>When the Sinn Fein and the SDLP (Social Democratic and Labour Party) votes are combined, the top two nationalist parties polled higher than the combined major Unionist parties for the first time ever.
When the Sinn Fein and the SDLP (Social Democratic and Labour Party) votes are combined...
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protestants btfo
This is a monumental result. I know what people in the Republic think, but is there any appetite for a UI among communities in the north?
The west belfast and county down condom shortage of 1997-1999 led to an increase in republicans across the board.
What's you lads favourite unionist conspiracy theory?
>but is there any appetite for a UI among communities in the north?
We regard ourselves as much more masculine than you. We're violent, 1/3 have ptsd and you are beta nu/males who have africans.
All this means is that gay marriage and abortion will be legalised
>Having PTSD and acting like a pack of niggers is "alpha"
Sure thing bud.
He's been avenged, lads.
Fucking hell, the truth hurts so much.
I said nothing about being alpha. We have alot of issues and they are very dfferent than yours.
No one wants to be a violent ptsd case or a beta nu/male faggot but here we are. Alot of healing and testosterone injections has to occurr before we can see eye to eye.
Have you noticed how the election hasn't even been mentioned on any British news outlet?
Those on "the mainland" couldn't give less of a shit about those plastic Brits in Northern Ireland. I actually feel a bit sorry for the loyalists 2bh, clinging to a country that is this apathetic to them.
All true, but presumably you'd like to have a functioning economy just like we do
by 2050 at the latest
I'd like alot of things friend.
How does the idea of a Republic of Northern Ireland strike you?
Why are Celts such cucks? Just fuck off and take Scotland with you.
The army should go liberate Ulster right now.
Yes it's very sad.
Same, I just laughed at how little people give a shit about Northern Ireland.
United Ireland is the only solution. Keeping that place alive with 11 billion a year is getting ridiculous. Will increase with Brexit.
What about the good ol' irish language ?
>The army
We can send one drunk scotsman to take on that sorry excuse for an army. Send your propeller planes too.
Ireland has llaissez-faire economics inflicted on them resulting in 1 million deaths, develops distaste for laissez-faire.
totally normal reaction m8.
Very well
They're not really Marxist. That would be the Anti-Austerity Alliance (whose leader describes himself as a Trotskyist). SF are really just Globalist Social Democrats under the guise of Nationalism. If they were genuinely Nationalists, they would have been called racists a million times.
Truth.. only hear about Norn iron over here when someone mentions a united Ireland then everyones like 'reeeeeeeeee no surrender to the IRA!'. IRA lost hard when they became a bunch of drug dealing faggots with about 10 different versions all claiming they're real. Nothing to do with them, united Ireland is the best way forward.
>for the first time ever.
Only because the DUP was embroiled in a massive fuck up and public backlash which dampened loyalist turnout (Look at the turnout numbers). DUP still won as usual.
Turnout will go back to the usual next time, when the butthurt wears off.
>united Ireland is the best way forward
American statehood is. But we can't have nice things.
>Look at the turnout numbers
You men 10% more than last time?
Are you afraid of the "radical republican agenda" m8?
Are /ourguys/ unionists or republicans?
Ireland was never fucking united, Northern Irish people have never got along with people in the south, we're genetically different.
Why the fuck would any Northern Irish person want to go from being British to being potholed-road ridden EU debt holding shite posting Catholicism loving U2 Listening Nazi ISIS supporting no military having crap beef quality manlet ginger black drunkard cuck porn watching faggot loving DICKSUCKS
Neither, it's a choice between leftists and zionists
Personally support sf just on the reunited ireland bit, plus the unionist autism that would ensue
Unionists are dumb as hell but very right wing, anti-gay, anti-abortion ect.
They also think they are the lost tribe is isreal.
You have my pity.
This one is a good example
That's where a lot of their support comes from. There are, of course, leftist students who vote for them on the socialism angle but the hardened marxists/commies go with AAA/PBP and view SF as socialist in name only.
I can understand not wanting to be affiliated with the Republic, but pothole ridden?
It's literally like stepping back in time when you go north of the border. I'm not even kidding, I go when I want a dose of nostalgia for Ireland of yester-year. Agreed on the U2 part.
>Are /ourguys/ unionists or republicans?
>Unionists - right wing christians
>Republican - lefty marxists and socialists
We all know which way the wind is blowing....
