What are some effective strategies for resisting against the Trump regime?
What are some effective strategies for resisting against the Trump regime?
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The Obama administration funneled billions of dollars to activist organizations through a Department of Justice slush fund scheme, according to congressional investigators.
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This desu senpai
Wiretap him
Send illegal money to Kenya and democrat activists
By drinking bleach you stupid fucking shill gook nigger.
Call him Drumf instead of trump
ending your life
wear a pussy hat
First you realize that obama was wiretapping Trump.
Then you kill yourself.
Are there any links on where I can apply to shill for Obama? I only work 20 hours a week thanks to obamas minimum wage job boom, and could use some more work.
By pulling your head out of the sand, instead of burying it so deep that's it's in leddit.
>he has wall st in his cabinet
>he has goldman sachs in is cabinet
>he has neocons in his cabinet
>he has NY kikes in his cabinet
>he has cuckservatives in his cabinet
>he has an israel dick sucking permavirgin as his secretary of defense
>he has put in quotas for womyn in the STEM fields to help reduce the white birthrates, while the womyn who drop out will then blame it on STEM patriarchy
>retards think this man is the solution
Trump is a controlled opposition cuck, and a warned you this back in Jun 2015
And even if he was ''based''. What the fucks he going to do to stop the legal Mexicans out breeding your come 2040?
This But the key is making sure you put a laminated note on your shirt so everyone knows why you did it. All my friends are doing it. Join the resistance!
I hear fucking children is all the rage with the Resist Trump movement.
What went wrong?
where have all the hill shills gone, i used to get max keks out of you retards
This. #JumpOffBridgesNotWalls. Bonus, it'll create jobs for street cleaners, making America realize just how vital illegals are to our economy.
First step is to simply vote Democrat in 2018. Trump is pretty much neutralized without a Republican Congress. There's also organized efforts to flip red districts for the 2018 mid terms, help out!
No. Only Muslims believe in martyrdom.
She got dick
Shut your hole and stop following political news.
Supporting his presidency.
If Trump beat his enemies, you win
Bend the knee. Start being a responsible citizen. Take the red pill. Grow up.
Screeching autistically
I am a responsible citizen. I pay more taxes than probably 95% of the people on this board. I don't commit any crimes. My hatred for the Trump regime stems from my love of freedom.
I have intentionally prolapsed my anus and am currently trying to get infected with HIV to show solidarity with the gay community
Haha. Drumpf. What an orange moron.
>Forcing employers to offer insurance/benefits to part time workers who put in more than 20hrs a week
>Part time job boom
Are you delusional?
Which freedom in particular?
Freedom to own a gun? Freedom to make politically unpopular speech? Freedom to take other people's money?
What freedom does trump threaten?
Who dat slut
I support the free movement of goods and people.
Also it is obvious that Trumps attempts to intimidate journalists are part of an going effort to limit the freedom of the press.
suck as much conservative and trump supporting dick as you can. if you drain their balls on a regular basis then they wont have the mojo to continue taking over the country.
>flip red districts for the 2018
You could join what's left of ISIS, for example. That way you'd fight Trump and Russia at the same time.
going back to Africa
I think the last time any of my ancestors lived in Africa was probably over 250,000 years ago.
I've heard jumping off tall building is very efficient.
Moving here
Won't happen.
This past year and a half should expose to everyone exactly what it is that's important to them. The dems have no interest in actually helping the American people. Their sole priority is gaining and maintaining power. Any beneficial policy they put into place is done simply to keep the people voting for them. They do the bare minimum that's necessary to keep that power. If the opposing party has a policy that might help the people, they try to destroy it all in the sake of not letting anyone else look good and potentially take their power away.
They are addicted to power.
With Trump we have an outsider that genuinely wants to help the American people, just for the sake of doing what's right. What's their response? Attacking him day in and day out. Fucking ridiculous. The dems will never get another vote from me, even if their candidate proved to be Jesus Christ.
killing yourself always works
gee shills are out in force today
>Trump's freedom of speech infringes on the press's freedom of speech.
Lol no it doesn't.
>I support the free movement of goods and people.
So you would let people live in your house, and bring whatever they want?
I'll take the bait.
Its 30 hours you dolt.
Many companies set a limit of 28 hours on employees so they dont have to offer insurance.
Jerking off to Japanese cartoon characters
This, honestly... There is literally nothing that works better than mispronouncing someone's name.
Free bleeding
That'll show 'em.
Trump wouldn't be able to start a regime, because the United States has heterogenous institutions that wouldn't allow for any president to become full fuhrer. These measures were partly influenced by seeing the rise of the third reich. After 1945 the policies of America tried to create a welfare state model, so that it offered citizens better equality than communism and so Stalin's ideological power wouldn't rise. Now that there's no big commie back neighbour to worry about, only good market nextdoor neighbours that follow the same global system, welfare states have to be cut to fund competition, "competition" meaning better abilities for the already rich to compete while the poor aren't capable because their money doesn't allow them to be competetive at all.
