Why exactly does Sup Forums hate BBC news so much?
Why exactly does Sup Forums hate BBC news so much?
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It reminds them of their greatest weakness: Big Black Cocks
>why do free-thinking people hate fake news
It's probably the best example of the "centre" actually being the left. The smug, cheap, virtuous and martyr like way they approach everything just puts people off.
That said, the international version is slightly better than the one we get in the UK. It's still left wing, but it tends to lie less. This is solely down to the fact they actually have to compete internationally, as opposed to here where they operate a protection racket.
Russian BBC works quite fine. Actually, they're slowpokes par excellance.
>beady eyed lefitst rag
I'll pass
fake news and having to pay for a tv licence
They have an obvious anti-Trump, anti-Brexit bias.
>anti-Trump, anti-Brexit bias
It's not bias, it's sanity.
the sanity/insanity of a position doesn't determine whether or not you are biased in journalism
what a stupid thread
because Sup Forums is a bastion of EXTREEEME FREE SPEECH
and bbc is propaganda
>I can't aSsuAGE the feeling that this is a shill thread
are you american?
it's usually them who are obsessed with black mens' penises
They lie about everything.
The funniest was when they went to Syria that one time and tried to find people who were against Assad but couldn't. Everyone literally told them to fuck off.
They haven't sent anyone to Syria since.
this. Fucking hell. "extreme free speech" implying its a bad thing.
The humour on this board has really gone to shit.
BBC admitted even they have a liberal bias few years ago.
Well, honestly, I don't look in very hard for US politics, I'm comforted by BBC giving a correct picture of what's happening in my own country. So, I may have skipped something rigged in their US picture. Still, I'd blame it on the media selfishness and little horizon view, not some controlled brainwashing.
bbc is just ccn with a lipstick
They're as bad, if not worse, than CNN.
They are a bias propaganda machine that is funded by the public. If you refuse to fund them, even for completely legit reasons they send a goon squad around to bully you into paying.
You guys realize that brits have no free speech right? You literally don't have anything in the constitution explicitly saying you are born with that right.
You still have to pay the TV tax even if you don't use a TV-set?
We don't have a constitution at all you moronic piece of shit.
I actually never minded BBC News until the recent US election.
Since I was following the election closely, and watching all of Trump's videos in full, their reporting just did not marry up with what was actually happening or being said. It became clear that they were rampantly anti-Trump.
It lead me to question to the quality of their reporting on other issues. It's a shame because they used to be quite respected.
The BBC practice deception via editing and spin. On its news channels. It practices deception via social moulding on its entertainment programming. The BBC actually attempts to program it's viewers.
Then, I can't understand why you're angry.
this and many other instances of claiming to be non-biased when infact they were biased, and historic cases of media blackouts during wars as to push their agenda (since no one knows whats actually going on they can claim whatever shit they like)
thank god for the internet.
If you own any device that can watch live TV you are expected to pay. That includes TVs, phones and PCs.
You don't have to prove shit to them, but they treat you as guilty until proven innocent and employ scare tactics to get people to pay.
It is pure leftist propaganda.
1. B. B. C.
2. Fake News
3. Champagne Socialism (literally socialism funding champagne drinking, limo riding millionaires)
Other than that, it's alright.
>Why exactly does Sup Forums hate BBC news so much?
Easy, because they hate me.
The BBC speaks English, which Sup Forums has a hard time understanding.
I'm forced to fund it when I don't watch it
I dont hate the news, I hate the entertainment, opinion and "satire"
BBC World Service is the greatest news service on earth
its everything ELSE the BBC does that is so fucking annoying
£147.00 now, fucking liberty
Ask Saville and the people still not in jail.
>The funniest was when they went to Syria that one time and tried to find people who were against Assad but couldn't. Everyone literally told them to fuck off.
Hilarious shit. Got any sources for this?
A shame you weren't aborted.
Well, it's kind of stupid tax, but history knows examples of much more stupider taxes, like taxes on windows or chimneys.