Right, just going to lay down some cold, hard, political reality to burst your fenian facts here
Lower turn outs in unionist areas
Many unionists transferred to Alliance and Green
Sinn Fein still couldn't make largest party, they came close, but this is the best they'll ever do
if some one didn't vote in this election, they not vote at all
Its a good election for sinn fein, but its rallied unionism and showed the nationalist plateau
I didn't even vote or transfer to DUP, but I will next time
>It's literally like stepping back in time when you go north of the border. I'm not even kidding,
For us it's like travelling to a nightmare future multicultural dystopia when we head south.
You're grapes are so sour m8. Palpable butthurt.
There was a 10% increase in the vote. What are you talking about?
Also as a unionist, is this the best you can offer NI? That we are a begging bowl with no ambitions? What type of crap is that?
sorry these facts are too dank for you
It sounds fine. It will never happen. You need money from somewhere.
Only scum suckers and pikey cunts come from Armagh desu
turn out was lower in Unionist areas compared to republican. North Down didn't turn out to vote
How will I ever recover.
>open borders
>gay marriage
It's the same in Scotland and Wales.
Why are celtic """"nationalists"""" so cucked?
potato nigger
>turn out was lower in Unionist areas compared to republican.
They were all depressed after seeing their kids grades last year. What's even the point of anything when your kids GCSEs are that shite.
>implying I care what republicucks think
Yes, but there was still a 10% increase. We can't fully judge until there 90-100% of the population voting.
Also, look at the demographics, the vast majority of young people are catholic while the vast majority of old people are protestant. The education results show this as well.
Matters little, once Brexit arrives, NI will go bankrupt. No way we can survive a hard border in terms of trade. Hope our begging bowl can work.
Guys...I dont want to alarm anyone...but there is an Italian in this thread.
that feel Northern Ireland gets the BEST refugees
>open borders
>gay marriage
is this what you want?
damn now I know how black people feel when they get called nigger. Ireland does have a ridiculous amount of pot holes. Feels bad. Feels worse to cycle around.
What did ya say ya prod die?
The Irish (Republic and Northern) are Europe's muzzies. Bunch of degenerate pedophiles, all related to each other
Bomb the shit out of them
Awesome... so more niggers and pakis and socialism for N. Ireland then eh?
What is the Balkans, toothpaste?
Thats mean. I dont hate Ukraine.
why not?
why tf would we want the north back though? the only reason is muh nationalism
the unionists are only voting this way because of brexit , they dont suddenly love the irish people.
this an act of defiance agains brexit , and if we introduce the north into the republic we will just be increasing the amount of people in our country who hate living here.
I would rather have that than my children having shit education results, nothing to eat and no future.
Flags don't feed people.
>Awesome... so more niggers and pakis and socialism for N. Ireland then eh?
realistically no. People with tans are subject to racism here.
I don't know what you're talking about
Ivory coast pls go
There's no future in a meaningless globalist identity.
Your flag looks a little red but it checks out. Okay move along. Make sure you come and tell me if you spot any italians around here okay?
Imagine the butthurt when Unionists will be forced to learn Irish in schools
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland when?
We should let NI go free, even if the people don't want it. Northern Ireland is an economic drain and makes our borders look ugly as fuck. Also I really want the old British Flag back.
96 years ago
Get rid of your monarchy. Then there would at least be a possibility of discussing it.
We already did that.
It didn't work out well for you.
The monarchy was never a real problem though. The parliamentarians were the ones who did the damage.
The only time we ever got rid of our monarchy, thousands of Irish people died.
North-western Australia plz
Yes sir!
I would like to think I would have acted much the same as Cromswell. He played us like a grand strategy game.
To be fair it was because of Royalist sympathies within the Catholic population which certainly isn't the case now.
If the shoe was on the other foot we would most likely have done the same.
Have we started the fire?
Not of it becomes a hub for illegal trade between EU and UK which is possible.
I'm down for a unified British isles but the republic of Ireland and Scotland need to grow some testes first. I'm sure when the EU shatters the republic wont last anyway.
Leinster Bane?
>If the shoe was on the other foot we would most likely have done the same.
mfw we are now the english nobility and landed class.
I could see us leaving the EU because they get tough on our corporate tax rate and then there being no reason to be a part of it.
Nah, that's the old Irish flag used during the war for independence, it was intended to be the United Ireland flag.
I have property in the city which I inherited and a fantastic government job. I am landed.
Id slaughter the lot of ye.
the economic terms he imposed were far harsher than anything he did on the battlefield.
The EU shattering? How would that happen? The RoI has the fastest growing economy in the EU.
I mean, Dublin alone is worth twice of all of Northern Ireland. Trade wise, 2/3s of our trade goes to the RoI while only 1.6% of RoI trade goes to NI.
This is why I'm saying a hard border will bankrupt us.