
He's going to end up a bottom bitch for some Aryan prison gang. Is this what you want you sick bastards?
Blame Congress.
This fucking loser shill has been shitting up multiple obamagate threads for over an hour. Just a heads up.
Trump looks like Wolverine. Kinda AWESOME.
I see you're improving your English, Ivan.
How's the weather in Saint Petersburg?
It's just a bunch of twitter posts guys. There's zero evidence at this point. He might just as well have picked something up on Breitbart. Or misinterpreted something on Fox News once again. You just don't know with this retard. Why is he even twittering this the second he got to know it? I don't care whether it's true or false, but any sane human would first carefully examine the evidence before claiming shit via official channels. I say there's a VERY high chance that this turns out to be yet another brain fart.
Well it sure is a good thing that MEDIAMATTERS atleast isnt funded by soros and co, phew.
meme this with obamagate and the 3b tax fund siphoning to fund hipster tantrums