Can someone give a basic gestalt on why she's a bad bitch?
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I hope it's anti Schulz fag too.
Little do they know when Scultz gets in, he'll be Merkel on steroids.
it is about fucking time.
>let's in any shitskin no questions asked
>has media cover up migrant crime
>bullies other countries that won't take in shitskin migrants
I'm sure there's other shit too, but that's what comes to mind.
>refugees are welcome here
That's Germany alright
says the jungle-taco-nigger
needs to be anti both or krauts are fucked
good fuck these invading muslims, they need to stay in their own country that they ruined and stop expecting everyone to take them in and care for them like they're jews. they're literally going to be the catalyst for ww3 if we let them get all those stolen russian and american weapons into these countries and become radical.
>people are anti merkel
>water is wet
>ice is cold
So fucking awesome
good luck krauts
>Anti-Merkel rally
More like a Neo-Nazi rally. You are a disgusting Burger.
wow its fucking nothing
what are they shouting?
nazis disguised as antifa?
Begone muslims
Hail Germania
what are they saying and I thought germany and sweden were beyond saving?
t. Cheeto Voter
Forgive my ignorance; why does the president of Germany have so much power in the EU? Do they just apply economic pressure or do they have a bigger say in things?
jokes on you im actually 100% german mart sharter
its just a shitty protest which does absolutely nothing. all of these people you can see there are going to vote Schulz and then cry because hes importing more shitskins
Voting for the survival of your people>Voting for the rape of your people
Because Mutti does know best for other countries, you silly nippon
wtf is jezza doing?
Go vote for down syndrome Merkel again loser.
4th reich
If it was at least a proper reich, I could get behind it, but the EU is a fucking travesty.
all a single poster, op in fact. posting from kraut proxy, trying to stir up controversy in his own thread by pretending to be a commie shill. heres you (you)s and a sage to go with it.
Why would that bald guy with the white pants wear a fucking nazi armband. Even if I was to agree with them this is just giving the other side ammo.
Take the ammo and fill them up with it
Be a man Goymany
IB4 watercannons
Define man. Do I have to be an idiot to be a man?
can someone edit this video with Erika playing in the background?
what is the gook girl thinking right now?
Are they saying 'oy vey'?
wow great...more bullshit marching
that'll show em.. *rolls eyes*
Are they chanting oy vey?!
can someone edit this video with Erika playing in the background?
>can someone edit this video with Erika playing in the background?
can someone edit this video with Erika playing in the background?
>can someone edit this video with Erika playing in the background?
can someone edit this video with Erika playing in the background?
>can someone edit this video with Erika playing in the background?
Oh shit, are they about to run over the pile of sitting shitlibs? They have to be shitlibs, they always do that sitting protest shit.
>There is no right to Nazi-propaganda
For fucks sake, can't we just send these idiots back to school?
Why are you trying to trigger the eternal kraut gene?
Did one of these guys just shout
I also had to turn off the sound, these libtards make my head hurt.
>Previous events, also organised by the far-right group ‘We for Berlin & We for Germany,’ gathered thousands under the same motto to protest against the German chancellor, particularly over her handling of the refugee crisis.
So is this right wing or not?
>please start playing horst wessel lied, please start playing horst wessel lied
Why don't you want it to be triggered?
Last time it happened you got most of the escaping high ranking officers and scientists and tons of nazi-gold. Seems like a good deal for you.
*starts whistling*
"Es gibt kein recht auf Nazi-Propaganda" means There is no right for nazi-propaganda. Germany is cuckd beyond saving it will never change since were the center of antifa.
Germans are useless without a strong leader, makes you think
this is a weak protest
it warms my heart to see so many generations demonstrating together...maybe there is hope!
stay strong German bro's, i'll be drinking till i reboot in honor of you Hans und Grettel
I mean, I'd love to see another uncle Adolf walking the Earth but the prospect of WW3 is kind of uncomfortable.
Any and all dissent is right wing.
>Raus raus, wir sind ein demokratisches Land!
>Get out, we are a democracy!
Fucking kek.
>I don't like your opinion, only MY opinion is democratic!
Double middle fingers to the protestors. Wew those liberals are mad.
Our opinions differ greatly, it seems.
Why is there nothing about this on any news network other than RT?
wow, literal nazis!
my grandmother told me of germany during the 1930s, she even survived a deathcamp, this is horrible!
>hear no evil
>see no evil
>speak no evil
>she even survived a deathcamp
Just one?!
What a goy!
My grandmama survived 17 gas chambers and had to eat her uncle while he was being killed in the masturbation machine, all while being driven into the massive fire pit at the end of the Auschwitz Holocauster, oy vey!
it's really npd scum, i'm sorry Sup Forums, this is not what we germans are like
Lucky you. My grandma was only 3 years old when she was killed by the nazis. 3 years old!
>Spelling errors on their signs
good job jews lay their eggs before then
can I get a quick rundown
>mfw the antifa look exactly the way you'd think they do
>fat females
>those fatty tumblrinas
fascists BTFO
Jemand heut abend Bock auf Nazisboxen in NRW?
Wir sind schon ca 10 Leute, alle mit kickbox/MMA Erfahrung.
the guys have a point
why do antifas and liberals live in germany if they dont like germany? in fact they hate germany
so why would you live somewhere if you actually hate the place?
cute 2bh
I want to impregnate a liberal chubby german with my mediterranean seed and make her my housewife
*teleports behind nazi*
>Nothing personal, kid
Reminds me of this speech by Hitler about his street marches.
Warum habt ihr im RL eigentlich keine Eier ? Mit euren Scheiss Anime memes werdet ihr nich weit kommen, scheiss AfD Lappen.
as if anyone here cares
I cant read german what did the sign in front that says sie brach.... den... something or other
of course - even white scraps is an upgrade to brazil monkeys
XD ^^
You are on a japanese owned, burger-hosted flower-pt pottery-helpdesk forum. Speak english, stupid gaijin!
Man that would be awesome
>Nazis raus
>Nazis out
Why is this the first thing I have to hear?
It begins...
>less than 50 people
>chimping out
So many blue hair, blue eye nazis... they are either bold or dark hair people lol
Sup Forums was lying all along
flag nice one
We don't speak in sausage runes here, klaus
because germany is a bunch of cucks
She is a globalist
>Anti-Merkel rally
>More like a Neo-Nazi rally. You are a disgusting Burger.
Are you saying neo-nazi like merkel?
Because people are fucking retards and are unable to comprehend that not wanting to be gangraped, having your kids gangraped and being robbed makes you a nazi
In fact i applaud this sentiment, we should instead offer migrant rapists these chicks as "peace offerings" that they can take home to whereever they came from
Makes europe better AND gets the migrants out, its a win-win
Plus these people get to enjoy the cultural enrichment they push on others