Ben Shapiro

Can I get a quickness rundown on this guy and what's Sup Forums's opinion of him?

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Kike. Hilariously destroys SJWs and news anchors. Still needs to be gassed.

He's a great debater who talks so fast the left don't know what hit them. Also intellectually honest and consistent in his views. Calls out everyone on their hypocrisy.

He's smart but always looks like a 12 year old in his dad's suit.

Used to be good but he turned unhinged since he quit Breitbart after pushing that false assault story.
He betrayed his values when he did that.
He's like sour milk for me now.

he loves making money, his wife and kids, and being a conservative.

He is also super camp, so i expect him to snap with homosexual homicidal rage one day.

He has a daily podcast you can listen to on soundcloud, he hates Trump but covers him fairly, which I don't think almost anyone else does, the media either loves Trump or hates him, Shapiro is slightly negatively biased (because he thinks Trump isn't conservative, he's right Trump is a populist nationalist) but he is accurate.

He is pretty based. Sup Forums loved him before the Trump era, but since he supported Cruz Sup Forums hates him now.

harvard law is the jewish epicentre of the globe
do not trust

remember a lot of us backed cruz also, we just got silenced by the shill threads and the people who wanted to jump on a bandwagon straight away. Cruz staying in the race as long as he did was positive because it prepared Trump for the Hillary shitshow, they had run out of negative things to say about him by then.

great debater, I don't agree on his Israel stances but he is a jew so he defend his point of view really professionally

>Orthodox jew
>Married to a Moroccan jew
>Great on arguments
>Sucks at advertising (which is seriously surprising)
>Quite rational on many things (not 100% of the time though)
>Didn't like Trump because of his behavior
>Kinda likes Trump now. Kinda...

Yet another "conservative" who is conservative because Republicans will die for Israel. If tomorrow Republicans moderated their stance on Israel he'd leave the partym

He's become a disappointment tb h. He's one of the best at BTFOing lefties but he really lets personal biases really get the better of him. His knee-jerk reaction to EVERY news story is to blame Trump, no exceptions.

He also really seems to hate based Tucker for some reason and tells people not to watch his show.

I like his advertising

He's principled and consistent, but this is also why I can't stand him.

There's nothing worse than libertarians holding the high moral ground when only a practical solution is key.

All they're good for is holding the anchor tight.

He has a good podcast, but Klavan is superior.

He doesn't want to end the fed

No, it's because he pushed fake stories and went completely unhinged.
Just look at this he turned into a SJW who gets triggered at tweets. The reason why Sup Forums people troll him is because he gives them attention.

He's anti-SJW and """conservative""" so retards on this board think he's /ourguy/

BUT he's still a Jew, and one who actually believes in and practices his Satannic religion. He will always be one of (((them))), and therefore never /ourguy/.

if he runs for president I will vote for him


If it weren't for the Israel shilling, he'd be perfect. But I can't really blame a Jew for supporting Israel.

Jew. Youtube pushes his shitty videos on you like soda manufacturer. Lying, scheming piece of shit.

Intellectually honest until Israel comes into the picture, literally goes full kike and throws it all of the window when it happens.

Cuck manlet Israel Firster who lied about Michelle Fields

Not /ourguy/

Filthy kike and thus the enemy.

Hes great