Brit/pol/ - Archive Never Sets Edition

>Government defeated on Brexit bill

>Lord Tebbit Criticises Concern For 'Foreigners' Rather Than British Over Brexit Politics&utm_hp_ref=uk-politics

Hansard Committee Reports
>The process for exiting the (((European Union))) and the Government's negotiating objectives

>Brexit: the options for trade

>Brexit: future UK–EU security and police cooperation

>Brexit: UK-Irish relations

Other urls found in this thread: Alexandra Rd, Peterborough PE1 3DE/@52.5893166,-0.2437086,3a,60y,247.93h,90.85t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sfrOAQ_PooipcrCW70Gj-0w!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x4877f0e2128faacd:0x849b5e02f5cbad7!8m2!3d52.5893922!4d-0.2436538!6m1!1e1


>Muslim Racially Abuses ‘Pork Eating’ Polish Male, Strikes Woman

So what would you do?

Probably make a brit/pol/ post about it.

Will this cunt actually get in trouble for racism?

This happened in Australia a few years ago and the judge actually said "you can't be racist towards white people".

Dead as a dodo

We'll you're allowed to actively discriminate against hiring white males in the UK, in fact it is encouraged, so I imagine it is much the same here.

Should we pay them their 60 Gorillion Euros for Brexit guys?

>tfw applying jobs
>there is a checkbox option in the final page
>"white male job" or "super special diversity job"
>know that checking white male is going to mean an instant rejection
>not even an hour later get a rejection email
fuck this gay earth

How come the Northern Irish election hasn't been covered in the British news media at all?

You would think a national election in one of the four constituent """co-equal""" nations of the """United""" Kingdom would be newsworthy 2bh

I guess the English couldn't care less about those plastic Brits in Norn Iron. Sad!

Alexander Hamilton said, "A nation which can prefer disgrace to danger is prepared for a master, and deserves one." Now let's set the record straight. There's no argument over the choice between peace and political terrorism, but there's only one guaranteed way you can have peace - and you can have it in the next second - surrender. Admittedly, there's a risk in any course we follow other than this, but every lesson of history tells us that the greater risk lies in appeasement, and this is the specter our well-meaning general public refuses to face - that their policy of accommodation is appeasement, and it gives no choice between peace and armed resistance, only between fight or surrender. And what then Richard Kalergi has told his people he knows what our answer will be? He has told them that we're retreating under the shadow of the Second World War, and someday when the time comes to deliver the final ultimatum, our surrender will be voluntary, because by that time we will have been weakened from within racially, spiritually, morally, and economically. He believes this because from our side he's heard voices pleading for "peace at any price". If we continue to accommodate, continue to back and retreat, eventually we have to face the final demand - the ultimatum. I know and do not believe that life is so dear and peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery. If nothing in life is worth dying for, when did this begin - just in the face of this (((enemy)))? Or should Moses have told the children of Israel to live in slavery under the pharaohs? Should Christ have refused the cross? Should the patriots at The Battle of Bannockburn have thrown down their swords and refused to advance heard around the world? The martyrs of history were not fools, and our honoured dead who gave their lives to stop the advance of the English didn't die in vain. Where, then, is the road to our survival? Well it's a simple answer after all.

It has. It's the second most read item on the BBC website and was the leading item on Sky News this morning.

Because big strong England is a much larger country than Ireland, and it's population isn't that big


What the fuck am I reading?

>Should the patriots at The Battle of Bannockburn have thrown down their swords and refused to advance heard around the world?

Nah, they should've tried to invade England while the main English army is campaigning in France, get their arse handed to them at Flodden by a bunch of reservist, get their King killed and end up so heavily BTFO that they have to sell themselves to the English.

>(((Sky News)))

Had Sky News on for the last hour and haven't seen it. Either way, it's immaterial. Sky News is only interested in what Rupert Murdoch decides they are to be interested in.

The difference between RTÉ and BBC

We weren't talking about Ireland, you Australian. We were talking about Northern Ireland, a different country and a so-called """co-equal""" member of the """United""" Kingdom.

Learn how to read and how to not sleep on roads and then you can join the adults' conversation.

Why would the BBC waste time talking about british people, when they could be talking about blacks, muslims and fags?

>when they could be talking about blacks, muslims and fags?

i.e. the English?


UKIP are streaming their conference live on facebook for anyone who cares.

lmao good one fergus

>Muslims, blacks
not English


>Amir Khan is still referred to as a British Boxer

>>know that checking white male is going to mean an instant rejection

just don't check "white male"

Whites in Australia always say they "identify as aboriginal to get jobs/uni places".

It can't be proven.

pic related - Aboriginal doctors

>pic related - Aboriginal doctors
They are abos mate

>They are abos mate

wow that's exactly what the Jews in the media told Australians that said they were scamming the system.

Wow are Jews subversive rats in every country?

Has anyone ever made this connection before?


They are not White
I'm Scottish

He's a Russian LARPing as a Scot and using an Israeli proxy. Funny bunch.

you sound like a crazy conspiracy theorist to me, lad
jews are our friends

What do you lads make of this Obamagate wiretapping thing then?

Give me 3 reasons why we shouldn't let NI go.

no proofs as yet will come back when theres something more substantial

I couldn't give a toss.

Why would we?

>no proofs as yet will come back when theres something more substantial
he's going to look pretty stupid if he doesn't have proof. He must have something solid.

Is it illegal for Obama to tap Trump's phone though?

I seriously doubt he'd tweet three times about it unless he had something.

>Is it illegal for Obama to tap Trump's phone though?
Have you heard of Watergate?

Nothing significant will come of it, evidence or no unfortunately.

