Can your leader do this?
Can your leader do this?
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thought so.
>Can your leader do this?
Fuck up the prosperity of millions of present and future leafs?
Do you know a single thing about our country or are you just spouting Sup Forums memes you fucktard.
Trudeau is the most embarrassing Canadian leader ever.
But can he do this?
Trudeau seems like the attention seeking whore who would do this in the middle of a meeting without any reason except to garner attention.
Yeah when people talk about Durante they don't realize how fucked his country is.
Third world problems need a third world solution
Try harper
too bad he's such a faggot
The biggest drug dealer in your country is his best bud. The guy is another thug and you failed to see that.
Real leaders make others do the stupid shit
Ignore this autist. Alot of leaves should know that we are inferior to the US. We are going full Sweden in less than 2 years. Cant wait to fucking move to land of the free.
Can your leader hold a gun?
Can your leader kill over 600 million jews? Thought so
Maybe idek
Can your leader do this?
Go home chang.
Our leader actually held a job and has a work history.
What do you think?
But this is our leader
Van der Bellen can last 40 minutes without a single cigarette. Does that count?
no but he can run a country so i guess to each his own eh?
>Overloaded with middle eastern and asian immigrants
>Tim Hortons is just dunkin donuts with a palette swap
>poutine is just french fries covered in gravy and cheese curds
>hockey is the national sport and they all play on teams in the US
No. It's called 1000 years Reich for a reason. The BRD is just a scam by the jews
This, he's the savior the Filipinos needed and deserved.
Press PH to pay respect
No, but does yours stop the boats?
Unlike the Canadian PM, our leader has no reason to assume the submissive pose from the wheelbarrow sex position.
60% white.
Bud, I wish we had Dunkin' Donunts, Tim Hortons fucking sucks yet our entire feeble sense of nationalism.
I will seriously give the first soldier I see in the liberation of Alberta some of my famous pulled pork
>tfw live in a border city on the St.Clair river
I got a real and genuine fear of seeing """""refuges""""" surging across the river in ramshackle rafts once the weather starts warming up. Like it really REALLY could happen. I can see the US from the boardwalk of my city, I can absolutely see these retards tipping their scrapped together boats so they're forced to be rescued.
Best chance I have is swimming to Michigan and making a life in the woods I guess. I don't think we'll ever be able to get liberals out after Treduea secures the votes of so many desperate fleeing refugees being granted citizenship.
my leader is trying to balance the budget instead, that nigger is out of cash.
holy shit he's just like a kid!
so awesome!
Be nice, he has the mind of a child
he actively practiced that move many many times
just picture that
Did your leader survive the 2004 tsunami by hangin on utility pole?
Can your leader do this?
He's like the sage northcutt of politicians.
Tim Horton's rock. Shut up, traitor.
>Tim Horton's rock. Shut up, traitor.
Hahah you fucking pleb, that shit is garbage and owned by Burger King you dumb fuck
That isn't even difficult, what the fuck. Anyone can fucking do that. I could do that right now. Ok I just actually got up and did that on my desk. It is very simple. Holy shit you'd have to be fat and weak as fuck to not be able to do that.
Now delete this worthless non-political thread.
>first time going to canada
>cross at detroit and enter windsor
>oh boy it's tim horton's i heard about this
>oh hey, a chicken salad sandwich for $3.50
tasted like shit. coffee was fine.
Can your leader do dis?
Tim Hortons has been shit for years you delusional bandwagin hipster.
In fact I'm pretty sure McDonalds actually bought Tim Hortons coffee recipie and improved on it while Timmys went to literal dishwater. I haven't got coffee there in a long time. They coast on WE'RE SO CANADIAN MAPLE LEAFS EH BUY OUR HIT YOU TRAITOR retards like you to keep their business afloat.
Planche is pretty impressive if real
Nothing wrong with supporting your own. So grow up.