If I were you, I'd be thanking God that for a little sum of 147 pounds I got just 1 propaganda chanell.
Imagine if all the big media were tax and state funded, huh?
They were, unironically, my most read news outlet, until all their news started becoming like these.
>A state broadcaster with a leftwing bias that receives EU money threatens people with imprisonment for not buying their output
W-why does Sup Forums not like this?
Lol I just wanted to make a big black cock joke thread but source on that?
Because over the past few decades they've lost all journalistic integrity and are just propaganda spin-doctors.
>be me
>6 foot 4 Italian stallion
>have 26 1/2 centimeter cock (10 1/2 inches for ameri bros)
>have had 9 sexual partners (used to be degenerate)
>tired of hearing them say "ouch/I'm bleeding/ it hurts/ I'm crying/ please stop/ I can't breathe"
>have never had sex for more than 30 seconds because of this
>even the loose club whores who fuck everyone can't handle it
>have been told by some of them my cock is way bigger than a niggers
Having a big cock fucking sucks. id give anything to have a respectable 15 cm penis (6 inches). I may never be able to conceive
It's like when you go on iPlayer. Have the featured shows are all about Asian, black or muslim perspectives on whatever.
Try manly men, manly men like big things.
Maybe you should get into porn
News organizations are expected to deliver the news - as close to an unbiased account of current events as possible. While this is not required by law, doing so is directly tied to their credibility.
BBC, along with our beloved NPR in America have jumped on the 'opinews' track along with other sources. What they report can be described as 'based on a true story' so to speak. It's a current event report with a focus on only one side (usually the leftist position), heavily injected with emotional pleas and author/editor commentary.
Instead of 'House burns down in Chicago' you get 'House burns down in Chicago, and how Trump's new Urban Funding Policies may be to Blame'. It's sickening really.
no you're not
What makes it worse is that they're so left they've bypassed sinister, but still pretend to be bipartisan. The less surprising bit is the same leftists they support call them out for being "right wing". Then again these same people think the Tories are right wing so reality isn't something they deal in often.
Also, the amount of terrorist activities that were directly funded by the (((BBC))) is astonishing.
So what news does Sup Forums reads?
Sup Forums
literally this
i stopped paying the licence at the time of the digital switchover (my telly couldn't receive freeview and i didn't watch enough to warrant buying a new telly or even a freeview box)
i even got a refund of the unused portion of my licence
i have never been visited by anyone connected to the telly licence ever
they are paedos
Shame on anyone who funds that treasonous pedophile ring. Never paid the damn fee, never will. Never watch that shit either.
Occasionally caught it when visiting the parents around brexit time, fucking disgusting.
I hope to see the day BBC employees are rounded up and put to the wall.
Fucking traitors.
It never used to be bad. They used to be straight with a focus on well sourced stories.
During NU labor they had to become more PEECEE, accept government lobbyist on the directors board and started using twitter/facebook as a reliable news source.
One of their new directives is hijabs, blacks and women must always be included in every show. Even if they dont have anything to do with the shows content.
Many presenters and shows left and ratings plummeted yet they carry on as its tax funded and supported by the government.
Sad really. When the current politics presenters retire they will "correct" those shows to fit the PC policy.
for the same reason everyboady hates ARD and such- they are state propaganda media- lying bitches
I'm in Australia and had downloaded the BBC app for my phone to get news alerts, but I ended up checking it occasionally, and literally ANY day you go on the app and look at the main news page, you'll see multiple feminist stories, all of them ridiculous - literally blaming men and so on. They even have a "women's week" every year where they have even more stories highlighting how evil men are.
I just had to remove the app.
People have so far neglected to mention they post vacancies and state they're specifically hiring anyone as long as you aren't white.
I don't pay the fee and I never will. Nor will I watch their garbage tv """illegally"""
I really wish there was a refurendum for the licence fee. It's painful having to pay it when you see their biased and bigoted content.
"In Our Time-Science" on BBC 4 is great