It makes our borders and our flag look awful, It would look much better without Ireland

>brits making fun of anyone else's hygiene

>he's going to look pretty stupid

I'd have thought we would have learned by now that this isn't something he is particularly concerned with.

does he also have proof that vaccines cause autism and global warming is a chinese hoax?

>i seriously doubt trump would tweet about something unless he had evidence

are we talking about a different donald trump?

Oh hey, can you scooch over for me; we need the extra room for our intact empire?

>Brits have this sort of denial about being good at fighting. Sad

>Should we pay them their 60 Bogdillion Euros for Brexit guys?
That money's earmarked for are NHS, surely?

maybe he does maybe he doesnt but I havent seen anything yet so atm it remains only an accusation

>>i seriously doubt trump would tweet about something unless he had evidence
That's not what I said though.

I said he wouldn't tweet about this. Accusing Obama of wiretapping him is a big deal.

hopefully yeah, we already found the location and him a day or two ago Alexandra Rd, Peterborough PE1 3DE/@52.5893166,-0.2437086,3a,60y,247.93h,90.85t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sfrOAQ_PooipcrCW70Gj-0w!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x4877f0e2128faacd:0x849b5e02f5cbad7!8m2!3d52.5893922!4d-0.2436538!6m1!1e1
names haroon ali

>Have you heard of Watergate?

Yeah but we are 1 million times more Jewed now. There's probably some law that will get him out of it.

t. triggered shitskin
75% Native Britain? 60% Native, 40%? There is a point beyond which they must not advance.

"There's something going on in time and space, and beyond time and space, which, whether we like it or not, spells duty." Winston Churchill

>Oh hey, can you scooch over for me; we need the extra room for our intact empire?
You faggots claim you're so great, but we still own half your country.

It's called Canada.

Try taking it. 1812 will commence again.

Get away from your PC monitor for a minute or so, and do 20 press ups.

>He thinks I'm an Imperial LARPer

Neck yourself Yank, I'm well aware our Empire died the day we allied with you.

we only have 24 hours to save the NHS™

Ill give you the only one required. It pisses off the rest of the potato farmers.

What does the current shit state of affairs have to do with Scotland main force being BTFO by English reservist so hard that they eventually had to sell their Kingdom?

>what is Heritage
>what is Ancestral Honour
We own you. Not the other way around

The BBC would only be interested if shin bin won.


Our flag is magnificent and doesn't matter what our borders look like, only that they're secure. Don't be a faggot, or are you a mick larping as a traitor?

Scotland was removed from its status as an equal kingdom at Flodden, which lead to their failed colonial exploits, which lead to them bankrupting themselves and agreeing to the Act of Union.

the union jack is the perfect flag, fuck off

I never knew the niggers could use the thu'um

>delusional "Anglo"


>tfw unionists no longer hold majority



You often see some of them fall into trance-like states during fights and utter an ancient Thu'um.


>t. Triggered Shitskin
Nah, you're alright in general I just don't believe you're a Scot.

Nah, fuck off. The extra red gives it more pizzazz.

>Implying the flag of Great Britain isn't THE greatest flag to bless history

Not that your worthless opinion matters since we're keeping the norns.

You assume the Britain is holding on to it. The agreement has always been, if norn iron, wishes to leave the union it only has to vote to do so. Until then they are considered British, and we will defend them.

Burnt leaf.

>Americans still think they have an empire

You need to look up what an empire is because this is getting too embarrassing. As a fun fact though, America has never won a war without Britain being on its side.

Loyalists need to start shitting out more babies. Why are all our guys such failures at performing basic functions of animal life? Yes, the Jews are mainly responsible, but we should accept our share of the blame too.

Neck yourself.

The old flag was a symbol of English and Scottish power.

The current flag is a symbol of The Commonwealth of shit skins, the submission to Amerilards and the death of our culture.

Neck yourself Abdul. You're the reason we don't feel comfortable referring to ourselves as British any more.

watch the whole thing

They told you to vote to leave the EU, and you ACTUALLY DID IT YOU MADMEN!

Why aren't protestants having kids? Catholics have increasingly been taking up a larger share of the population.

Is the eternal Latin RESPONSIBLE?

I feel comfortable referring to myself as British, because I am British. If you're a weak fuck concerned by an actual Brit country being in the UK then that's your own problem mate.


That's why the pope banned birth control and condoms. The rc played the long game

Its canon they can, the Ebony Warrior is a nig and he uses the thu'um. He's a nordiboo though.


Correction.It's the perfect canton for a superior flag.


>we need the extra room for our intact empire?
>our intact empire

What Empire? Is global influence an "Empire" now? Every attempt America has made at imperialism has failed miserably.

>He is proud to be part of the commonwealth of shitskins.

Neck yourself achmed. (((British))) is a by word for shitskin. I am ENGLISH, you're a (((British)))-paki.

It was (((Britain)))s ((((((((Commonwealth))))))) that brought all your kind here in the first place, excuse me if it makes me "weak as fuck" to not want to be associated by the "flag" that brought you and your 57 siblings to come shit on my street.

This, people who see themselves as British first are often of two groups: London or immigrant (the two usually being the same). Foreigners however never call themselves English be it because absolutely nobody accepts it or just poor education thinking it's the same thing.

>British Empire was a total success

Only from your point of view because your shitskin family got to move out of the 3rd world

makes sense considering those who identified with being 'british' were many many times less likely to vote for brexit than those who identified as english

Based Nigel

/NeverBritish/ Master race

Because we're not fenian scum.

>because your shitskin family got to move out of the 3rd world

You're projecting, Ahmed. Also, I don't believe i said anything about the British Empire?

Well yeah, look at the main puddles of Remain in England in particular. London, Birmingham, Manchester. I wonder what they have in common.

Our resident Macedonian and gypsy subhumans think that they WUZ ENGLISH AND SHITE though

birmingham voted leave