>anyone who disagrees with me or muh e-celeb like Sargon of Mossad, Cuckold Spencer, or BBConhead is either a shill, CTR, Jewish, liberal, or a cuck
When did you realize that Sup Forums on Sup Forums has turned into a faggotty safe space now being called neo-Sup Forums?
Reminder that old Sup Forums is on Usenet because of these influx of neo-Sup Forumsers when Trump raped Hillary
Anyone who disagrees with me or muh e-celeb like Sargon of Mossad, Cuckold Spencer, or BBConhead is either a shill, CTR...
Other urls found in this thread:
How much do they pay you per post?
Sup Forums was always leftwing. oldfags are just finally fed up and speaking up. there is no such thing as shareblue
google 'hal turner Sup Forums'
>"w-we dont have a safe space! YOU have a safe space!"
ffs shareblue get new material
>No true scotsman
Fuck off, stop talking about Sup Forums like it''s on person.
Did Jesus jack himself off during a livestream?
Sup Forums was never leftwing.
Fuck off shill.
>Neo-Sup Forums mad I pointed out a flaw in how Sup Forums works now
I bet these underage retards do not know what a Usenet is or a BBS system
keep bumping your own thread epic oldfag, nobody really cares.
>Implying being a shill, ctr, kike, libertard and a cuck are all mutually exclusive
Go be a moron somewhere else
Did you need promission from your bull to post this triggering post?
Oldfags are now le redditors, most from 2003-2007 are balding 30 year olds who are either Bernietards or Faggots that didn't vote for Trump because he size mean things that reminded him of his hateful oldfag days
What's wrong with Spencer? nobody disagrees with him, they just call him a shill an a faggot for no reason. Spencer has the same views as majority of Sup Forums.
Enjoy being cancer underage faggot, you're mommies little special social justice cucktivist
>He says while being a tripnigger
>Enjoy being cancer underage faggot, you're mommies little special social justice cucktivist
Why are you so mad, Jamal?
This is a problem that Sup Forums needs safe-guarding against. We need to start building up a list of approved, fair/balanced dissenters, otherwise we'll just keep reinforcing our own bad ideas. I think anybody who's against SJWs is a pretty good metric to work against.
thesus' ship my nigger
ah yes Richard "I was made up after the election" Spencer definitely comparable to sargon
hang yourself OP
>anyone can comment
>people shit on each other all the time
Totally a safe space, bro.
>dating a whore
Fucker has ties to Dugin and his neo-bolshevik crap, neo-Sup Forums likes to ignore details like this just like libtards with Hillary and kike Schumer's skeletons
>Can't come up with any good insult
Neo-Sup Forums everyone
Is this what one looks like when they have 'lost the weight'?
Please teach me your cool oldfag ways, sir. This truly is the safest of spaces.
Also just to makes ure, everyone here is sageing their posts right?
>don't call me a shill
>callls someone else a shill
He doesn't share Dugin's views, he is just attracted to fat Neanderthal that does.
>We need to start building up a list of approved, fair/balanced dissenters
Do you think neo-Sup Forums wants to hear any opinions that aren't approved by whatever the vocal majority here neo-Sup Forums shit out?
Yet notice anytime you say an unpopular non neo-Sup Forums approved opinion, you're a KIKE SHILL LALAALALALALALALALA
Shill has turned into what Tumblr tags call shitlord now
your posting just comes off as desperate most of the time. Try a lower word count, and avoid using terms like "neo-Sup Forums". If usenet is so great maybe you should go use that instead
I bet these idiot s don't know how to actually sage a thread
When has Spencer ever talked shit about Dugin or his neo-Bolshevikism?
None, just like Alex Jones, Milo, or David Duke
>make a board called politically incorrect
>old fags from Sup Forums shocked it attracted people who are politically incorrect
Imagine my shock
Why would he even talk about him? Spencer lives in American, not Russia.
Maybe your stupid chink asshole can learn that sage isn't a downboat, this isn't reddit, at least learn this from your elders neo-Sup Forums
>He fell for the """alt-right""" meme
How can people in South America support Karl Marx?
Karl lived in the east his whole life
ITT oldfag (self proclaimed) whining about how the young uns have ruined everything that was great 'when i were a lad'
t. old cunt
Ever notice when newfags get found out they use this "argument" as a defense?
Ever notice how "old fags" are constantly "membering" the old days, but never do anything interesting or original ever.
fucker i remember life before the internet. dont try this pathetic hurr durr newfag shit with me. doesnt wash. you're just being a boring old fart in multiple threads
I bet Phil let's other guys fuck her in exchange for gifts and money
>WOW DUDE, Tyrone and Cletus are double teaming her hahahaha *snorts*
Dugin is an irrelevant faggot, who only gets mentioned here. either way he can partly agree with Dugin's views, doesn't mean that he agree with him when it comes to race.
Not even worth a (you)
Except you think the internet started in 1992, pro-tip: it didn't
born in 74 fuckhead
Until he says that Dugin is a kike, he's just some controlled opposition
How about Jared Taylor?
>Baby nuts doesn't know Usenet started in 79
Maybe your dumbass can use Google once in a fucking while, better yet, I'll do it for your mentally retarded ass
Remember to copy-paste
Just as controlled
About a year ago, maybe a little more. It's always been a Alex Jones level shithole, but it has evolved into an even greater shithole. People don't even post original content anymore, they just roll around in their autistic memeing calling fucks shills and other meaningless words when they feel encroached upon
Either way I trust him more than some anonymous hypocrite to not be shill.
>concern trolling about board culture
>asumes x because....
you're a dickhead mate
being old doesn't make you special.
why not just be a hero and lecture us about arpanet and cut to the quick?
you're behaving like a fuckwit, have been called out for it, and still carry on like a fool.
why does this sound familiar?