Pick your execution for Treason

Firing squad? Gallows? Lethal injection? Death by bunga bunga? Post below your choice or make your own

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100 meter butterfly

checked and keked

nothing will happen or come out of this, politicians are all liars and do-nothings

he's going to deal and get off, then others will go down based on his testimony, this was the plan all along

Pretty wicked ID user


snu snu

They live long enough to see the wall being built, then we put their backs against it.

Throwback to Bastille, bring out the guillotines.

waterboard them with the semen and blood of aids patients, feet first through a wood chipper, 1000 cuts in a tub of weak acid, salt and alcohol.

thrown in to a cage of hungry gorillas with blue berries in your pockets

Throw him off of Trump Tower

thrown in a cage of hungry niggers with KFC in your pockets

I was expecting the classic Necklace but what you said is acceptable too.

Hes innocent.

masturbation machines


Well I guess its a good think that Trump is/was not a politician.


Just the let the patriots deal with him desu

I got some guns that need shooting anyways


>tfw the first post is the best post

I just spit my breakfast everywhere laughing out loud, thanks.

I feel like public stoning is the best option. There is community involvement and it is brutal and involves a slow death.

seems appropriate to point out that these Baal worshippers are denying Baal it's true nature by attempting to hide secrets

Baal reveals all secrets

praise kek and praise baal

rabid dogs and nail guns

Fucking /thread

Death by snoo snoo

Saxon style. If someone fucks you over you're allowed, legally, to fuck them over anyway you like. It was like if someone killed a member of your family then a member of your family was allowed to kill them, but only a member of your family. You couldn't get someone else to do it for you.

I think firing squad is the most honorable method of execution. No dismemberment or decapitation, considered a soldier's death. It's how I'd want to be executed.

And all things considered, the man was a President, I think a firing squad would be appropriate.

with his tranni wife strapped to him.
Hopefully, they're all just a bunch of doing favor rats anyway and will turn on each other like rats, can't wait.

Praise him brothers.


Thanks for reminding me of that dank film

Throw him in the dungeon to rot

THUNDER DOME style 1 on 1 against Hillary. Ratings would be bigly

If you think Obama is not currently protected by the FBI/CIA and is immune to incarceration, you are dead wrong.


He tries to resist and the feds goodify the nigger.

One executioner,
bullet into the back of the head,
burial regardless of dead or not.

It's simple,
it's cheap,
it's effective.

A metal room with no doors, windows, or lights.
A metal sandpaper floor that moves like a tredmill.
You can walk until you get tired.
When exhaustion kicks in you curl up in a ball and slowly have your skin ground to paste as you scream in the corner.

Gallows it'll drive liberals crazy


Blood Eagle

Does anyone know if a president be impeached for libel?

why is the fp oh so much the bp

he dindu nuffin

The chopping block.

>medical kits giving death penalty advice
>this post

poetic justice that the first nigger president gets lynched for treason

does not compute

a public dicking from michele obama should do

I bet that dude is huuuung



Sew their asshole shut and commence force feeding.

Death by a thousand cuts

Feet first, very slow.

Secret service bullet desu
Or just make him disappear

> stretched medkit talking about the symmetrical one

Polonium injection.
It takes about right amount of time (several days), target stays conscious all the time, feeling how his body rapidly falls apart, and no cure exists.

make it cool that obama used his secret government surveillance powers to listen in on trump and get liberals will spread this story like wildfire.


Pedos get Scaphism

I vote dis

Like all niggers he should be hanged.

Blood eagle


>stars and stripes
>not a cheap teenage sitcom title

it's posts like this why I keep coming back here

Firing squad as is required for high treason.
>Firing squad is also not meant to aim for the head as respect for the surviving family.

The would-be assassins of Hitler got hung by piano wire on meat hooks

I know a guy who could help

Force him to walk the streets of Chicago at night. every night, till it happens


hanged, drawn, and quartered

make sure the drop is low so he suffocates slowly while having wild niggers tear him apart

really the only thing that evil self-aggrandizing narcissist deserves

good work medkit

Put me in screencap

toil away as trumps personal slave boy nigger until the day he dies


Oh it's gonna be a watermelon emergency, alright

Castrated, injected with estrogen for a month, then dipped in bleach.

came here to post this. fpbp


Bring back the guillotine.



Sew his asshole shut and feed him. Death by sepsis.

I want guillotines back


We really do need the death penalty back. Some fuckers can't be saved or rehabilitated. OPs guy is one of them. But a fair trial first to bring all his sins to light.


Firing squad is too honorable, and lethal injection is too tame.

So good old hanging like a common criminal.

Hard labor at the wall site.

Fucking disgusting

sell raffle 5000 raffle tickets. pick 13 tickets randomly.
those 13 people will be on the firing squad.

ceremony should be paid for by the raffle and spectators tickets. bingo

I'd pay $200 to see the execution of the Clintons, George Soros, Obama, and Podesta for election fraud, treason, and sedition. Put it in a treasury coffer to grow for 10 years.

>size of a state
>thinks it has the bantz of a real country

Barbed wire noose.

Like all niggers hang them high.

Kek Blessed Fonduebro