What ya think if we return the persian empire and fuck those mudfuckers in the ass.
What if Trump invades Iran and makes Frank Vincent the Shah
I wish iran was still white
What if there will be a revolution again and they overthrow the current goverment and that shitty religion and make persia exist again?
I can do the repopulation since I'm 97% Aryan-Iranian
Yes my croatian fellow you can the repopulation
Persia is rightful polish clay
Here's one loyal persian guuurl
It is beyond tragic that Iran has been number 1. target for the various Western powers over the years, while we support Arab monarchies.
Iranians are heirs to some of the most magnicifent empires in history. Shia Islam is superior to Sunni in every way. Greater Iran is the only cure for Middle East.
yes, thanks god there are still non ignorant people left in /pol
kill yourslef
Iran is the best ally in fighting Sunnis (=the guys actually responsible for terrorism).
Yep, can you name a terrorist who comes from Persian lands?
I don't think so
shiites arent that good still
women are opressed and the teachings of muhammed are pretty fucking barbaric
Yes and that's why the Persian empire must return, Persians are not like those arabs who treat their women like dog, Persians are wise and they respect tradition and heritage, I don't know what are we having right now going on in middle east
but how
the country is like >98% mudslime
how can zooarism make a comeback?
>replying to bait
fuck religons. the new persian empire will outlaw religeous fanatics
no, relegion is needed to keep moral guidelines
dont tell me youre some kind of gommunist
naa man the ideology of Persian empire will be National Socialism.
Only if they adopt esoteric Kekism
You must eliminate Islam first and let the Persians worship their true pagan gods.
Yes we will abandon that shitty religion that brings us shit and nothing more, Religion is going to be outlawed in National Socialist Persia.
Yeah, as long as joe pesci does not kill him.
Only if they become Zoroastrian or Nestorians
Nigga, pls
Iran was never pure white, what the fuck are you reading? The guy on the bottom right is an american intelligence officer.
No, Persian are shitskins too.
Don't fall for the Indo-European meme guys
Afghans, Pakis, Gypsies, Kurds are all Indo-Aryan and they're just as bad as Arabs if not worse
Persians are true aryans.
Those are not true Aryan, A true aryan would never rape.
reminder that iran is only 60% persian according to iran government's official figures.
That 60 percent must be saved