Hey guis wana talk about some bloody Marxists?

Jordan B Peterson thread faggots

>he hasn't sorted himself oot yet


Other urls found in this thread:


>you haven't saved your father yet


>real communism hasn't been tried yet!


>tfw the bloody Marxist keeps talking after you've said THAT'S THAT

Nothing wrong with being a marxist

these digits are NO JOKE

Kill yourself you fucking idiot

>he hasn't read the gulag archipelago


That's just raw incestuous energy from your paternal superego speaking
Love yourself like you love your symptoms

>so your a marxist? that's cute, tell me about your father


Nothing wrong with that I claim

I love Sup Forumss ability to distill people into their funniest catchphrases, when it's not malicious.



Sort yourself oot and join the fun

fucken kekd and saved

it's less an ability and more a disability in not being able to understand and coherently articulate anything more than the simplest catchphrases

Didn't know there was so much material about him already. Finally get to have a peterson folder.


peterson threads are great for OC and good discussions

The longer a post is the lest likely it is to be read.

That's absolutely no joke.

Who /veneratinghisfather/ here?


wrong image

This makes me wonder whether people actually understand him.

what do you mean

Well, from a Petersonian's point of view, the very fact that these meme have the power to catch on should be recognized as an indication of the fact that they correspond to something within us, no matter what that might be.

What percentage of people are listening to him half-heartedly thinking it's some funnily worded weird shit they can amuse themselves with and how many can translate his words into actual meaning inside of them?

Oh I know, he produces powerful images.
I can map a lot of the pictures he's talking about onto my own (modern) behavior, I'd love to know how many people can do that.

>no more words
>only swords

He makes it pretty easy to understand and because his main message is pretty simple I think a lot of people resonate with it

>I'd love to know how many people can do that.
im trying to do it. he read out the beginning from notes to the underground in a lecture and it was eery how directly it applied to me directly.
the memes are just anons trying to be funny, and lots of them are funny. but these threads are constantly being made because people find his ideas compelling and want to talk about them. he's become so popular because we recognise that he's saying things that desperately need to be said.

and degenerates on a fingolian candle making board need help more than anyone in sorting themselves out


This is what I was trying to say but I always end up sounding like some 15 year old shitposter on a tibetan basketweaving forum.


Imagine the power of NEETs after they'd sorted themselves out. No wonder (((they))) are going after Peterson

because that's what you are user

What are some must listen to talks of his?

I f-forgot to venerate my f-father

Romans and Founding Fathers all the way baby

>everyone else is a shallow thinker except for me

just because people make memes out of peterson doesnt mean theyre not listening to and understanding the core concepts he elucidates. This should be obvious since the "sort yourself out and save your dad" is the biggest JP meme. And sorting yourself out and saving your dad is basically what he think is the most important thing for people to do these days.

all of them, a good start is him on joe rogan. i'm working through the 2016 maps of meaning lectures now and it's all good shit. struggling to understand his views on nietzsche but i'm a dope.


never too late

>never too late
He's fucken dead m80

Maybe Peterson could have saved him

Stop trying to change the topic, Jordan.

he is dead, and the next generations have to bring him back, similar but different. we're Horus, we have to kill Set to resurrect Osiris and give him our eye.

i guess it'll have to be a stronger less cucked christianity.


>t. Ben "Let's have a conversation but I don't accept different ideas than mine" Stiller

I think these two catch phrases miss purpose
and the question for purpose, why we should sort our self out is hugely important for JBP

"Yeah, I don't like Nazis."

Seriously, JP is a good influence on Sup Forums. More words, less fists.

By definition those who do not sort themselves out -- which for Peterson is some act of verbalization -- must live in chaos (i.e. be "unsorted") which in his view corresponds to some form of hell, or at least slowly leads there.

Ughhhhh, that conversation was so annoying!

peterson's philosophy is founded on his definition of truth, and harris disagrees with that definition. i think most people nowadays agree with harris on this. so they couldn't move past that point because any further conversation would be built on a completely fundamental disagreement.

it would actually be really important if peterson could fully formulate this idea and make it mainstream. it fundamentally changes the way we would look at the world. it would get us off the materialist train of nihilism and open people up to something more. but the idea needs improvement.

>"Yeah, I don't like Nazis."
fucking typical

Debate on what the law should be, held in front of law students.

All sorts of stuff, good lecture.

Hitler's so dreamy, though.


The ultimate object of anxiety is a living father, the father who doesn’t want to die

I'm reading Gulag Archipelago, I have like 50 pages left.

Can someone link some good Jordan Peterson vids about soviet times?

Can I get a link to the save your father lecture? I need to sort out my self and his self, too.

>when it's not malicious.
roughly speaking





I think there's a hole in one of his usual arguments. "The law says that gender identity, gender expression, and sexual expression vary independently!"

I don't think the law says anything of the kind.

'night faggots

remember peterson is kek

That's what the bloody Marxists always say!

>Tfw my utopia is only one execution away

the father is a metaphor for your culture
the lecture about the Pinocchio movie explains that in detail

>you will never watch Disney films with Jordan

just fucking kill me already

What about your wife's son's self?

this is his official youtube channel.

Also check out the "future authoring program", its really helpful if you feel like your life could be better but you're kind of stuck in a rut.

Thanks maple
& thanks kraut
Bros, you've really helped a hoser get his trousers on

I can't stand this monotone soulless kike

It relies on these notions in order to make sense though it's not said explicitly.

>this meme

Probably does but in one of those severeign citizen senses, the "person" the "individual" etc

Gonna watch all of these
Thanks.... Kuwait

hand the metaphorical treasure

Slay the beast to rescue the Virgin trapped within.

Who is this guy? A marxist version of Peterson?

an actual philosopher

>Not knowing Zizek

Pure ideology!

My wife's sons self can't be saved because it has been irreparablely damaged by the hole punched into it by nihilistic, moral relativism, and this opening has created a vaccum of meaning where ideological aggregates from differing ilks have gestated into a mongrelized kind of hedonistic " I just want to live" kind of desperation, self hate, and identity loss, coupled with crippling cognitive dissonance that won't allow change, or deviation from the physical and mental patterns that imprison and chain him to these mundane and redundant behaviors and processes.

Many such cases... Sad...

It's essentially pragmatism vs. positivism. Frankly, pragmatism is the more human approach.





This clip is an essential imo.

Pretty much actually
He's a philosopher and not a psychologist, but he's very knowledgeable regarding lacanian psychoanalysis

Why does this poz'd professor keep getting shilled here? He's a huge fan of (((Freud))) and has no concrete ideas other than some insights into history that make religion sound neat to autistic fedoras. Of all the intellectuals Sup Forums could be listening to they picked one of very little value.

can anyone give me a rundown on sorting yourself out? what do i do



How do I talk to girls. I have everything sorted out in my life except I can't talk to girls. I'm attractive and have been lifting for 3 years.

Now I want to stop running from my problem and try to ask a girl out.

There's a really pretty girl in one of my classes who keeps staring at me and smiling when I catch her and I don't think I've ever been so attracted to someone in my life.

I don't know what to do. When I catch her staring at me my heart starts pounding hard like I just took a giant rip of DMT.

I smiled at her last time I saw her and she gave me a big smile and looked away.

Should I go ask her if she wants to study with me?


Not an argument


I'm 25 faggot

Go back to watching Molyneux dipshit

oh well that's embarrassing

Molymeme is shit as well. You're all fucking plebs.

Zizek is a lacanian psychoanalyst, you dumb idiot