>hurr durr someone crossing some imaginary line in the desert is the same as someone breaking in my house
I support capitalism and believe in the rights to life, liberty and property. Limiting free trade and free migration is a restriction on capitalism and hurts economic output.
>What the fuck! I hate steps in right direction
>I guess I will just go get a kebab and watch the sharia watch beat people over chewing Haram gum.
>What are some effective strategies for resisting against the Trump regime?
Reading books and getting an education.
>>hurr durr someone crossing some imaginary line in the desert is the same as someone breaking in my house
Stopping people from moving into your house is limiting freedom of movement.... Obviously.
Your houses economic output would increase a lot if you let anybody live there.
The land mass of the united states is owned by the people of the US.
>getting an education.
But I have a degree from a school that ranked every year as one of the supposedly top 5 in the US (actually world). Are you saying I should go back for a PhD? I thought you Trump supporters hated academia.
My personal favorite form of resistance is the kill them with kindness approach. In its most purest of form, the resistor places his knees on the floor and then brings his check to the floor. This should be performed naked for maximum results. The back is arched such that the rear end is prominently displayed and the last part is to utter the words, "take me daddy trump, punish me with your throbbing conservative meat rod".
This will absolutely BTFO these fascist nazi scum. You heard it here first. Now, go get 'em tiger!
>Your houses economic output would increase a lot if you let anybody live there.
Suicide is great, you should try it.
I'm not a Trump supporter. I said the way to resist Trump is to get an education, it's painfully clear that Trump polls extremely well with rural and suburban retards.
20% of 0 is still 0 faggot.
Joining the French Foreign Legion.
Google brian oodesta arrested for cp
We have a shareblue i sder but breaking news is
The Obama administration funneled billions of dollars to activist organizations through a Department of Justice slush fund scheme, according to congressional investigators.
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Sure it would. If you had 10 mexicans living there with you, you'd have an extra $2000/week coming in to the house.
Wow you'd be doing great then. Don't you want your houses GDP to go up?
What's the symbolism behind the red shoes? I keep seeing them more and more in related pictures.
Nice analogy there of a country being like a house.
breaking from your mental conditioning? He's a good man.
Do what that monk did and set yourself on fire. That seems to work.
Shall not be infringed
Try clenching your butt muscles.
Nothing. You can tell them anything, that Trump pissed on a hooker, that he gets Vladimir Putin to shove a jizzum lubricated finger up his ass while he goes wild on his chest, absolutely anything you like, that he scammed a wheelchair man out of a fair college education, and then they'll like him even more, because no matter what you say, it can't compare with how much they hate leftists, so Trump is effectively like a citizen Kane who can't get defeated, he even says the same line of rhetoric as Orson Welles' character top to toe, "I CAN'T TELL YOU WHAT MY PRESIDENTIAL PLANS ARE YET, AS I AM ALREADY TOO BUSY TRYING TO KEEP THEM.
I will tell you however, that my first act as nominee of this state, will be THE INDICTMENT AND PROSECUTION OF BOSS JIM W GIDDIES" (crowd roars) and then the campaign to have him locked up in the movie is just like the campaign to have hillary locked up in real life. Donald Trump said citizen kane is his favourite movie.
I know a guy who was a police officer and he went around quoting a line by al pacino seriously to criminals, until one day a criminal called him out on it and was like "hey you stole that line out of Heat". In citizen Kane the sexual scandal of him sleeping with another women caused Kane to fail, but in the original script the scene that takes place where Kane then buys the entire media elite establishment to work for him in rising to power, then dances to a hall of prostitutes in a whorehouse, but it was written out of the script to take place in a whorehouse, which would have suited the zeitgeist better
Light yourself on fire. It's the only way top escape your student loan debt- I mean, be taken seriously...
Are you seriously suggesting that you would not still hit it?
I've heard that killing yourself is the best strategy. Resistance is futile, but martyrdom is forever.
she got addicted to sucking dicks
you tell me
da cock strikes again.
>There aren't literal online job postings for paid protesters, therefore the entire idea of paid protesters is just silly as you can see :)
self mutilation
pissing and shitting your self constantly.
kill your self, that will show him
Voluntary deportation
be as stupid as possible.
Drink bleach.... lots of it.
Wear a pussy hat, go grab some Starbucks and destroy property
Definitely the most effective mean. Fuck DRUMPF!
Supporting it ironically
dat pussy mound
This is a good derail. Here, have a pepe.
Yeah, he should have hired junior college economy and philosophy professors if he really wanted to drain the swamp. How are you all this delusional?
>>effective strategies for resisting against the Trump
Self-delusion seems to be the go-to method...
I'd suggest starting with pic related
Delete these memes. They're over.
Shit in front of the White House then smear your feces all over your face while screaming at the top of your lungs, "Not my president!"
fucking shit. Anons, ignore this crap.